Maxaas update


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
When did Wardhigley become Murusade majority? @Stepaside I'm out of the loop.
HG we live exclusively in Bur indi, geel gacel and Barhada at least we used. Lol
Xamar Jadid is like the newer part (post 1980s).
Xarayale to the villa is all Murusade, other side to Boondhere is Wacaysle. Generally wadada siinay is what seperates Sacad dominated (with Abgaal and Murusade presence) north and Murusade dominated south towards the villa


Murusade Dagaal Galay waa Waraabe Xoolo Galay 💪 we freed all your Cayr tuulos in the first operations. You are so desperate you are now claiming Warxoolo a tuulo west of Wabxo that Abakar (who dont even live in Wabxo let alone its western perimiter) and Cayr were fighting in that AS settled. And knowing AS they dont give you freebies in those areas. Wax aad haysataa maleh. I can claim Waradhuumale an Cayr tuulo on the Hiiraan border as an Abakar while all your graveyards are lying on the road to Guriceel.



Xarayale to the villa is all Murusade, other side to Boondhere is Wacaysle. Generally wadada siinay is what seperates Sacad dominated (with Abgaal and Murusade presence) north and Murusade dominated south towards the villa
This explains why I only see waceysla and Murusade and a few Celi Cumar in Wardheegley 🤣


Cayr aa hadlaa. Hadaba waxa soo dhisay nin Abgaal Cismaan. Labo sano ka hor mar guriceel cidamo lugu shubay la laayee wilashooda (cayr aa ka dambeeya u ku leeyahay lol) iyo mar guri loogu galo oo meydka wiilashooda bada lugu tuuro lol Gudoomiye Dhagajuun of Hodan si bareer ah aa loo toogtay, kii dilay waxa lugu xukumay 3sano lol Galaal nabar iyo naxdin aa dilay iyo sadaq jon taas waa cadahay. gabartiisa aa hala aoo weydiiyo

Colonel Geylac soow ma aheen ninki soo istaagay Sayidka? 'Adis aan ku soo dukaha' sow ma aheen kii ka cararay Dajirka Dahsoon asoo afkiis ka yire Muqdisho aan qabsaday looooool

Hodan iyo wardhiigleey ma habartooda aa iskaleh somaliyoo dhan aa degto

@The Midlands haba isku hadlin 1jufo hoosaad aa xamar kugu kufsato maalin alle keeno
Cayr aa hadlaa. Hadaba waxa soo dhisay nin Abgaal Cismaan. Labo sano ka hor mar guriceel cidamo lugu shubay la laayee wilashooda (cayr aa ka dambeeya u ku leeyahay lol) iyo mar guri loogu galo oo meydka wiilashooda bada lugu tuuro lol Gudoomiye Dhagajuun of Hodan si bareer ah aa loo toogtay, kii dilay waxa lugu xukumay 3sano lol Galaal nabar iyo naxdin aa dilay iyo sadaq jon taas waa cadahay. gabartiisa aa hala aoo weydiiyo

Colonel Geylac soow ma aheen ninki soo istaagay Sayidka? 'Adis aan ku soo dukaha' sow ma aheen kii ka cararay Dajirka Dahsoon asoo afkiis ka yire Muqdisho aan qabsaday looooool

Hodan iyo wardhiigleey ma habartooda aa iskaleh somaliyoo dhan aa degto

@The Midlands haba isku hadlin 1jufo hoosaad aa xamar kugu kufsato maalin alle keeno
This was how @The Midlands was living during the civil war. Kulaha they used to toehold Muuse Suudi :ftw9nwa: Maanta in Wadajir their dc’s gets killed 11 times in a row and we lock off their neighbourhoods and close them inside. Dauud manaxayaal waaye:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:

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No Murusade ever sued a mooryaan HG for peace. It took a UN agreement to cease fighting in the green line area between all factions where Tolka's stolen properties were located and returned as part of the agreement. When Abshir Bacadle recited poetry about your humiliation in Barmuudo it was Caydiid who came to Qanyare to sue for peace.


This was how @The Midlands was living during the civil war. Kulaha they used to toehold Muuse Suudi :ftw9nwa: Maanta in Wadajir their dc’s gets killed 11 times in a row and we lock off their neighbourhoods and barakade them inside. Dauud manaxayaal waaye:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:

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Laangaabs not comfortable where they have small numbers in 1 abgaal district so instead they rent General Garabeeys villa in Abdi Aziiz lol ma keligooda ee meel degikaraan? Murusade ma u tagikaraan? Habarta ma u tagikaraan? Dad qalbi wanaagsan aan nahay eboow.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
This was how @The Midlands was living during the civil war. Kulaha they used to toehold Muuse Suudi :ftw9nwa: Maanta in Wadajir their dc’s gets killed 11 times in a row and we lock off their neighbourhoods and close them inside. Dauud manaxayaal waaye:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:

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I saw a video of some Garmagale crying about “Gudomiye ku xigeenkeeni *insert dead xawaadle* daud baa naga dilay, mid kale aa ku badalnay isaguna hal isbuuc baa lagu dilay”💀💀

Wish I could find the video wallahi dude was naming all of them one by one. Daud and Warsangali know how to deal these people properly. Buraale/the other Agoonyar gotta take notes
Ceelbuurta ay ku faani jireen oo ka dagaan Duduble iyo Cayr waxaa ka wayn Halgan oo Xawaadle bas ah

Ilaahow labo xabo hanaga dhigin sida isxambaar war ileen Xamar waa meel ay laangaabta ku dhiuntaan IDPs campka Dayniile oo aa ka badan dayniiloo dhan xataa laamiga dhinac waa HG 🤣🤣
:dead: :dead1:
I saw a video of some Garmagale crying about “Gudomiye ku xigeenkeeni *insert dead xawaadle* daud baa naga dilay, mid kale aa ku badalnay isaguna hal isbuuc baa lagu dilay”💀💀

Wish I could find the video wallahi dude was naming all of them one by one. Daud and Warsangali know how to deal these people properly. Buraale/the other Agoonyar gotta take notes


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