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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Come on saaxib lynchings weren't commonplace in 1960s America.

But I agree cultures do evolve Europe now certainly wasn't the Europe back then the savagery of WW2 is a testament to that.

Half the population in Somalia are uneducated. We don't have intellectuals and freedom of choice crusaders to shift the culture in a more positive way. We're in a permanent state of shit.

I don't know what can be done to change the culture tbh.


My name, qabil and location is public. I'm openly Atheist. I've battled radical jihadists and Somali conservstives. You @VixR are too much of a coward to even say which US state you live in, and you wanna flex your muscles at me about who's the biggest critic of Somali culture. You are really something else so you act like a triggered college girl with a nose ring and a degree in gender studies.
So you online battle jihadists, that's good on you I guess lol. That does not mean I will self-censor myself for your benefit, nor does it mean I have to tell you what state I live in.

I will probably get a nose piercing, not a ring, at some point. And I'm not a pursuing a Gender Studies degree, though I don't look down ppl who do, to each their own. I'm a pre-Med student which makes me a hopeless fan of facts and minutiae, which I disperse at will.


Cultural revolution
Dafuq. Why are some people here trying to paint this degeneracy Somali culture? Are you lot fucking stupid or something?:draketf:

Rape happens everywhere. The only worry here is about the boys not getting punished in that lawless shithole.
Rape is not part of our culture wtf ufff.

These westernized ciyaal are on some other shit :dead:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
So you online battle jihadists, that's good on you I guess lol. That does not mean I will self-censor myself for your benefit, nor does it mean I have to tell you what state I live in.

I will probably get a nose piercing, not a ring, at some point. And I'm not a pursuing a Gender Studies degree, though I don't look down ppl who do, to each their own. I'm a pre-Med student which makes me a hopeless fan of facts and minutia, which I disperse at will.

Online and offline. I'm not a coward like you who is too scared to even say what state you live in.

BTW I'm not disputing facts. I'm trying to come up with solutions to solve these issues. Yeah Somalia got massive cultural problems, what a brave factual statement, lady. You're preaching to the converted with me but you're too enraged and triggered to even notice.
Nuke it, raze it to the ground start from scrath. Nothing is salvagable and nothing will change...

There's something fundamentally wrong w the way women are viewed/ treated in somali culture and until that is adresses Nothing will change x2

So the same dumb fugly dude that was supposed to be a harmless comedic release for Somalis yesterday is circulating child rape today, and no one finds this suspect?

The only difference here is the exposure. It's not the exposure that should disgust you most, but how commonplace it is. Even preteen boys are gang raping girls in that godforsaken hellhole where even jilbabs and fgm fail to deter these widespread gangs, but instead of confronting the problem let's you go ahead and blame . Idiots. There is something very wrong with Somalis.

Delusional wallahi the lot of them.
I can't figure out whether it's because they can't put 2 and 2 together and see correlations or wheter they're just deliberately feigning ignorence

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
She thinks she's the only one on here who's anti rape. The rest of us condone rape apparently.

I think this website and some of the edgy commentary from 18-30 years living in the west had an influence on what Somali culture is to her. :/

What grinds my gears though is using a victim of a heinous crime to degrade Somalis/Somali culture. It's one thing to not appreciate xeer or critique it but it's another to extrapolate various stories and piece it together to blame a girls rape on somslis being apathetic to women being raped.

I think constructive criticism from those that actually live the reality is warranted though. Not to say there already isn't either.

It's a delicate issue, I remember reading a tweet from one of those elmi sisters who owns a NGO complaining about the current governments plans to make much much harsher laws against rape. She argued that would just make it even more difficult for rape victims to come forward. Somalia needs measured solutions for our problems instead unintellectual sweeping generalisations that lead to extreme and hastened laws.


Online and offline. I'm not a coward like you who is too scared to even say what state you live in.

BTW I'm not disputing facts. I'm trying to come up with solutions to solve these issues. Yeah Somalia got massive cultural problems, what a brave factual statement, lady. You're preaching to the converted with me but you're too enraged and triggered to even notice.
Why has this turned into what state I live in :icon lol:

You can call me a coward a thousand times, that won't get you any closer to an answer lmao.

