Like clockwork! Bitter misogynistic women getting triggered at Leonardo DiCaprio dating 19-year-old model!

Unbelievable, now they want to call you a sexual predator for dating adult women. 19 -year-olds women are able to join the army, take out massive student loans, drive cars, vote, live alone, etc. If they're able to do all this then they are able to consent to dating older men.

These women trying to control who adult women can and cannot date are just misogynistic! It's clear that they are just jealous that Leonardo does not want them!

#Their body their choice #Proud feminist



Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
He isn’t doing anything wrong but it is suspicious that the older he gets, the younger his partner is.

If he dated a few young women and a few age appropriate ones, no one would bat an eye.

His criticism comes from the fact that nearly every woman he dated is extremely young in comparison to him.
The vast majority of women criticizing DiCaprio are young women on social media and equating a 29 yr old with the a picture of a woman who is 60 is very much misogynistic.

I’m waiting for @Kool-Aid to call women here ‘bitter’ for being creeped out by a man who dumps and replaces young men women with even younger women. I think you’ll find most of the girls here are pretty young and in the their prime. So jealous and bitter about what?


Bantu Liberation Movement

Unbelievable, now they want to call you a sexual predator for dating adult women. 19 -year-olds women are able to join the army, take out massive student loans, drive cars, vote, live alone, etc. If they're able to do all this then they are able to consent to dating older men.

These women trying to control who adult women can and cannot date are just misogynistic! It's clear that they are just jealous that Leonardo does not want them!

#Their body their choice #Proud feminist

View attachment 252811
I clicked on the profile and that tweeter is a tranny. It probably wants to date mudane Leo itself.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
Hes a bachelor millionaire movie star. Of course he's going to go for barely legal women. Most men in his situation would do the same. Look at Epstein island.
Those grown women have total agency over their bodies, bitter ayeeyo tears won't change that

Angry Leonardo Dicaprio GIF
Wow wow calm down incel, as a young women most of us use them old rich fucks like Leo for money and connections no real love. The older women are right, he is a creep who's getting played but hey that's life.
The vast majority of women criticizing DiCaprio are young women on social media and equating a 29 yr old with the a picture of a woman who is 60 is very much misogynistic.

I’m waiting for @Kool-Aid to call women here ‘bitter’ for being creeped out by a man who dumps and replaces young men women with even younger women. I think you’ll find most of the girls here are pretty young and in the their prime. So jealous and bitter about what?
tbh the women guys with this kind of mentality are with don't look far from that by 29. Why do you think so many of those guys start looking for a second wife 5 years into marriage? They wear their wives down and suck the life out of them until the beauty has faded. :ftw9nwa:


Nah it’s not bitterness, this girl was born in 2003. That’s a madness.
Perfectly normal desires for a red blooded male.
Attempts at shaming will not work.
Men in general do not want 30 year old women they want younger ideal is 21 to 25.
Leo and others like home should be proud,


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