Men who only seek virgin wives have small penises

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
How will you know if the vaginal virgin that you will Insha'Allah marry has never taken it up the arse or swallowed?

It is not necessarily embarrassing. We are created differently. Woman who are experienced, in or out of marriage, understand that men can be like a dog on heat when they have not had sex for an extended period of time. Thus, they don't always expect post-coital intimacy.
I plan to go to the countryside far far away from civilisation a girl that’s a sheep herder is ideal even better if she has never seen a car in her life.
There are plenty of Somali girls that are virgins in Qurbaha despite the stereotype that Somali girls in the West are more promiscuous than the ones back home. Some might not be completely chaste, but there are good religious families that have taught their daughters to be wary of the opposite sex. Meeting them depends on who you know as they get married through introductions or arranged marraiages. I would even argue that most of the moderately religious Geeky Somali girls are virgins, especially if they are not stunners. A strikingly beautiful woman, whatever her background, is more likely to not be a virgin than your average girl next door because she is a targeted woman.

That being said, if one is not a virgin himself, why avoid marrying a girl you are compatible with because she fell in love in her teens or early twenties and naively slept with her boyfriend whilst under the assumption that he was the one. There are plenty of girls like that, and many do not go on to have casual sex. Is she a ? No.

I think what you described is the dilemma for some of the Farax's who claim that virginity is important to them.
It seems as though they want someone who has the outward presentation, social skills and visibility of the second woman you described all the while possessing the modesty and traditional values of the "moderately religious geeky Somali girl". It's easier to claim that no virgins exist then to admit that maybe you aren't interested in the women who most likely are virgins and/or the mundanity of the arranged marriage system/introductions that you will have to meet them through.


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
You never answered my question from the other thread ? Usually it's not about the size but knowing that it doesn't have a mileage. Which I can understand perfectly I wouldn't want to be with a manwhore.
What if he clicks all the boxes but isn't a virgin? is he a no go ?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
There are plenty of Somali girls that are virgins in Qurbaha despite the stereotype that Somali girls in the West are more promiscuous than the ones back home. Some might not be completely chaste, but there are good religious families that have taught their daughters to be wary of the opposite sex. Meeting them depends on who you know as they get married through introductions or arranged marraiages. I would even argue that most of the moderately religious Geeky Somali girls are virgins, especially if they are not stunners. A strikingly beautiful woman, whatever her background, is more likely to not be a virgin than your average girl next door because she is a targeted woman.

That being said, if one is not a virgin himself, why avoid marrying a girl you are compatible with because she fell in love in her teens or early twenties and naively slept with her boyfriend whilst under the assumption that he was the one. There are plenty of girls like that, and many do not go on to have casual sex. Is she a ? No.

Are you telling me a good-looking, intelligent zero-mileage female is a unicorn? :browtf: Perhaps, it's time I left hooyo's basement to go hunting. I just realized I'm over 30. *Goes back to her lair.* :meleshame:Age discrimination sucks. It's not enough to look young or be unravaged. People want to know what year you graduated from high school.
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That hangup is common among men from a religiously conservative background. However, the urge to leave or be alone after having sex with a woman is commonly experienced by even non-religious men. This is especially true when men have sex with woman that they do not have any interest in beyond sex. She is a means to an end. When semen accumulates in the loins, we can be emotionally ruthless in pursuit of sex. Nature made us that way.

A Casanova before coitus transforms into an insensitive non-hugging 'jerk' post-coitus.:pachah1:
100% true.

Even if the guy is interested beyond sex, its still an 'off' time for them to some extent or another. Its just more distinctly apparent in men who come from conservative religious backgrounds, bc they're grappling with shame and other hangups on top of it all.

