Is Somalia a Salafi country?

it's funny when somali liberals believe for some reason asharis shafi muslims don't believe in shariah and that somalis were liberals before "evil saudi salafi preachers" came with the islamic law 😂
They have a grade 1 understanding. It’s evident, they’re ignorant, didn’t read up on the matter and have a very unsophisticated approach. What’s the worst is the way they argue with people when they have no clue.


The years don't matter, the life in those years do
Believe what you want to believe, but calling Atharis Kafirs and stupidly thinking that someone’s aqeedah influences their level of extremism is unintelligent.
I don't think Atharis are Kafirs, when did I say that? I was talking about Salafis anthropomorphising Allah. Don't put words in my mouth.

For the love of God stop throwing the word liberal around. It has lost all meaning when used willy nilly.

I critise Salafis because of the kufr beliefs they have in which they try to liken God to his creations. This is kufr and should be refuted. Ashari and Maturid are Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaah and this is the belief of the majority of muslims and is correct

Salafis also known as Wahabis because they follow the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab are from the 17th century. Its quite literaally a sect from 17th century saudi arabia
Atharis existed thousands of years before the emergence of Sh.Abdul Wahab. Even major scholars and founders of Madhabs like Sh. Ahmed bin Hanbali were Athari.
Believe what you want to believe, but calling Atharis Kafirs and stupidly thinking that someone’s aqeedah influences their level of extremism is unintelligent.
Nobody said Athari sweety, look above 🥰 clealry said "Salafis" and the people who call themselves that. Salafis tried to hijack the athari belief but they cannot. Athari, Ashari and Maturid are correct. Salafis before they used to be called wahabis, but many felt like the word insulted them (which is did for good reason), so they decided to call themselves "salafi"

The funniest thing about Salafis is that they claim to follow the Salaf, when in reality they just follow the deviant teachings of muhammad ibn abdul wahab. A man who k1lled so many people when he tried to take over saudi arabia (before it was even called sauid arabia and was still under ottoman rule)
I believe she is talking about salafis aqeedah not athari.
Even then as there were different phases and waves of Salafism. I’m sorry, but a modern Salafi who believes he can’t rebel against the ruler under any circumstances isn’t going to fall into extremism. In fact, in this modern age , those that fall into the extreme camp tend to criticize Salafism and call them madkhali and insult them by saying they’re subservient.

Things aren’t black and white.
You were talking about agreeing with her. Never said you specifically think that. My commentary was more towards the other poster.
Your so dumb even the other person called you out.

Salafi does NOT equal Athari

Athari are not kuffar. And i never said that. I clearly said Salafis have kufr beliefs when they try to liken God to his creations

Salafis try to claim their Athari but their not

Athari belief is free from that kufr belief
Your just unintelligent. Taliban isnt Ashari, their extremist and dont represent islam. If you knew anything about the Ashari and Maturidi, you would know its the creed of the vast majority of muslims around the world. Making it Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaah.
the taliban and the whole deobandi movement they follow are not ahsaris you're right, but they are maturidi hanafis and have nothing to do with the salafis

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Atharis existed thousands of years before the emergence of Sh.Abdul Wahab. Even major scholars and founders of Madhabs like Sh. Ahmed bin Hanbali were Athari.
READ WHAT I SAID DUMMY 💀 why are you bringing in Athari when im critising Salafis kufr beliefs...

Salafis try to claim their Athari but their not aoothbillah. Athari do not liken God to his creations
I believe she is talking about salafis aqeedah not athari.
Yep I was talking about the kufr beliefs some salafis hold, and than she started to bring Athari in for no reason 💀😭 sis needs to go learn her religion

Angelina im talking to you


Even then as their were different phases and waves of Salafism. I’m sorry, but a modern Salafi who believes he can’t rebel against the ruler under any circumstances isn’t going to fall into extremism. In fact, in this modern age , those that fall into the extreme camp tend to criticize Salafism and call them madkhali and insult them by saying they’re subservient.

