Local people in Somalia starstruck by random asian guy

There is zero Arab bootyclapping in the Rendille, in fact they are bootyclapping for Nilotes and giving away their Cushitic culture for Nilotic culture.

I stand by that it is completely due to Islam.
What you're saying is somewhat true. Take for example the Orthodox Christian Habeshas who have genuine Arab ancestry and have inherited a good amount of cultural influence from their Arabian ancestors...but you never see them identify as Arabs.
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The only MENA bootyclapping I have seen in non-Islamic / non-Habesha influenced Cushites is in the Iraqw who sometimes seriously claim to come from Mesopotamia.

But I am convinced that is 100% due to Europeans telling them Africa is shit and civilization started in Mesopotamia + Christian Biblical influences where stuff like Babylon is mentioned.


All +90% Muslim ethnicities in the Sahel belt of Africa got Arab booty clapping. Even Nilotic groups like the Toubou or even people with a strong ancient culture like Nubians.

Islam is not just any religion, it dominates a huge part of daily life. This has a mental effect on them to the point of seeing anything Middle Eastern as better.

I don't get black nationalists like Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam who looked to Islam for African roots.


Bantus got humiliated by the slave trade.

If this never happened, the bias against them by Somalis wouldn't be as strong.

Remember, Somalis are massively bigoted to the Madhibaan for having consumed unhygienic meat or having practiced non-nomadic lifestyles. Not surprising such a culture thinks that of ex plantation slaves.


Bantus got humiliated by the slave trade.

If this never happened, the bias against them by Somalis wouldn't be as strong.

Remember, Somalis are massively bigoted to the Madhibaan for having consumed unhygienic meat or having practiced non-nomadic lifestyles. What do you think they think these people think of ex plantation slaves?
somalis discriminate madhiban 100x harder than bantus. :mjlol:

Nigga I am from Mudug.

Take him to Gaalkacyo and I assure you he won't find it hard to get a Xalimo.
riyo baa ku jidhaa sxb bliis khiyaali ha ku hadlin bro. :mjlol:


I thought you were a serious anthropologist, but your inability to not see the massive effect of Islam in this makes me question this.

Literally the more extreme pious Muslims get the more Arabian the culture gets, see Salafis.
Its not pride, we have a long history with the gulf and yemen.

Ppl forget that the gulf arabs themselves are darkskinned. Go visit kuwait or abu dhabi and you will see for yourself.

The reason we favor them is due to similar culture. We have more incommon with yemen then we do with the ppl of kenya. From food to attire. Even the somali arabic dialect is that of yemen.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
The "racial" element is recent. You've been shown that historical Somalis from like a century ago or more were not "Arab bootyclappers" so I don't get why you're still pushing that point. I don't think anyone here denies that there is an Arab "racial" bias in current Somalis either. That's obvious and is probably for the same reasons as why they went from looking down at Indians to somewhat gassing them up; modern influences like media. Likewise, the bias against Madows is because they're a former slave caste to fobs and Africa in general is not popping on the world stage outside of Afram culture.
I thought you were a serious anthropologist, but your inability to not see the massive effect of Islam in this makes me question this.

Literally the more extreme pious Muslims get the more Arabian the culture gets, see Salafis.
Never thought about it like that. Can you go that route without being Arab influenced culturally?


Humans can be taught to believe anything. Just see the trend of Westerners from being super racist imperialists in the 1800s to switching over to woke SJWs today because the dominant culture changed.

History, religion, and the dominant culture can not easily be overlooked in attitudes people have of groups.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
You are either trolling or extremely out of touch with Somali fobs.

They are racist towards pretty much everybody who isn't exactly like them. Even diaspora Somalis get ridiculed by them.
Can confirm the mock you to death unless you act crazy than they will fear you :mjlol:
Less then 5% of somalis marry out walaal. We are a prideful ppl. Some somali men marry arabs, you just dont see it on socials, and vice versa, but for the most part we stick together.
Hadal lakala odhan og allana lakala bari og. You're 1000% correct brother. Either people in this forum know nothing about people back home or they're intentionally acting obtuse.
I wouldn’t want to marry into a society like that. Culture is important. I prefer a fellow African Muslim: a Somali man being my main preference. :) My brother prefers African women.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
That’s so disgusting walahi. No filter whatsoever

