Met a religous xalimo on instagram

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I was on my insta and i see this xalimo liking my pics she had like 40 followers and all her posts had some islamic quote attached to it i hollered at her in the dms suprisingly she replied numberka ka soo gortay and had a lil screening chat with her on skype she was talking like a real religous xalimo marriage iyo balayo. I just kawaaled the ting and acted like im a sheikh myself whos looking for a wife the girl was 20 yrs old she was peng but she doesnt seem like one who will open her legs easily. Cala kulli xaal she will be smashed and passed im srry not srry.


Death Awaits You
I know your IG



Ashy Abdi Representative
I'm hoping for the girl she won't open her legs just for her reputation:farmajoyaab:
She probably doenst even know she's being played miskeenta


Most likely she’s already arranged and you’re her steam. If that’s really your IG, I could tell you’re not a religious Somali just by looking at it.
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