Maxaas update

Isxambaar laangaab from calool hiraab to calool Hawaadle the small slands deegaanless clan.
Maxaas is where my Ugaas prayed for rain. You are living off our Barakah. Beesha Rastafarians you keep looking up to us, perhaps ask us to pray for Hiiraan State and Burfiiq State, Tawfiiqda Alle baa dad waafajiya not HSM 🤣
Maxaas is where my Ugaas prayed for rain. You are living off our Barakah. Beesha Rastafarians you keep looking up to us, perhaps ask us to pray for Hiiraan State and Burfiiq State, Tawfiiqda Alle baa dad waafajiya not HSM 🤣
Brother, you talk a lot for someone who’s only 3 tuulos his clan lives in Somalia are under Shabaab. Naga Amuus.

Tiisa Daryeela tukale ku daraa Cajiib!


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
i coined this term Isxambaar for Murusade they remind me when i was in tahriib i have been to forth and back to many countries some times i was left in the same town in different location thinking its a new country 🤣🤣
The Murusade is like that From Maxaas to Ceeldheer to Dhuusamareeb to Maxaas again then back to Maxaas again and now they dont know their next destination 🤣🤣

Hassan Sh was busy all yesterday with only Jeyte group he only met assan macalin once for salaan and today they tred to take the limelight from us by adding their littleness to our meeting wth Hassan Sh kulahaa "Xawaadle iyo Murusade" 🤣🤣

He even didnt met dabageed and hirshabelle group until tonight yaa isxambaar waqti u haya?🤣🤣

Two days ago they were saying xildhibaaan jacfar oo iskukeenay jeyte iyo xassan sh in Maxaas 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Nin qaxooto aniga igu ah oo hadana edeb dara badan Xawaadle needs to deport these mothefuckers back to HG since the Abgaals ran from their own deegaans 🤣🤣
Xawaadle and Murusade fought once, and it resulted in Murusade killing off all the men of an entire one of your subclans and nicknaming them Agoon (I believe @Macawisley is from this sub). If the filthy rich Murusade are Isxambaar what would that make a Xawaadle garac who’s highest achievement in politics is loosing the presidency to a Mudulood man 60 years ago?
Brother, you talk a lot for someone who’s only 3 tuulos his clan lives in Somalia are under Shabaab. Naga Amuus.

Tiisa Daryeela tukale ku daraa Cajiib!
I l have more districts to my name just in Somalia alone. My parent clan can be found from the Awash valley to Shakisa. It’s 2024 and you still don’t know who fathered you 🤣


the top part is duduble btw. Duduble si isbaheysi noqotay laf ka mid Habargidir ayadii ayaana kaa weyn Murusade Audubilah, im tired 😂

War just respect ur bigger bros (not in age but strength) @Step a side we are gonna treat you well in Galmudug
Xawaadle and Murusade fought once, and it resulted in Murusade killing off all the men of an entire one of your subclans and nicknaming them Agoon (I believe @Macawisley is from this sub). If the filthy rich Murusade are Isxambaar what would that make a Xawaadle garac who’s highest achievement in politics is loosing the presidency to a Mudulood man 60 years ago?
Niyahow, Agoon dont border Murusade anywhere since we are in Ceelgaabta (Shabelle/Feerfeer Ethiopia) and Matabaan and in Beledweyne and the term Agoon is from the father of our subclan (Cabdalle Madaxweyne) passed away at a young age and we were raised by our Adeer “Cali”. that’s why Agoon is half brothers with the youngest Cali Madaxweyne subclan Xarun Cali because Agoon mother was duumal to oday Cali.

Nothing to do with these landless clan who are foot soldiers for Shabaab.
legendary comment :mjlol:
You were taunting pics of dusty Cayr men and women to capture Ceelbuur, then you said we will capture Duduble areas. Have you noticed nothing a HG says ever materialises. Your Cayr tribe are footsoldiers all over Somalia from the Fiqishini to the tuugo in Marka. Beesha Footsoldiers your highest political figure got 15 votes and you wonder why your political estimations never turn out the way you want it. From "we want to invade Ceelbuur" to "We wont leave Dhuusamareeb". Why do you need HSM if you are confident on your own? Your graves aee littered on the road to Guriceel, weligiin waa idin ka adkaan jirnay. Your next political prediction of an Cayr Leader in Galmudug will also fail, HSM has seen your Low IQ. Atleast the Sacad have worked well with the Mudug clans in fighting AS. You are a Cayr (means Gaajo) and your own author Abdulqadir Oromo called you the poorest clan in Somalia, leave this topic with your tail between your legs.
Xawaadle and Murusade fought once, and it resulted in Murusade killing off all the men of an entire one of your subclans and nicknaming them Agoon (I believe @Macawisley is from this sub). If the filthy rich Murusade are Isxambaar what would that make a Xawaadle garac who’s highest achievement in politics is loosing the presidency to a Mudulood man 60 years ago?

