If You Know What You Want To Do With Your "Life"..Why Aren't You Doing It?

I got this idea from the Coli. Some poster made it, but it rings true.

The main question is what is the "roadblock" that is stopping you from reaching your full potential?

Why aren't you doing it? What is stopping you from taking those steps? Are you truly being honest with yourself or are you selling dreams you're lining up to buy as you have no intent of actually doing it? Do you wonder why that is? If not you now have the chance to think about it and maybe choose different.

I will change the world.


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
I don't know what to do with my life.
I'm in a course I don't care about which I thought I'd be in for only 3 or 4 months but now I'm nearly at the end of my first year and I have no clue what the hell I'm getting myself into.
The media industry relies on connections but I don't have any because I don't café about media and so don't socialise with those people.

I am currently fixing up my math grades and will hopefully try move onto a computer science course
I don't know what to do with my life.
I'm in a course I don't care about which I thought I'd be in for only 3 or 4 months but now I'm nearly at the end of my first year and I have no clue what the hell I'm getting myself into.
The media industry relies on connections but I don't have any because I don't café about media and so don't socialise with those people.

I am currently fixing up my math grades and will hopefully try move onto a computer science course
Learn to network with the people in media. You have to get out of your comfort zone. Basically, you are in unfamiliar territory which is good.


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
Learn to network with the people in media. You have to get out of your comfort zone. Basically, you are in unfamiliar territory which is good.
I'm gonna try doing that since my college is letting me do some work for media businesses as work experience and so hopefully I make some connections with people

