Is alshabaab really the main problem?

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@Cognitivedissonance There is no Isaaq mayor in Borama
you dummy. You mean a appointed governor? A mayor is elected not appointed
(I know you know nothing about democracy). The only Harti allowed in Ceerigaabo are
those who prepare khat for us and clean our plates.

"There were no other Harti in the town, except for two
girls from our clan, who were also assisting with preparation for the
conference, and were looking after us. We requested that the girls
prepare a qaad-room [a room to meet and chew qaad] for us, and they
offered us their own room, which they rented from the locals. When we
arrived at the room I [Gees] felt very emotional, as the house belonged
to my grandfather and the Habar Yoonis were occupying and renting
it unlawfully." :lol:


Well Ceerigaabo is not Garowe. Ceerigaabo belongs to Gadhweyn and they will whoop your ass again if you
misbehave in Sanaag. Get ready for the refugee camps in the Bosaso heat.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Cognitivedissonance There is no Isaaq mayor in Borama
you dummy. You mean a appointed governor? A mayor is elected not appointed
(I know you know nothing about democracy). The only Harti allowed in Ceerigaabo are
those who prepare khat for us and clean our plates.

"There were no other Harti in the town, except for two
girls from our clan, who were also assisting with preparation for the
conference, and were looking after us. We requested that the girls
prepare a qaad-room [a room to meet and chew qaad] for us, and they
offered us their own room, which they rented from the locals. When we
arrived at the room I [Gees] felt very emotional, as the house belonged
to my grandfather and the Habar Yoonis were occupying and renting
it unlawfully." :lol:
Look at the oppression blatant aggression meted out again Samaroon in borama, likewise the same oppression against Warsengeli in cerigaabo, laas canood Dhulbhante too, soon in sha Allah they will be liberated. Isaac appoint the governors in cerigaabo, borama, lascanood cause they're colonising it but the question is for how long?
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@Cognitivedissonance There is no Isaaq mayor in Borama
you dummy. You mean a appointed governor? A mayor is elected not appointed
(I know you know nothing about democracy). The only Harti allowed in Ceerigaabo are
those who prepare khat for us and clean our plates.

"There were no other Harti in the town, except for two
girls from our clan, who were also assisting with preparation for the
conference, and were looking after us. We requested that the girls
prepare a qaad-room [a room to meet and chew qaad] for us, and they
offered us their own room, which they rented from the locals. When we
arrived at the room I [Gees] felt very emotional, as the house belonged
to my grandfather and the Habar Yoonis were occupying and renting
it unlawfully." :lol:
Bull crap while we lost our house my land is still intact and in one piece my subsubclan havent lost as much as 20% you make it seem as if Warsans were in cohoots when we weren't and are still having internal strifes, you havent battled the whole beesha to be confident about what you did


@CrossEdge We won the war and secured Ceerigaabo. All losers who want to be part of Puntland can move to Badhan (as they
did). There is no place for Puntland or Hartism in my beloved Ceerigaabo.


@Cognitivedissonance Tell your president Cabdiwali Gaas to try and visit there then.
No boowe accent here.
@CrossEdge We won the war and secured Ceerigaabo. All losers who want to be part of Puntland can move to Badhan (as they
did). There is no place for Puntland or Hartism in my beloved Ceerigaabo.
Yes you won, but you made it seem as if we don't constitute for the second biggest clan Warsans make up about 20% give or take


Yes you won, but you made it seem as if we don't constitute for the second biggest clan Warsans make up about 20% give or take

Not according to the local elections back in 2012, you guys just produced 1 MP. Truth is majority of Warsangeli former
reer Ceeri set up shop in Badhan.
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