BREAKING NEWS Large Clashes Between Palestinians & Israeli Defence Forces!


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
I support all hungry people.

However, let's be real. Whitey and gaal will come to their rescue with aid and food, as per usual.I support them through my taxes and through my clan payments. I sent money last month while people here send money to Syria through their masjid donation box while neglecting their native Somalia.
Thats great news, I am glad you are supporting your fellow Somali people, those Somalis especially mainly Halimos protesting for Palestine while their people are suffering worst predicament disgust me. I have no fight in two Semitic cousins fighting for land.


Staff Member
1. Cadaans enslaved millions and I have never seen you condemning that. Two can play that game.

2. Palestine’s human rights abuses are nothing compared to Israel. Let me know when Palestinians start sterilising people based on their race.

3. Most of the Israeli Arabs are people whose ancestral villages have become part of modern day Israel. They can either be an Israeli citizen or leave their home region forever. Palestinians aren’t allowed to “flee” to Israel, many aren’t even allowed to visit their relatives who live in Jerusalem.

You have an incredibly shallow and intellectually bankrupt view of this conflict that is based in inherent ignorance.

I suggest that you log off.

I have condemned slavery many times. So have the cadaans who have apologized profusely. Arabs have not apologized and still to this day call Black people abiids. Don't you even deny it.

Palestinians use their children as human shields. Shut up about human rights abuses.

Many Palestinians have fled to Israel. You have no clue what you're talking about. I knew a Palestinian guy growing up whose cousin fled to Israel. They are Christian.


Staff Member
@Periplus acts like he's some progressive but has totally curved my point that if you're gay in Palestine, you're dead meat. He has no appreciation for the fact that Israel has sheltered and protected them. It's because he's not a progressive guy. He's a phony. He's a fraud. He brings up LGB rights when it's convenient for him to do so. He's anti Jew and anti LGB and anti human rights.


Minister of Propaganda
I have condemned slavery many times. So have the cadaans who have apologized profusely. Arabs have not apologized and still to this day call Black people abiids. Don't you even deny it.

Palestinians use their children as human shields. Shut up about human rights abuses.

Many Palestinians have fled to Israel. You have no clue what you're talking about. I knew a Palestinian guy growing up whose cousin fled to Israel. They are Christian.

1. Find a post of you condemning cadaans for slavery or I won’t believe you. You started this.

2. Israel also repeatedly used children human shields.



There are more documented incidents of Israel using human shields than Hamas.

3. Are we still not going to talk about how Israel literally castrates women against their will. What other “democratic” nation does this?

4. Lol @ Christians fleeing to Israel. Even pro-Zionist Israeli organisations have called out discrimination against Christian.

Even the Vatican has made complaints to Israel about their discrimination towards Christians.



Keep finding more BS talking points and I’ll refute them with ease.



Minister of Propaganda
@Periplus acts like he's some progressive but has totally curved my point that if you're gay in Palestine, you're dead meat. He has no appreciation for the fact that Israel has sheltered and protected them. It's because he's not a progressive guy. He's a phony. He's a fraud. He brings up LGB rights when it's convenient for him to do so. He's anti Jew and anti LGB and anti human rights.

I learnt this term from a gay cadaan friend of mine that used to live in both Israel and Palestine.

Im surprised you never heard of this as a gay man with an interest in LGBT+ affairs in the Middle East.



Staff Member
I learnt this term from a gay cadaan friend of mine that used to live in both Israel and Palestine.

Im surprised you never heard of this as a gay man with an interest in LGBT+ affairs in the Middle East.


1. You're seriously going to say right here that I was in favour of slavery of African by whites? I have said a few times how deplorable it was. Disgusting you would say the opposite. I recognize the most out of anyone here of the Black struggle and I have on many occasions stood up against police brutality like a few weeks ago like of the Nigerian lawyer thread posted here.

2. Stop denying that Palestinians did not use their children as human shields. Human shields are official Hamas policy. Did you know that? Or is this the first you're hearing this? It must be because you only have emotions to go with your bias, as opposed to facts.

3. Are we still not talking about the gays suffering in so called Palestine? Why are you avoiding this issue? If you're gay in Gaza, you die. You know that and you don't care. You are delighted.

4. Lol @ ultra orthodox spitting on Christians. I rather be spat on by an ultra orthodox jew than be killed for being Christian like what Terrorist Harbi did who by the way was barely condemned on here. I did 95% of the condemning and I am not even Muslim. Many have made up lies for him that he was raped by that MP, including today. Harbi has supporters and apologists here. I have not seen you once stand up against these people like I routinely have.

Lol @ the leftist Vatican complaining. Of course the Pope would. Under this leftist ex club bodyguard pope, he has shown his anti semitism and his other leftist stances like saying atheists can go to heaven and being in step with Greta and being a Commie. I'm supposed to find what some leftist has to say about Israel as important? Most Catholics hate him for not representing us well.
I usually don't take sides but destroying other people's home and expelling them from their land isn't fair.
You are saying that Israel is the only democracy in the middle east but why are they demolishing homes, why are they refusing to let the exiled Palestinians come back to their home while any jew in any part of the world has the right to relocate to Israel thanks to the law of return.


