Men who only seek virgin wives have small penises

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The ones who seek virgins are 95% of the time the most sexually active (they only have sex with the same girl once and flee).
What makes you so sure? My ex had never even kissed a girl before he met me. I know because our first kiss was awkward af.
Abdi you shock me. Subhaanallah. I bet you pray when you're around your parents. Then the day you hook up with a guy. I hope my son never finds this site and get influenced by you.

I live alone.

Im the last guy to worry about being a negative influence on your son. I'd be a good role model.
Abdi you shock me. Subhaanallah. I bet you pray when you're around your parents. Then the day you hook up with a guy. I hope my son never finds this site and get influenced by you.

Abaayo homosexuality is wired in the brain if your son gets influenced he had a little gay in him :) @AbdiJew can teach him how to spit game.
How do you know they were virgins? You only met them a few months before they married your siblings.
Because waa la soo furi lahaa if they weren't. We all married through family (Not related though but related through relatives) and we know what they were like as teens.
Literally married to people related to us through marriage or distant relatives and it was all arranged. It happens a lot.

Oh London hmm interesting? I hear nothing but ciyaal suuqnimo from there Also one thing I've realized is arrange marriage isn't a bad thing if your parents have good taste :oops:
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