I've always wondered if apostates....

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Pepe Trump
Lool have you seen this

That is literally their arguement

I seem it all over social media. Muslims are highly hypocritical in that they'll expect to be treated fairly and accepted but won't respect the decisions of other people who'd rather be individual then be part of a herd.

"Accept my beliefs" is code word for "accept my beliefs even if it kills you!"
I didn't even think to check itv's website. :snoop: I don't usually go through legitimate avenues to catch up on shows I've missed :lolbron:

No lie I sometimes pirate ITV shows lol I can't deal with all their adverts

I seem it all over social media. Muslims are highly hypocritical in that they'll expect to be treated fairly and accepted but won't respect the decisions of other people who'd rather be individual then be part of a herd.

"Accept my beliefs" is code word for "accept my beliefs even if it kills you!"

What gets to me is that the documentary itself literally said nothing against the quran, they didn' even insult islam itself! "Oh they're making us look bad by focusing on the way we treat ex muslims!!!1"
They could have highlighted the passage in the quran calling for the death of apostates but they didn't yet they still have the nerve to whine :bell:
@The_Cosmos Lol that's like saying "Shariah is still and has always been popular among atheists". Nonsensical.
Communism is an ideology which conflicts with Islam, it's Kufr.
Any 'Muslim' who believes in communism as an ideal social system is not really a Muslim.
Tawheed is the basic principle of Islam and the first pillar is 'negation' of everyone and everything which sets itself up as a partner with the Creator. So communism, like democracy, socialism, humanism, is a false idol and must be rejected first.
Read Baqarah 256.


Pepe Trump
No lie I sometimes pirate ITV shows lol I can't deal with all their adverts

What gets to me is that the documentary itself literally said nothing against the quran, they didn' even insult islam itself! "Oh they're making us look bad by focusing on the way we treat ex muslims!!!1"
They could have highlighted the passage in the quran calling for the death of apostates but they didn't yet they still have the nerve to whine :bell:

Its intention was to raise awareness of the problems faced by ex Muslims rather than dwelling into the theological discussion of why it's happening (they mentioned it but haven't picked up on it). It's done a great job in my opinion.
@The_Cosmos Lol that's like saying "Shariah is still and has always been popular among atheists". Nonsensical.
Communism is an ideology which conflicts with Islam, it's Kufr.
Any 'Muslim' who believes in communism as an ideal social system is not really a Muslim.
Tawheed is the basic principle of Islam and the first pillar is 'negation' of everyone and everything which sets itself up as a partner with the Creator. So communism, like democracy, socialism, humanism, is a false idol and must be rejected first.
Read Baqarah 256.

I honestly could not care less about your opinions on communism and other Gaalo inventions.

Islam is barbaric and out of time and I don't care what it has to say about things it shouldn't even be dwelling in.


Pepe Trump
I had no idea Bangladeshi muslims were so hardcore :damnmusic: Calling for atheists death in a gaalo country!:damn: I can't...

Atheist bloggers get killed so often in Bangladesh that the government is forced to do something. I'm shocked you haven't heard about. It's been in the news recently.
I had no idea Bangladeshi muslims were so hardcore :damnmusic: Calling for atheists death in a gaalo country!:damn: I can't...

I have yet to see what they're crying about. So far there have been a few exMuslims sharing their horrible experiences and a Muslim man saying, "Yeah we're arseholes and so what?". They're not even saying anything about Islam itself, other than things mentioned in passing or where the exMuslims try to rationalize/ understand the basis for the way they were treated. No reason for their whining at all. These are sad things that the exMuslims are detailing about their experiences, funny that none of them are taken aback or care about that at all. I'm checking twitter. I don't know why I'm doing this, never seen any ounce of sense on twitter when it comes to this stuff.

I'm probably being a bit insensitive, but I do think exMuslims need to get a grip when it comes to this community stuff. I mean dust yourself off and get on with it. No offense, but Muslims aint shit, like, what is so good about the Muslim community you live in that you care about what they think? I get the family stuff, but honestly I think pretty much the same about that as well. This is basic shit. If people are willing to disown you for stating what your beliefs are about the universe's existence, they're not the type of people you should be crying about. But I'm probably just being insensitive and harsh. :manny:
Atheist bloggers get killed so often in Bangladesh that the government is forced to do something. I'm shocked you haven't heard about. It's been in the news recently.

Oh I had heard about the killing there, I had know idea that they were holding rallies here in the UK tho. It's insane

Its intention was to raise awareness of the problems faced by ex Muslims rather than dwelling into the theological discussion of why it's happening (they mentioned it but haven't picked up on it). It's done a great job in my opinion.

I completely agree, I was refering to the muslim having a meltdown over ex muslims daring to express their experiences.
Their stories are heartbreaking. f*ck imaging having to live in a muslim country
I have yet to see what they're crying about. So far there have been a few exMuslims sharing their horrible experiences and a Muslim man saying, "Yeah we're arseholes and so what?". They're not even saying anything about Islam itself, other than things mentioned in passing or where the exMuslims try to rationalize/ understand the basis for the way they were treated. No reason for their whining at all. These are sad things that the exMuslims are detailing about their experiences, funny that none of them are taken aback or care about that at all. I'm checking twitter. I don't know why I'm doing this, never seen any ounce of sense on twitter when it comes to this stuff.

I'm probably being a bit insensitive, but I do think exMuslims need to get a grip when it comes to this community stuff. I mean dust yourself off and get on with it. No offense, but Muslims aint shit, like, what is so good about the Muslim community you live in that you care about what they think? I get the family stuff, but honestly I think pretty much the same about that as well. This is basic shit. If people are willing to disown you for stating what your beliefs are about the universe's existence, they're not the type of people you should be crying about. But I'm probably just being insensitive and harsh. :manny:

My thoughts exaclty. I felt bad for the girl who kept checking facebook to see what her parents were saying about her, even though they were cursing her! Like girl don't do that to yourself
Its intention was to raise awareness of the problems faced by ex Muslims rather than dwelling into the theological discussion of why it's happening (they mentioned it but haven't picked up on it). It's done a great job in my opinion.

I honestly could not care less about your opinions on communism and other Gaalo inventions.

Islam is barbaric and out of time and I don't care what it has to say about things it shouldn't even be dwelling in.
I think you're too ignorant of the basic principles of Islam to say what it is and isn't. But know that Islam doesn't accommodate kufr, it's been sent to destroy it.

You keep putting words in my mouth. More ppl have killed for religion than atheism could ever claim. Furthermore, when an atheist kills, he does not kill for atheism.
You atheists aren't even honest with yourselves. You claim the only position you stand by is 'lack of a belief system'.
Yes you've emptied all beliefs in a Creator our of your heart but that doesn't mean you haven't replaced it with an alternative.
For example, you disagree with the Islamic economic system, you can't just stop there. You have to have replaced it with something else.
Similarly, atheists fight for, enforce and propagate their prefered system of governance which in this current time is Democracy.
And the remarks in the quotation marks belong to who? Regardless of their merits, now you're just attributing random statements to me. What I said was a thermodynamic system is either open or closed - and this is true. Because of your lack of knowledge of physics you fail to recognise that an isolated system is a closed system.

I swear every post in this thread for you is a display of ignorance to heights that I've never seen. Whenever you're caught with some false statement you change to a completely new claim real quick. But then again I'm talking to someone who reckons that the Earth is flat and relying on reiterating random claims from the internet.
You said Earth is not a closed system when you should have said earth is not an isolated system, because it is a closed system.
Anyway, it's hilarious that you ridicule my belief in the Creator considering you believe the universe came from nothing without a creator. Or maybe you'll now argue the universe is not a closed system.

You keep putting words in my mouth. More ppl have killed for religion than atheism could ever claim. Furthermore, when an atheist kills, he does not kill for atheism.
Did Saddam Hussain slaughter the Shia because of Sunni Islam or was he killing in the name of Arab Ba'athism?

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What you're doing is highly dishonest. The creators of communism can associate communism to atheism but you cannot, reasonably and logically, associate the crimes commited by communists to atheism because there is no dogma or belief system within atheism that instructs people to commit those crimes. Islam has laws and belief systems whilst atheism is a mere definition. Isis commits beheads apostates, chops off hands, enforced jizya and so on and al of that are well founded within Islamic doctrine. You're comparing apples and oranges.

Do you understand what atheism means?
The Communists were Atheists. Communism was built on Atheism.

Communists killed, raped, tortured and slaughtered more than a 100 million people for the advancement of Communism, which was inseparable from Atheism (Words of Lenin and Karl Marx)

You can't tell me the biggest offenders or threat are ISIS and Islam bruv :manny:
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