Staff Member
I usually don't take sides but destroying other people's home and expelling them from their land isn't fair.
You are saying that Israel is the only democracy in the middle east but why are they demolishing homes, why aren't they refusing to let the exiled Palestinians come back to their home while any jew in any part of the world has the right to relocate to Israel thanks to the law of return.

Why don't you be fair and tell of Palestinian crimes? They are a security risk. How many rockets have they bombarded onto Israeli civilians and how many times have they started conflicts? Everything Israel does is retaliatory and done to protect itself.

Joseph's tomb was destroyed and people here were dismissing it and even making excuses. Don't ever claim him as your prophet if you laugh at his grave being ravaged by your people.
Why don't you be fair and tell of Palestinian crimes? They are a security risk. How many rockets have they bombarded onto Israeli civilians and how many times have they started conflicts?
Both sides are committing crimes. But what we can do it to look at the source of this problem.
Territorial expansion is seen as an aggressive move not a retaliatory move. We keep hearing that Israel was always defending itself since the 1950's, but what kind of defensive country grows in size.
As for the grave, both sides have bad apples and the people who were destroying it are thugs, but they do not represent the general population.
اللهُمَ أنْصُرْ إخْوَانَنا المُجاهِدِينَ فيِ فلسطين وَ الشّيشان وَ كشمير وَ العراق وَ وَ الهند وَ أفغانستان وَ الفلبّين وَ باكستان وَ فِي كُلِّ مكانٍ


Minister of Propaganda
1. You're seriously going to say right here that I was in favour of slavery of African by whites? I have said a few times how deplorable it was. Disgusting you would say the opposite. I recognize the most out of anyone here of the Black struggle and I have on many occasions stood up against police brutality like a few weeks ago like of the Nigerian lawyer thread posted here.

2. Stop denying that Palestinians did not use their children as human shields. Human shields are official Hamas policy. Did you know that? Or is this the first you're hearing this? It must be because you only have emotions to go with your bias, as opposed to facts.

3. Are we still not talking about the gays suffering in so called Palestine? Why are you avoiding this issue? If you're gay in Gaza, you die. You know that and you don't care. You are delighted.

4. Lol @ ultra orthodox spitting on Christians. I rather be spat on by an ultra orthodox jew than be killed for being Christian like what Terrorist Harbi did who by the way was barely condemned on here. I did 95% of the condemning and I am not even Muslim. Many have made up lies for him that he was raped by that MP, including today. Harbi has supporters and apologists here. I have not seen you once stand up against these people like I routinely have.

Lol @ the leftist Vatican complaining. Of course the Pope would. Under this leftist ex club bodyguard pope, he has shown his anti semitism and his other leftist stances like saying atheists can go to heaven and being in step with Greta and being a Commie. I'm supposed to find what some leftist has to say about Israel as important? Most Catholics hate him for not representing us well.

1. You tried claiming that I was supportive of Arabs enslaving blacks so don’t cry victim.

2. There are more proven incidents of Israel using human shields than Hamas. Feel free to google it.

3. Are you trying to compare LGBT rights in Gaza to Israel sterilising people based on race. The fact you find these comparable is disgusting.

4. Christians are involved in every level of Palestinian governance, can you say the same for them in Israel?

Furthermore, there are more incidents of discrimination against Christians in Israel than in Palestine.


Minister of Propaganda
Why don't you be fair and tell of Palestinian crimes? They are a security risk. How many rockets have they bombarded onto Israeli civilians and how many times have they started conflicts? Everything Israel does is retaliatory and done to protect itself.

Joseph's tomb was destroyed and people here were dismissing it and even making excuses. Don't ever claim him as your prophet if you laugh at his grave being ravaged by your people.

Palestinian crimes aren’t the same as Israeli crimes.

Rocket fire that almost always gets shot down by Israel isn’t the same as Israel carpet bombing Gaza, targeting schools, journalists and innocent civilians.

You can look at the civilian casualties in each conflict to see that it’s not the same and therefore not equal.

Furthermore, Israel as “a democratic country” shouldn’t be held to a higher standard than an unrecognised country??

Or is what you’re asking is for Israel to be held to the same standards as Palestine?

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
1. You tried claiming that I was supportive of Arabs enslaving blacks so don’t cry victim.

2. There are more proven incidents of Israel using human shields than Hamas. Feel free to google it.

3. Are you trying to compare LGBT rights in Gaza to Israel sterilising people based on race. The fact you find these comparable is disgusting.

4. Christians are involved in every level of Palestinian governance, can you say the same for them in Israel?

Furthermore, there are more incidents of discrimination against Christians in Israel than in Palestine.

Our friend here is acting like LGBT people are tolerated in Israel. Vast majority of the people are highly religious jews who are hellbent on conquering Palestine. Does he honestly think they are friends to gays.


Minister of Propaganda
Our friend here is acting like LGBT people are tolerated in Israel. Vast majority of the people are highly religious jews who are hellbent on conquering Palestine. Does he honestly think they are friends to gays.

I had a gay cadaan friend whose parents worked in the West Bank while he lived in Israel. Even he will tell you that the LGBT thing is propaganda to distract and is barely based in reality.