Things aren’t black and white.
I’m not sure what relevance rebelling against rulers has to this discussion, you guys were discussing aqeedah. @Hxni was saying that Salafis affirm similarity between Allah and his creations (tashbih) and have anthropologist beliefs which is 100 % correct.

Your so dumb even the other person called you out.

Salafi does NOT equal Athari

Athari are not kuffar. And i never said that. I clearly said Salafis have kufr beliefs when they try to liken God to his creations

Salafis try to claim their Athari but their not

Athari belief is free from that kufr belief
Did I say Salafism equals Athari? I’m Athari but I don’t see myself as Salafi, so what makes you think that I believe the two are the same?
I’m not sure what relevance rebelling against rulers has to this discussion, you guys were discussing aqeedah. @Hxni was saying that Salafis affirm similarity between Allah and his creations (tashbih) and have anthropologist beliefs which is 100 % correct.
My whole issue with her is associating extremism with Salafis only, when you have the Taliban who are Ashari/maturidi. That’s my point, we’re talking about aqeedah and this idiot wants to rant about how Asharis are peaceful ect. Again, what does that have to do with the conversation?


I’m not sure what relevance rebelling against rulers has to this discussion, you guys were discussing aqeedah. @Hxni was saying that Salafis affirm similarity between Allah and his creations (tashbih) and have anthropologist beliefs which is 100 % correct.
How is the Athari belief in the attributes of Allah different from that of the Salafis?

Asharis used to accuse the Hanabila of Tajsim even before the emergence of the Salafi movement.
How is the Athari belief in the attributes of Allah different from that of the Salafis?

Asharis used to accuse the Hanabila of Tajsim even before the emergence of the Salafi movement.
That’s my point. They’re trying to separate the two when the aqeedah is the same. When you insult the Aqeedah of the Salafis, due to their literalism, they’re also insulting the Atharis as well.


How is the Athari belief in the attributes of Allah different from that of the Salafis?

Asharis used to accuse the Hanabila of Tajsim even before the emergence of the Salafi movement.
Ibn Uthaymeen:

نقول مثلاً وجه الله ولم نقل وجه وأطلقنا فوجه الله يكون لائقا لذاته أو لائقا بذاته ، كما لو قلت وجه الفرس ووجه القط الهر هل تفهم منقولك وجه الفرس أنه مثل وجه الهر ؟ أبداً
We say for example "face of Allah" and we do not just say "face" in general [terms], because the face of Allah is befitting to His essence or befitting His essence.

Just like when you say "face of a horse" and "face of a cat": Do you understand from your statement "face of a horse" that it is like (mithl) the "face of a cat"? Never...

Ibn Uthayman is saying just like the face of a horse and the face of a cat are not completely like each other, but similar to each other we should implement this on Allah. Astaghfirullah, he is mentioning the body parts of animals while speaking regarding the divine attributes.

Ibn Uthaymeen says:
نؤمن بأن لله وجها حقيقيا ولكن لو سئلنا عن كيفيته أمستطيل هو أو مستدير أم مربع أو مدور أو ما أشبه ذلك أيشنقول... نقول الله أعلم

We believe that God has a real face. But if we were to be asked regarding its modality [like] whether it's rectangular or circular or square-shaped or round or what is similar to this, how do we respond [then] ?... We respond [by saying] ʼGod knows bestʼ...

Rectangular or circular? Subhanallah. So Allah’s face is with a 3-dimensional form so it maybe round or rectangular for example? This is the creed of Salafis whilst Atharis are far removed from this deviant sect.


The years don't matter, the life in those years do
Did I say Salafism equals Athari? I’m Athari but I don’t see myself as Salafi, so what makes you think that I believe the two are the same?
Stop playing like your dumb, your not. You were the one who brought up Atharis. She never associated the two, you twisted her words as if she said that Atharis were the same as Salafis.


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