Marriage age?

Age of your partner

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Realistically women are visual beings, we like pretty things hence why we take hours of our life to take care of our physical appearance. Nine times out of ten when a woman dates/marries a man alarmingly older than her its either for two reasons 1. money or 2. He most likely groomed her (this is me talking about 18/23 year old women)

Men in real life age horribly all the girls saying they like "older men" or "dilfs" are talking about them Hollywood heartthrobs like Brad pitt, Johnny depp, Will Smith who aged like fine wine they're not talking about 45 year old Bob the neighbour who has a calool looking like he is 9 months pregnant or 34 adeer abdi struggling with his bidaar.

Old man girls want
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Old man in real life (girls would call 911 before he even looks at them)
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Can you not read I said a million times it’s given he’s decent looking. Men can look good well into their 30s which is the age range @Xoxoxo and @Nin123 were arguing over. It’s usually 40s when it’s over for good. Ofc that’s semi rare but it happens

You think hollywood actors are 1 in a billion models or something? They’re just semi decent looking people who became famous
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Somali supremacist
your ass was in middle school, while the poor girl was in the womb. gross :susp:
Not you too
I don't understand why you're trying to turn my general statement into something personal. I wasn't talking about myself. 18 years old is a girl not a woman.
You are a women and you were 18, your statement applies to yourself and other xalimos.
Either way theres nothing to benefit from this level of infantilization. Someone that's 18 is mentally developed to determine if they want to have sex or not
Guys these Somali girls/women are a funny bunch.. The same folks defending a couple consisting of a 65 years old ajnabi and a xalimo in her twenties will call a Somali farax in his thirties getting a younger wife 19 or 20 a thi point Wa Xaasidnimo wallahi :kanyehmm:
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