I didn't see any solutions from you. All you did was sketch it up to "political collapse", and decry my on-the-nose comments about the real reasons as hate speech. If you were a critic of bad culture, you would not take offense at my criticisms. And I never claimed to be "brave".
Why the hell would that guy post the uncensored picture on Facebook?? Can't he see he's exacerbating the situation? Waley wax yaab ah waa aragnay,

The problem all boils down to qabyaalad and general lawlessness. Every Somali will be outraged by this crime - well, except for the perpetrators immediate family/sub-clan (which is exactly the problem). Justice for all! Until I pull the short stick that is.

Ilaahey ha xafidho dumarkeena. They've had to flee from the moriyaan, into the arms of deceptive smugglers, or slavers (read clients for domestic work), or AMISOM savages, or foreign funded 'Islamic liberation' groups. Our women have become fodder for rapists of all types.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Why has this turned into state I live in :icon lol:

Call me a coward a thousands, that won't get you any closer to an answer.

I didn't see any solutions from you. All you did was sketch it up to "political collapse", and decry my on-the-nose comments as hate speech. If you were a critic of bad culture, you would not take offense at my criticisms.

I have come up with some suggestions but you're not interested in solutions, you're more interested in padding yourself on the back for "telling us some facts".

Do you have any suggestions to solve these problems?


Half the population in Somalia are uneducated. We don't have intellectuals and freedom of choice crusaders to shift the culture in a more positive way. We're in a permanent state of shit.

I don't know what can be done to change the culture tbh.

We got fucked by geography. Being located next to shitty Ethiopia and right under the repressive Arabian peninsula. The culture was by the law of physics going to end up as total shit.

I wish Somalia was located between Australia and New Zealand <3, best location on the planet.


I have come up with some suggestions but you're not interested in solutions, you're more interested in padding yourself on the back for "telling us some facts".

Do you have any suggestions to solve these problems?
Lol @ telling me what I'm interested in after trying to assasinate my character as a starving hippie.

Patting myself on the back? Thinking I'm so brave? :icon lol:

It's like you have this self-constructed image of me. It's not my problem. You can think what you like.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I think this website and some of the edgy commentary from 18-30 years living in the west had an influence on what Somali culture is to her. :/

What grinds my gears though is using a victim of a heinous crime to degrade Somalis/Somali culture. It's one thing to not appreciate xeer or critique it but it's another to extrapolate various stories and piece it together to blame a girls rape on somslis being apathetic to women being raped.

I think constructive criticism from those that actually live the reality is warranted though. Not to say there already isn't either.

It's a delicate issue, I remember reading a tweet from one of those elmi sisters who owns a NGO complaining about the current governments plans to make much much harsher laws against rape. She argued that would just make it even more difficult for rape victims to come forward. Somalia needs measured solutions for our problems instead unintellectual sweeping generalisations that lead to extreme and hastened laws.

It's quite annoying because the online discourse is being dictated by youngsters mainly 18-25 which in return has more influence on on that whole generation.

The act of using a tragic events for other purposes is a human trait that won't go away. Look at how terrorism and racism is used for political purposes.
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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
We got fucked by geography. Being located next to shitty Ethiopia and right under the repressive Arabian peninsula. The culture was by the law of physics going to end up as total shit.

I wish Somalia was located between Australia and New Zealand <3, best location on the planet.

Place like Fiji lol.


My posts are factual. If my avatar and "female" byline and history as a poster did not reveal for one, you would not be making such a comment.

Anything to deflect away from terrible cultural norms. Keep making excuses and denial claims, maybe one day that tactic will pay off for Somalia.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Wallahi John Micheal waa rageedi nin cadaan ah oo Somali saas u difaacayo :ohhh:

Gob weeye we'll resplace him with the android any day wallahi:feedme:

@VixR reminds me of the android Data reasoning with her is like drawing water from a mirage.

One time I saw her say JFK was killed by Somalis.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I swear you represent the average Somali, that's why nothing's going anywhere. Prosecuting sheikhs or enforcing Salafist Islamism. Lawlessness or extremity. Dictatorship or anarchy.

You are a headless chicken with some serious self hate issues. Go back to your room and finger yourself qaxaabadyahay:camby::drakewtf:

She keeps coming at me like she my
Bastard child, she probably is cause tani waa ilma xaaraan:pacspit::pacspit:
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