Maxaas update

I moved here dont hijack my thread

There were three meeting between Hassa Sh and Hawadle they ended up in failure but in the last meeting he kinda recognzed Hiiraan State as the Maamul for Hiiraan while Hirshaele works only in Jowhar till the Hirshabelle elections that will bring back the royals of Jowhar

That he is gonna promote huge Hawadle army officers.

Still we are not gonna liberate his clan 🤣🤣

We scored political victory over Hirshabelle as jeyte will lead hiiraan 😎




So HSM dumped HG for xawadle lol I’m guessing he’s going to remove some HG ministers and replace them with xawadle… @The Midlands rob him off everything
HG positions are untouchable, maybe he removes some from other clans. There’s like 80 ministerial positions and only 6-7 I think are hg which is the most but why would he want to lose us even if we don’t really help with military op

Yusuf Abdi Ali Rashid

King of Prussia
I moved here dont hijack my thread

There were three meeting between Hassa Sh and Hawadle they ended up in failure but in the last meeting he kinda recognzed Hiiraan State as the Maamul for Hiiraan while Hirshaele works only in Jowhar till the Hirshabelle elections that will bring back the royals of Jowhar

That he is gonna promote huge Hawadle army officers.

Still we are not gonna liberate his clan 🤣🤣

We scored political victory over Hirshabelle as jeyte will lead hiiraan 😎

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why is he going to give you those positions if you’re not going to help him?
why is he going to give you those positions if you’re not going to help him?
We have the issue of Hirshabelle we told him to fix it now or recognize hiiraa State he said he will deal with Jeyte and wont force hirshabelle on us till the elections and the next president will come from you.

We are doing the same HG show we are not gona fight Al shabaab outside of our land.
We have the issue of Hirshabelle we told him to fix it now or recognize hiiraa State he said he will deal with Jeyte and wont force hirshabelle on us till the elections and the next president will come from you.

We are doing the same HG show we are not gona fight Al shabaab outside of our land.
Abgaal tiro badan tayo la’an


We have the issue of Hirshabelle we told him to fix it now or recognize hiiraa State he said he will deal with Jeyte and wont force hirshabelle on us till the elections and the next president will come from you.

We are doing the same HG show we are not gona fight Al shabaab outside of our land.
@Jungle refuses to accept this trip was political. All that happened is he improved his relationship with Xawaadle politically and promised next president.

I hear he’ll stay a day in aadan Yabaal and then flee to Dhusamareb again 😂 idk why he’s coming back to us. Like I said can he go back to Xamar. Qof u socdo bariga galgaduud ma jirto. dhuusamareeb meel dalxiis miyay noqotay
@Jungle refuses to accept this trip was political. All that happened is he improved his relationship with Xawaadle politically and promised next president.

I hear he’ll stay a day in aadan Yabaal and then flee to Dhusamareb again 😂 idk why he’s coming back to us. Like I said can he go back to Xamar. Qof u socdo bariga galgaduud ma jirto. dhuusamareeb meel dalxiis miyay noqotay
He left you and won’t come back. You just want the spotlight but it’s obvious that the president realised he made a big mistake going dhuusamareeb. You guys are not allowed to attack shabaab because the covenant you have with them. InshaAllah Abgaal will get together and March towards eastern galguduud while us Murusade clear the entire centre.


He left you and won’t come back. You just want the spotlight but it’s obvious that the president realised he made a big mistake going dhuusamareeb. You guys are not allowed to attack shabaab because the covenant you have with them. InshaAllah Abgaal will get together and March towards eastern galguduud while us Murusade clear the entire centre.
Isxambaar kid wax baa ka jira.
Xisaabta waa isbadashay

Xawaadle hadda xisaab ayuu bartay class xisaab ah ayuu iska qoray 😂

Calculating Oh No GIF by MOODMAN
Xawaadle waxay ku heshiiyeen inay hassan Shiikh lacagta ka cunaan hubna ka qaataan saraakiisha dalacsadaan si ka daran tii HG kadibna uga baxaan oo dagaal la aadin

Gaashaanle, xidigle safiirka jabuuti uu u saxiixay Jeyte
Isxambaar kid wax baa ka jira.
i coined this term Isxambaar for Murusade they remind me when i was in tahriib i have been to forth and back to many countries some times i was left in the same town in different location thinking its a new country 🤣🤣
The Murusade is like that From Maxaas to Ceeldheer to Dhuusamareeb to Maxaas again then back to Maxaas again and now they dont know their next destination 🤣🤣

Hassan Sh was busy all yesterday with only Jeyte group he only met assan macalin once for salaan and today they tred to take the limelight from us by adding their littleness to our meeting wth Hassan Sh kulahaa "Xawaadle iyo Murusade" 🤣🤣

He even didnt met dabageed and hirshabelle group until tonight yaa isxambaar waqti u haya?🤣🤣

Two days ago they were saying xildhibaaan jacfar oo iskukeenay jeyte iyo xassan sh in Maxaas 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Nin qaxooto aniga igu ah oo hadana edeb dara badan Xawaadle needs to deport these mothefuckers back to HG since the Abgaals ran from their own deegaans 🤣🤣
i coined this term Isxambaar for Murusade they remind me when i was in tahriib i have been to forth and back to many countries some times i was left in the same town in different location thinking its a new country 🤣🤣
The Murusade is like that From Maxaas to Ceeldheer to Dhuusamareeb to Maxaas again then back to Maxaas again and now they dont know their next destination 🤣🤣

Hassan Sh was busy all yesterday with only Jeyte group he only met assan macalin once for salaan and today they tred to take the limelight from us by adding their littleness to our meeting wth Hassan Sh kulahaa "Xawaadle iyo Murusade" 🤣🤣

He even didnt met dabageed and hirshabelle group until tonight yaa isxambaar waqti u haya?🤣🤣

Two days ago they were saying xildhibaaan jacfar oo iskukeenay jeyte iyo xassan sh in Maxaas 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Nin qaxooto aniga igu ah oo hadana edeb dara badan Xawaadle needs to deport these mothefuckers back to HG since the Abgaals ran from their own deegaans 🤣🤣

It was the Murusade Ugaas whose prayer for rain in that forsaken drought stricken tuulo (Maxaas) gave them Gods blessing and created the town for them. XL now love our Ugaas like Rastas love Haile Selassie 🤣

@convincation @Jungle @Themusketeer


i coined this term Isxambaar for Murusade they remind me when i was in tahriib i have been to forth and back to many countries some times i was left in the same town in different location thinking its a new country 🤣🤣
The Murusade is like that From Maxaas to Ceeldheer to Dhuusamareeb to Maxaas again then back to Maxaas again and now they dont know their next destination 🤣🤣

Hassan Sh was busy all yesterday with only Jeyte group he only met assan macalin once for salaan and today they tred to take the limelight from us by adding their littleness to our meeting wth Hassan Sh kulahaa "Xawaadle iyo Murusade" 🤣🤣

He even didnt met dabageed and hirshabelle group until tonight yaa isxambaar waqti u haya?🤣🤣

Two days ago they were saying xildhibaaan jacfar oo iskukeenay jeyte iyo xassan sh in Maxaas 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Nin qaxooto aniga igu ah oo hadana edeb dara badan Xawaadle needs to deport these mothefuckers back to HG since the Abgaals ran from their own deegaans 🤣🤣
legendary comment :mjlol:

