Is this considered zina?

Granted what you said, how does it square with the fact that a woman has to agree to the marriage ultimately for the marriage to be legit? Unless she agrees to the marriage, what her father wants for her will not make up for her role and agreement for the marriage to be legal?

A father can choose the man he wants his daughter to marry, but the daughter's decision will finalize whether the marriage is legitimate or not. You need the woman's consent for the marriage to be legal. And a divorced woman can marry herself.
I don’t understand the question
I stated there’s no force marriage but the wali is also the wali
It’s not one or the other
I don’t understand the question
I stated there’s no force marriage but the wali is also the wali
It’s not one or the other

We are saying the same thing then? The right of the Father as Wali is not the same as "Consent" to the marriage by his daughter. They are two different things. You require both. If one is missing, marriage will not happen.

My point was, just a father wants to exercise his role as Wali, doesn't mean he can force his daughter to marry a man she doesn't want to. She has the right to object to the marriage.
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بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
If she’s out here making more than him
... Sounds like she married a loser ...

You missed some stuff, sis. He's not a loser but more like a d*ck. Sorbet said he makes 4-5 times what his wife makes (she makes minimum wage) yet he leaves more than half of their household's expenses to her.
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The right of the Father as Wali is not the same as "Consent" to the marriage by his daughter. They are two different things. You require both. If one is missing, marriage will not happen.
Okay I see where the problem is
I was trying to put emphasise on the importance of the wali in that situation, he said she didn’t know how to make her own decisions and clearly a decision was made for her. She clearly consented cos she married the guy. It’s a sticky situation sometimes being good to your parents and your choices overlap which one do you sacrifice.
Okay I see where the problem is
I was trying to put emphasise on the importance of the wali in that situation, he said she didn’t know how to make her own decisions and clearly a decision was made for her. She clearly consented cos she married the guy. It’s a sticky situation sometimes being good to your parents and your choices overlap which one do you sacrifice.

Parents should be fair to their children and not abuse their authority. Causing your daughter or son to live an unhappy life should not please any sensible parent. Respect and love should go both ways. Kids shouldn't be forced to choose between respect to parents and an unhappy marriage.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
A man talking romantically to a married woman is a cuck/dayuus of the highest order. He's used as a foreplay by the woman, he gets her in the mood. He's used to warm the motor but won't able to ride it. The husband gets home to a greased up vehicle ready to be mounted and drive away. The cuck did half the work
A man talking romantically to a married woman is a cuck/dayuus of the highest order. He's used as a foreplay by the woman, he gets her in the mood. He's used to warm the motor but won't able to ride it. The husband gets home to a greased up vehicle ready to be mounted and drive away. The cuck did half the work
Until the they eventually meet, saxib all it takes is a cad ride or plane ticket.
A man talking romantically to a married woman is a cuck/dayuus of the highest order. He's used as a foreplay by the woman, he gets her in the mood. He's used to warm the motor but won't able to ride it. The husband gets home to a greased up vehicle ready to be mounted and drive away. The cuck did half the work

There's no "driving" occurring between this couple. The side man might actually see more "goods" on a daily basis than the husband does in years. :hillarybiz::gaasdrink:


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
There's no "driving" occurring between this couple. The side man might actually see more "goods" on a daily basis than the husband does in years. :hillarybiz::gaasdrink:

The cuck warms the engine for the husband. He's saving him prep work
There's no "driving" occurring between this couple. The side man might actually see more "goods" on a daily basis than the husband does in years. :hillarybiz::gaasdrink:

If you have good relations with your sister, you can talk to her about this with empathy and without blaming her first. Perhaps she would open up to you and take your advise. Sometimes it takes a good advise from a sincere relative for someone to wake up and get the courage to do something right.

Also, if you are capable of helping her out later financially or with your time once she becomes free from her loser husband, that might help too.

You should talk to her with a plan in mind.
Cuck mentality. Your personality has little bearing on whether you’re going to get cheated on or not.

Personality is partially biological and engrained into our DNA. It is why each one of us is unique. A good example is lacking empathy as a person. You are more likely to ignore other people's feelings and the consequences of your actions as you are focused only on yourself all the time.

Also, how your wife treats you can be direclty related to how you treat her. Hence the prophet said "best among you(men) is the best in character to his wife"..
Tons of spouses "emotionally" cheat. As long nothing comes of it :kanyeshrug:

It is not that common. Happens mostly when a man or a woman in marriage become negligent of the other and persist in their selfish ways. There can be exceptions and someone can be deviant in their nature who will do the unbecoming, but it is not common that married couples emotionally cheat always.

Islam gave remedies to theses issues:

- The right of the wife on man
- The right of the husband on a woman
- The right to sex and satisfaction
- The right to provision on men and familiy responsibilities
- Household etiquette
- Lowering your gaze
- Focusing on what is good about your spouse
- Forgiving the meaningless infractions
- Patience
- This life being a journey to another

Just to list a few. You can read chapters upon chapters in Islamic books addressing family, sex, marriage, divorce, rights on one another etc.

Islam teaches techniques to pleasure like foreplay before sex so everyone is satisfied. Leaving your wife hang up and still in need to come off is not cool for example. Why do you think this is important? Lest Satan starts whispering to your wife and angering her about her plight and she ruins the marriage seeking better options. She is a human being after all.

Saxib, human beings are supposed to be common sense creatures. Doesn't take rocket science to understand contractual customs like marriage and what you sign up into. You bring in something into the union, or failure guaranteed.


It is not that common. Happens mostly when a man or a woman in marriage become negligent of the other and persist in their selfish ways. There can be exceptions and someone can be deviant in their nature who will do the unbecoming, but it is not common that married couples emotionally cheat always.

Islam gave remedies to theses issues:

- The right of the wife on man
- The right of the husband on a woman
- The right to sex and satisfaction
- The right to provision on men and familiy responsibilities
- Household etiquette
- Lowering your gaze
- Focusing on what is good about your spouse
- Forgiving the meaningless infractions
- Patience
- This life being a journey to another

Just to list a few. You can read chapters upon chapters in Islamic books addressing family, sex, marriage, divorce, rights on one another etc.

Islam teaches techniques to pleasure like foreplay before sex so everyone is satisfied. Leaving your wife hang up and still in need to come off is not cool for example. Why do you think this is important? Lest Satan starts whispering to your wife and angering her about her plight and she ruins the marriage seeking better options.
There will always be a ‘better’ (or ‘worse’ option, it’s common for people to get cucked by ‘worse’ men/women) option, that’s the problem. If she’s too weak to ignore Shaytan’s whispers or is a then you’ll get cucked no matter what you do. If the ’s husband treated her well and provided then she’d still cheat because she’s weak and has zero self esteem.
There will always be a ‘better’ (or ‘worse’ option, it’s common for people to get cucked by ‘worse’ men/women) option, that’s the problem. If she’s too weak to ignore Shaytan’s whispers or is a ***** then you’ll get cucked no matter what you do. If the *****’s husband treated her well and provided then she’d still cheat because she’s weak and has zero self esteem.

We don't know for sure she would act the way she does now had he done what he was supposed to do as a responsible man in a marriage with Kids. From the story told, both are equally guilty. He is just as responsible for the broken married life we have read. We can easily blame the wife and judge her for what she does. But in a court of justice, and if she lodges a complaint against him of negligence and abdication of duties as a husband, he is just as equally to blame for her behaviour.

Simple solutions for people:

- Don't get married if you aren't meeting expectations including sex and emotional support
- Don't have kids if you can not dedicate your life to their upbringing
- Don't stay in marriage if you are unhappy. Leaving is better for your conscience and faith
- Expect Allah to hold men and women equally responsible in their failed marriages if both equally contributed to the failure. Being a male carries zero point in Allah's court.


We don't know for sure she would act the way she does now had he done what he was supposed to do as a responsible man in a marriage with Kids. From the story told, both are equally guilty. He is just as responsible for the broken married life we have read. We can easily blame the wife and judge her for what she does. But in a court of justice, and if she lodges a complaint against him of negligence and abdication of duties as a husband, he is just as equally to blame for her behaviour.

Simple solutions for people:

- Don't get married if you aren't meeting expectations including sex and emotional support
- Don't have kids if you can not dedicate your life to their upbringing
- Don't stay in marriage if you are unhappy. Leaving is better for your conscience and faith
- Expect Allah to hold men and women equally responsible in their failed marriages if both equally contributed to the failure. Being a male carries zero point in Allah's court.
I get that he’s mostly to blame for ruining the marriage due to being an abusive pos but no way is he to blame for her cheating. She should have divorced that bum ages ago instead of talking to other men behind his back like a weak .


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