I would like to become an Arabist

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Mughal Empire was Mongol in nature those were Turkified Mongol rulers, that doesn't classify them as Turk. I find that funny trying to claim but Arabized Turks steadyclaiming Mughal Empire.
But the Mughals hated their mongol side in favor of turkic. and the Arabized turks never saw them slfs as arabs but as turks


1. Cushites are originally Eurasian and thus share blood with Arabs.
2. My country is in the Arab league.
3. I feel Arab, thus I am Arab.
4. I feel comfortable being Arab
5. My genealogical tradition links me to an Arab forefather from Yemen.
6. Haplogroup T is related to Haplogroup J, which makes me Arab.
7. I am learning Arabic, when perfecting the art I am Arab.
8. Arabs treat me well and I treat them well too
9. Arab women love me , because I have BBC, but look Afro-Arab. I am a true Soomaal, which means rich in Arabic from the word Dhawamaal, Indeed I am rich in physique cause I am hung, thus I am true Arab.

1. Cushites are originally from Northern Africa and Arabs became Afro-Asiatic speakers through migrants from Egypt, Africa.
2. The Arab League is a paper tiger/talking shop with no real essence behind it.
3. You cannot be transracial. :lol:
4. I feel uncomfortable that a Somali claims to be Arab.
5. Somali genealogies to the Banu Hashim or Arabia are mostly all fake.
6. Unrelated for 50,000s of years. More Arabs carry E1b1b1 than T1, lol. Still doesn't make you Arab.
7. Learn Mandarin Chinese, it is more useful careerwise.
8. They will call you aswad/an abeed behind your back.
9. Her brothers will beat you up when you come for her hand.

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