Kenya gives Somali Ambassador 24 hours to leave and recalls its Ambassador to Mogadishu

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Both are culpable sxb. No excuse for either of them.

Bring them both to trial or go away with this whole somalia sharci baa ka jira.
These are the two men responsible for the sea dispute .

Omar Sharmarke was too scared to sign it himself so sent his employee (Abdirahman) to undersign for him .

Almost every leader in Somalia is corrupt , Farmaajo is no better and is signing corrupt back room deals behind the parliaments back . What Somalia needs is true democracy now!
Axmed just learnt it feom his small teeth cousins.
MSB ran to Kenya when he was chased from Somalia.The same Kenya that he declared enemy.
Ina Massale brought Ethiopian forces to Gedo to fight Alitihad and Ethiopian colonel raped his wife later.
Bare Hiraale ran to Ethiopia when ICU defeated him in Buale.

So Blackie had been writting notes all this time.
Somalis and their behavior sounds like a disfunctional family with an alcoholic father and a prostitute mother.


the pussy is never yours, its just your turn.
Soon these bantu soldiers will be replaced by somali warriors in Somalia insallah

One Kenyan on Twitter told the truth.

He said 'peaceful Somalia is a strategic blunder' for his country.
Walaahi they are xaasids. But there ain't much they can do to us, in fact our prayers just keep getting answered alhamdulillah. Let them cry in the corner as we turn our country into a lush green modern paradise. It's not like somalis started wars with their horn neighbours they are he ones that tried to keep us down.
Walaahi they are xaasids. But there ain't much they can do to us, in fact our prayers just keep getting answered alhamdulillah. Let them cry in the corner as we turn our country into a lush green modern paradise. It's not like somalis started wars with their horn neighbours they are he ones that tried to keep us down.
I don't get it what have we done to deserve such neighbors, its like everyone's out there looking to destabilise us including little Djibouti :damn:
This is nothing more than gimmicks from Kenya.

FGS needs to give a level headed response to dismantle Kenya's juvenile cry out.

Their hope is that we make a wrong foot and allow them 'in'.
This is nothing more than gimmicks from Kenya.

FGS needs to give a level headed response to dismantle Kenya's juvenile cry out.

Their hope is that we make a wrong foot and allow them 'in'.
No oil for the expansionists! At most we can offer them peace and a promise as long as we get nfd back that we will treat them better than they treated us in our period of turmoil.

Kenya is insisting on that 'memorandum of understanding' but they are on 'thin' ice. They tried to get it not heard at ICJ, Somalia won right to be brought before ICJ.

Kenya wanted out of court settlement and resolving of the issue. Somalia is insisting on continuation.

As Somalia started seismic data presentation and subsequent selling its offshore in due time, Kenya saw it fit to cry.

All Somalia needs to do is stay on course and make adequate response for the world to see.

Kenya can then decide what their 'last' resolve should be.
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