I want to Join PL Darawish

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That's me 3:43 mark

I am dead set serious. My ancestors are big motivator for me to succeed in life, I am not someone who has no 'motivation' it is the first thing I learned to separate the weak from the strong, to define what 'drives' you to be the best. Every company and even our department tells us if you don't know or making things up your contribution to our team or any team like 'military' will result in 'poor results' it can decide the 'war'.

I will ensure I am apart of the 'ground forces' division for PL. All I ask is for the best 'general' because I am not going on a battle field with no 'plan', that's 'chaos' and in 'chaos' is losses. I want the best general who can show me his 'plan'. I want the war 'quantified' to a number also so it can be measured for performance. I am not one of those 'rambos' who goes around like baboon. I want a 'system' my 'role' in the system and the goals to be achieved. It's up to the general to divise the plan and organize the team. I will then join that 'structure' there is 'nidaam' now. The technicals, bm21, tanks are only for keeping the 'enemy' at 'bay', it doesn't decide a war. It's like two tank 'divisions' on opposite sides in a desert, you are just 'equalizing' the war and it ends in 'nothing'.

I want my 'squad' to at least have 1 medic guy with 30 days training in 'first aid' so we can keep our losses low and apply first aid. I want a 'sarkaal' with 20 years experience and battle experience and proof he has 'achieved' the goals of the general not some 'indhacade' I ain't dying for no 'baboon'. I want our soldier 'group' graded on 'battle experience and results'. I want the war to be 'timed'. The longer it continues the more lives, money, petrol, food is wasted. Even in my department without a 'schedule' on our projects, we cannot measure anything.

I will then join that 'darawish' sector. But I want to hear the 'plan' of the general, he has spent 30 years in wars and in different 'arenas' surely has collated information on success and defeat. Surely he knows what the 'enemy' capacity mentally, physically, morally is? We must ensure 'strong morals' from our 'ground forces' which will be me, I am only there not because the money is good to defend my 'awoowe honor and legacy who left me a land, people, farmland, livestock, and gave me the opportunity to be sitting in Australia working in a department with some of the best minds in academia. I will recruit for 'soldier' activity lakin 'qorsho' nidaam leh oo 'mathamatics' ku saabsan baan raba kow. We can do the rest then. I always want 'one sniper guy' for key targets in each squad, ground forces to remember their 'awoowe' so they know what their here for and remember the plan of the GENERAL, I want the commander then to push thru 'enemy' one by one in 'sectors' we must define their 'sectors'. I don't want it to end there. War is about 'objective' not 'battle'. I want the 'enemy' decimated not the field but all his 'infrastructure'. We must push as far as where there is communication facilities, ports, airports, and begin 'check points' across his all sctor. I want to enter his town and ensure all his 'academy are shot in the head' these are the ones I fear the most as they are the ones 'who restore' a society, leave the place like 'VACUUM' with no 'nidaam'. I won't sit there and 'transition' him into a 'structure' I am damn cruel, he has to learn I am Majerten and I don't play games


I won't go around and kill their farm lands or anything or poison their water well, that's a genocide. Leave the 'civilians' alone their not responsible for their elites decision god dammit, but their elites in academia, politics, business, and religion will get a bullet in the head for wasting their people time. I will leave them in a vacuum and proceed back to PL. If u kill their civilians and leave their elites, they will just regroup them again. U must deal with the elite who are causing the problem, not their people. I am not like @Teeri-Alpha I don't believe in Xasuuq of shacab, shacab just need goood elites and sometimes I will fuckin help with it beginning a 'elite cleansing'


DR i would advise you dont join the military in a non technological avenue.

I am patriot, I want to show them how when u follow a 'system' and all the parts of the soldiers are 'defined' and the relationships, u can measure 'results'. For example my medic guy in my squad will take my wounded following the system designed by having 2 'truck' guy one for the 'dead' and one for the 'wounded'. See u 'segmented' and then thru the system u measure time he can reach the hospital to save the wounded. U can then measure how to 'resupply' without 'oversupplying'. U can't do nothing without a 'system'. Somalia is like that because of no system, they are literally in vacuum because their system is based on 'opinions' not 'mathamatics' and the world is based on mathamatics so how can u live outside the structures of the world and expect to win? I then want a 'lessons learned' libray and my general reviewing and 'archiving' it so it can be reviewed by next general as source of 'information'


