Maid hanging for her life & screaming for help. Woman doesn't help & simply continues filming

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
English please. I do not speak the language of illiterate negroes.



Jet life till my next life
ofcourse we have no choice to export livestock when the livestock do not even have a place to graze. How pathetic you blame the arab for burning our own trees, destroying any chance for cyclical rains and monsoon season. Somalis are the architect of their own destruction and yet they blame everyone except their own hands.

Might as well blame Somalis for wahabism cult imported by arabs :pacspit:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
How do you reconcile your Ummah with hating your own people who are ostensibly a part of the Ummah
If you think I hate any Somali qabil then that's something you have to deal with a little word of advise take what you read online with a pinch of salt, my family are Muslims regardless of qabil or race.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
If you think I hate any Somali qabil then that's something you have to deal with a little word of advise take what you read online with a pinch of salt, my family are Muslims regardless of qabil or race.

Of course, online you're some sort of religious guy but offline you're drink driving with white slags and wrapping your car around trees innit

Might as well blame Somalis for wahabism cult imported by arabs :pacspit:

The irony of this post is if so called 'wahabism' was truly imported into somalia, rapists and murderers would be an endangered species in the country. No one would be gunning each other in the street. Alas the fool only makes fun of himself


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Of course, online you're some sort of religious guy but offline you're drink driving with white slags and wrapping your car around trees innit

If you want to believe that then that's something you have to deal with I reiterate don't take everything you see online as gospel my dear child.


I have an IQ of 300
Much hypocrisy in this thread.
People that hate their own countrymen, the people who they share a language and culture with, will make excuses for Arabs, telling them "don't generalise!".
Meanwhile they talk shit about X qabil or Y qabil, painting them all as rapists/murderers, etc. If you're going to be hateful be consistent.
No-one likes a person who flip-flops all over the place. I have more respect for a bigot that fucking hates everyone than a moron that hates one group but makes excuses for another.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Much hypocrisy in this thread.
People that hate their own countrymen, the people who they share a language and culture with, will make excuses for Arabs, telling them "don't generalise!".
Meanwhile they talk shit about X qabil or Y qabil, painting them all as rapists/murderers, etc. If you're going to be hateful be consistent.
No-one likes a person who flip-flops all over the place. I have more respect for a bigot that fucking hates everyone than a moron that hates one group but makes excuses for another.
A Muslim can't be a bigot nor a qabiliste ma garatey. You shouldn't take everything you see online at face value.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
A muslim shouldn't be a bigot. They can be any of those things, though. People sin, and sinning doesn't stop you from being muslim.
Well, certain sins do, but being a qabilist or a bigot isn't one of them.
I was speaking for myself. My personal opinion is that one can't be racist or a qabiliste and Muslim
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