Iconic Throwback: The Day SSpot Faraxs exposed themselves as Tranny Loving Simps that get no girls!


East Africa UNUKA LEH
On today’s episode of throwback Sunday will be featuring THE iconic thread of 2020



Faraxs really thought one of their fellow faraxs was a female half french half somali girl. When it was just a cheap snapchat filter! Not only did they out themselves as liking transgender looks, they also proved themselves as being the biggest simps ever. While also, dragging darkskin xalimos for no reason other than them seeing a “lightskin girl”.

Some members who were acting up in that thread are still with us today and are highly known.

These hooligans can’t tell trannys from women. One night y’all gonna end up in a “sword fight”




بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
That's a pretty female looking face. Nothing masculine about it but everything below the neck should've tipped them off. Though I admit women are like hawks when it comes to trans folks. You somehow spot it when guys really can't.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
doesn’t look masculine at all
That's a pretty female looking face. Nothing masculine about it but everything below the neck should've tipped them off. Though I admit women are like hawks when it comes to trans folks. You somehow spot it when guys really can't.
Y’all already caping for your own. Y’all are indeed very loyal, I’ll tell y’all that. But I can sense a man from a mile away


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
East Asian Trans are harder to clock, as they can be hairless and have smaller bodies etc.

Southeast Asian trans folks are more commonly HSTS, that's basically why. There are two types of trans. HSTS and Autogynophiles:

From what I gather, there are two types of male trans folks. Homosexual transexuals (HSTS) & Autogynephiles.

The first type are boys who probably just got unlucky developmentally. They appear very physically feminine from a young age and gravitate towards girls even when they're prepubescents and they happen to also be attracted to males. With these types it's seemingly a physical issue and they're usually very, very rare within the general population though I think more common in the modern world for a number of reasons (poor diets, microplastics, all kinds of toxins, compromised gut flora etc).

The second type are by far the most common and seem to be what a lot of these white transwomen are. I mean no offense when I say this but in their case it seems like a mental health disorder. Gender dysphoria in part caused by getting off on the idea of being a woman and being penetrated. They, from what I gather, need therapy and possibly even meds rather than being allowed to transition unlike the first group.