Ironically, the post-coital period is also the best time to get a guy to agree to something he wouldn't normally agree to :icon lol:
I think what you described is the dilemma for some of the Farax's who claim that virginity is important to them.
It seems as though they want someone who has the outward presentation, social skills and visibility of the second woman you described all the while possessing the modesty and traditional values of the "moderately religious geeky Somali girl". It's easier to claim that no virgins exist then to admit that maybe you aren't interested in the women who most likely are virgins and/or the mundanity of the arranged marriage system/introductions that you will have to meet them through.

Except the ultra-religious who refuse to mix with the opposite sex, the second woman I was describing can be from any social group. Generally speaking, when some teenage girls and young women fall madly in 'love' for the first time, they give it their all. As a result, their defences are down or they are often pressured into sex if the boy or man that they are dating possesses no conscience. Sometimes sex occurs organically as their desires are heightened when they form an emotional attachment; touching first base regularly can eventually lead to a home run.

I think guys that say no virgins exist are probably speaking from their own subjective encounters with the opposite sex. For instance, they might incorrectly conclude that the fun time girls they hit on are the norm. Or maybe they have been guilty of leading astray a 'Good' girl or two, and generalise as a result.
Are you telling me a good-looking, intelligent zero-mileage female is a unicorn? :browtf: Perhaps, it's time I left hooyo's basement to go hunting. I just realized I'm over 30. *Goes back to her lair.* :meleshame:Age discrimination sucks. It's not enough to look young or be unravaged. People want to know what year you graduated from high school.

No. However, being a beautiful woman is a blessing and a curse. She attracts womanisers like flies on shit.

As for the rest of your post, Masaajidka Ciyaarta Ka Daa! It ain't like you do not have any suitors. However, you cannot help but focus on the imperfections that you see. Stop being too analytical, and judgemental. Ignorance can be Bliss!
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100% true.

Even if the guy is interested beyond sex, its still an 'off' time for them to some extent or another. Its just more distinctly apparent in men who come from conservative religious backgrounds, bc they're grappling with shame and other hangups on top of it all.

Ironically, the post-coital period is also the best time to get a guy to agree to something he wouldn't normally agree to :icon lol:

A Somali acquaintance of mine once remarked that he felt like getting violent with women after sex as he felt disgusted with himself. As if women were to blame for his biological urge for sex.:icon lol:

Sometimes, the cold treatment that Somali men mete out to Somali women after a one night stand is driven by the cultural perception that she is a ''. Come to think of it, this can apply to men from other ethnic backgrounds too. To an extent, it is a guy thing.
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Are you telling me a good-looking, intelligent zero-mileage female is a unicorn? :browtf: Perhaps, it's time I left hooyo's basement to go hunting. I just realized I'm over 30. *Goes back to her lair.* :meleshame:Age discrimination sucks. It's not enough to look young or be unravaged. People want to know what year you graduated from high school.

I think I read on here before that you wish to only marry a man from the same tribe/sub tribe as you? Personally, I think you would be more successful if you were more open minded abayo. Personally, despite being from a family rife with tribalism I’d be open to marrying a Somali man from any tribe and/or region. I’d prefer one whose family is not filled with cuqdad and good terms with my tribe. Allah SWT will not ask you your tribe on the day of judgment.

You should also be open to marrying a younger man. My friend with a PHD married at 33, her now husband was 29 at the time.

If you’re serious and in the GTA start with the ISNA matrionial mixer.

While I’ve heard it skews heavily South Asian. There are Somali men present at said event I’ve heard. You can’t do anything about your age but it helps if you’re very good looking cause the pretty girls get the most attention at such events. Men form ques to talk to you. Cultivate your look ie work on your makeup and personal style.

You can try PureMatrimony and Half our Deen (both paid sites). You can also try the masjid sign up route depending on your religiosity.

Getting married is a part-time job. I’ve been trying to get married off and on since I was 23. Four and half years. And I’ve tried any and all avenue open to me.

You need to take it serious if you have not. Cause these girls out here are. My friend just got married at 31 after a exhaustive 6 year pursuit of this goal.

I would email you this privately but I don’t think I can pm until 500 posts.
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