@PhySom the ground forces need to learn how to 'quickly' reload. Time it, speed it up, have a training facility shooting gun fire in the air to include that as 'factor' cause it determines if he can operate in 'chaos' it's not easy i must say, but he has to learn before he goes into the battle field. I want him tested on 'speed' running. We need to 'define' the battle environment' and how large it is, cause he will need to have the strength to at least run around that. I want him to be given a plan just a 'trial' plan and see if he can achieve the objective set, time it, quantify how much bullets he lost. I want that type of trianing for 6 months just for our 'normal' soldiers. I want different training for the 'sniper' guys. Different training for 'medic guy'. Different training for the 'technical, bm, tank' guy. I want it to work like an 'eco system or parts and networks' waa inu jira nidaam, chaos doesn't create anything or achieve anything bro. It's scientific fact


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
I want to jion cidaan beeleedka beesha muse sultan


@Lex Luther soldiers are 'cannon' fodder, so who is going to 'protect' your land and people, 100 elites? dude I love 'soldiers' and I am prepared to do my duties when 'required'. All Puntites need to be given PL army training and some become 'active' while other become 'reserves, dhulka way naga wada dhaxaysa. Qof seexanayo meel ma jiro. Kulaha cannon fodder @PhySom sxb if there is true cannon fodder it's 'civilians' that no-one cares about as their either 'protected' by soldiers who are 'valuable' or 'governed' by elites. Those 'two' branches are the most important to any society and all the stakeholders. I prefer talking to 'soldier' then 'civilian' who just 'consumes' and becomes literal 'dirt'. His carrying out real important function in the nation, where-as the civilian is just 'labor' supply, we can sacrifice them but not soldiers or elites.


I want to jion cidaan beeleedka beesha muse sultan View attachment 82808

I am only pro puntland because my land and clan is apart of puntland, if they carved a new border today with ethiopia or somalia or yemen, I would cheer those nations. I don't really change my allegiance over borders, no matter where I go and where bah dubays is, I will support and help that commuity or people. I just happened to be in PL today due to the civil war turning 'tribal'. The only reason I assist PL is because bah dubays lives there. If the border today was Puntland to Hiraan. I would also help Hiraan and Galmudug. I am not defined by 'man made' borders, it's blood brother.

Even @Crow know this he isn't puntite if abdi issa says no. That's when I realized I am not majertenist, but bah dubays follower, because it's about your family not wider tribe. If bah dubays today joined Somaliland, I would be somaliland and they do live in faridhidhin sool kkkkkk. I am not connected to a system and for me to survive I have to make sure the system succeeds or it's vacuum again


@Jablibax waxan la yaabay @Lex Luther oo soldierku leh cannon fodder, isagu muxu yahay kan amniga dhan lagu nool yahay ayuu samaya, there is no growth without security, it get's destroyed. Hadu oran laha war ana ka qiimo badan oo keeni laha statistic sheegayso, waaba amusi laha. GDP ahan waan og ahay wuxu ku fadhiyo noolashisa iyo wax soo saarkisa KKKKK. War hadi warshada HG samayn lahayn 91 illa manta iyo kaydinta kelyahisa, wadnahisa, liverkisa kkkk waaba garan kara, statistic fican baa soo baxayso, halki habar gedir wuxu ku fadhiya markasi 2 milyan, markas waa laga doodi kara yaa muhimsan GDP VALUE OF HG ama Ciidaanka? welina ciidanka ayaa muhimad leh sidan gabi ama GDP maba jirteen ka hadalkeeda


@Jablibax security 'external' threats on the land is the 'first priority' not 'technology' as @PhySom believes unless it affects our 'military'. We need a land and space to operate in, without, your dead bro. So we must train, reward, and promote our Soldiers not some kid who finishes a university who has no real 'knowledge' and noone will hire him. Ninkani ciidaanka ayaa iga qiimo wayn kan school been ah ku jira, this ciidaan guy is providing a 'true value' our security, the one studying in black market university is providing us nothing of value with his knowledge because it's not even 'real knowledge'. I seen the hamar universities, it's books are from yemen or arab countries who are never 'hired' anywhere in the world, why would you read from them?


The only accept the mentally and physically fit. Sorry G.