Ceelbuurta ay ku faani jireen oo ka dagaan Duduble iyo Cayr waxaa ka wayn Halgan oo Xawaadle bas ah

Ilaahow labo xabo hanaga dhigin sida isxambaar war ileen Xamar waa meel ay laangaabta ku dhiuntaan IDPs campka Dayniile oo aa ka badan dayniiloo dhan xataa laamiga dhinac waa HG 🤣🤣


You were taunting pics of dusty Cayr men and women to capture Ceelbuur, then you said we will capture Duduble areas. Have you noticed nothing a HG says ever materialises. Your Cayr tribe are footsoldiers all over Somalia from the Fiqishini to the tuugo in Marka. Beesha Footsoldiers your highest political figure got 15 votes and you wonder why your political estimations never turn out the way you want it. From "we want to invade Ceelbuur" to "We wont leave Dhuusamareeb". Why do you need HSM if you are confident on your own? Your graves aee littered on the road to Guriceel, weligiin waa idin ka adkaan jirnay. Your next political prediction of an Cayr Leader in Galmudug will also fail, HSM has seen your Low IQ. Atleast the Sacad have worked well with the Mudug clans in fighting AS. You are a Cayr (means Gaajo) and your own author Abdulqadir Oromo called you the poorest clan in Somalia, leave this topic with your tail between your legs.
War maanta miyaa Cayr gaajo? Hodan ma aragtid miyaa. sar saro cusub bay walaaheyga dhisayaan isbuucii

Ffs it’s beneath me or any of the other guys here to be arguing with you. Just take a nice nap in maxaas sxb, long flight to aadan Yabaal tomorrow following HSM and who knows I might house you in one of my hotels in Dhusamareb without charge but I might ask for a fee given my level of gaajoness


Ceelbuurta ay ku faani jireen oo ka dagaan Duduble iyo Cayr waxaa ka wayn Halgan oo Xawaadle bas ah

Ilaahow labo xabo hanaga dhigin sida isxambaar war ileen Xamar waa meel ay laangaabta ku dhiuntaan IDPs campka Dayniile oo aa ka badan dayniiloo dhan xataa laamiga dhinac waa HG 🤣🤣
Dayniile la guu sheegaayo Oodweyne = Salebaan, Hanta dheer = Cayr and Ceel wardheere = Sacad. Imagine 1m1v there and in howlwadaag. The two gudoomiya stripped off like that. They are better of cutting them hg parts out and begging for a smaller dayniile

I ain’t ready for the caalacal when they bring in that 1m1v
Dayniile la guu sheegaayo Oodweyne = Salebaan, Hanta dheer = Cayr and Ceel wardheere = Sacad. Imagine 1m1v there and in howlwadaag. The two gudoomiya stripped off like that. They are better of cutting them hg parts out and begging for a smaller dayniile

I ain’t ready for the caalacal when they bring in that 1m1v

Your a langaab in Xamar surrounded by Murusade on all flanks. This map was made by Abgaal brother on this forum. You talk highly of yourself but your people are refugees squatting in former governmental buildings and offices 🤣
View attachment 291758
That picture of Ceelbuur shocked me. No wonder when SNA walk into Murusade territory there’s no one there, Shabaab only need to convince the five ppl still living there to go to howd with them

I can see your triggered. 😂 You went all the way back to the 90s when Murusade nearly killed your Mother according to your own words. Wecel wecel dhalay. Lets talk about what really happened. Before Afwayne we paid your blood money you were too broke to afford after your low IQ beef with Xawaadle. You then invaded National Hanti after 1991. You then attacked our positions in a multifront zone with weapons we donated to your broke ass. You then went scurrying around to hold onto it after we prevented you from docking UN ships or transporting food to the interior. You even cried to the same Americans "Murusade is killing us why aren't you stopping them" despite all clans being disarmed. Your HG whether under the warlords or terrorists have been facing death squads from us in Xamar. You are the poison of Hawiye.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Dayniile la guu sheegaayo Oodweyne = Salebaan, Hanta dheer = Cayr and Ceel wardheere = Sacad. Imagine 1m1v there and in howlwadaag. The two gudoomiya stripped off like that. They are better of cutting them hg parts out and begging for a smaller dayniile

I ain’t ready for the caalacal when they bring in that 1m1v
Why are you lying mate? Oodwayne is massive and although some saleebaan moved there the vast majority of its inhabitants are Forculus forget Murusade. Only part of Daynille that isn’t Murusade majority/owned is Garasbaaley (which will be its own district soon) where the legal landowners are Daud and Caligaaf.

Before talking about Murusade loosing Daynille what makes you think you won’t loose Wardhiigley and Hodan? Everyone in Xamar knows Wardhiigley outside Xamar jadiid is Murusade majority and it’s only because of Xaqdaro and Sacad having nothing else because Cayr xooged Hodan from them that a Sacad women is Gudomiye. Murusade live from Barmuuda to Dhabka to Blacksea to Km4 in Hodan and own many of the hotels there. HG share everything they have in Xamar with Murusade but Murusade have Daynille exclusively which you can never change