Yeah they want the best in Australia, the rest are told to go do some labor aspect of their professional sector. Even me in our department, I never scored a job in defence or any agency connected to it. I am in foreign affairs which is considered 'less' because it's policy driven, military is 'real' shit sxb, the biggest funding in our govt goes to defence be it cyber, ground, navy, sea, air. Intelligence is good one too. They are for the best 'academic' in university. The rest are sent to other departments with less 'responsibility' and 'priority' Kuwa ugu liito waa 'social services' which is where a-lot of Somalis study kkkkk. Social services like hospitals, welfare dept, education department. If your a 'minister' it's ok, but I am talking about 'workers'. Workers here want to be in 'parlimentary' triangle, ama wasaaradaha uu dhow prime ministerka. Kuwa ka 'fog' waa laga faana as where the 'less brightest' go kkkk.

For example my foreign ministry is 'strong profile' lakin australia ma haysto 'priority wayn foreign policy' ka baxsan 'xafadisa' but if it was america foreign policy dept who has international priority, it is an important 'ministry' then. Somalia ministry of foreign affair is 'garbage' and the world see it humantarian zone due to no system. I would secure the 'security ministry' because that's where the 'priority' is in PL kkkkk or 'finance' department. The rest are 'garbage' ma dhisna niyahow, funding ma helo, priority ma helo because 'dalka gdpkisa ba yar' kkkk. I will seek also 'NGO' ministry international coordination, becuz PL waa meel humanitarian ah kkkk so he can score 'ngo funding' to increase his 'budget' but that depends on the 'govt' performance sometimes wuxu noqon kara meel iska eber ah hadu madax ama wasarado liito jira.
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@PhySom wouldn't you recruit for the army if you saw all your people and family dying? this is a question you really need to ponder bro, where u going to go im not sure, your life will finish in the diaspora and u will convert to 'dirt' and be not known in the world history like we don't know all the ppl who lived who are all now converted to dirt. U really need to know the army is a duty for all not for some. Israel ensures all males have 2 years experience in the army before they join the civilian sector because the nation may need it's son as supply for the war. Nations stop when there is war don't u know? govt funding redirects from all economical sectors which u r working in and leads to 'recession' you will be some dude just walking around at welfare office asking for loaf of bread. The funding of taxes go to 'war' and I will sign up for PL to ensure the defeat of all it's enemy domestic or foreign


@Jablibax you seem to love 'ciidan' alot. We need to divide our 'males' up sxb. We can't afford every male in the army and it's not needed in all honesty. We need 'kayd' of 'active' and 'reserve'. The reserve can go and get job after 'training' in the market place, we will call them when needed. We also need another 'kayd' just in-case we depleted our 'active' and 'reserve'. This is where I will be and all males of Puntland should be over 18 to sign up for PL defence. I doubt it will get to that 'stage' if we have good general, strategy, lesson learned libraries for our battle, equipments, and soldiers and so forth. If we have good 'system' for our military, it will work like a 'machine' not work like a 'militia'. We have to make our military organized and nidaam kuna saabsan 'machine' principle, not 'militia'. In a machine every part is working towards the 'plan' set by the 'general' ma garatay. Then PL will have an army that is 'feared' by it's neighbors and foes.
1 year mandatory militarily service after highschool. Every puntite man must know how to operate an ak47 and must have one to his name. Thats 1.5-2 million reserves.


1 year mandatory militarily service after highschool. Every puntite man must know how to operate an ak47 and must have one to his name. Thats 1.5-2 million reserves.

@PhySom doesn't get how important the 'security' of our state is, all 'sectors' depend on it, without it, we cannot achieve our objectives of education, health, water, energy, homes for all, and strong economically designed 'economy'. Yes an 'economy; is a 'machine' also and needs careful consideration where our people will be used in the economic 'structure' locally and globally. Yes there is two 'markets'. One is local and the other is 'global'. We need an overall 'system' for our people. None of this achievable without 'data' of course as we don't know what we are dealing with except 'guesses' and i've yet to see anyone invest somewhere based on 'guesses'.


@Libaaxseendheer that's why I like Omar Mahmoud. They know where it's at. 'security' kkkk niggas are always 'security' focused. It's damn true, govt funds in 'war' get taken out of 'social services' and given to military due to the large supplies of 'soldiers' entering for the war. I mean a 'real' war where the outcome hasn't been decided and they run out of their 'reserves' and sourcing from 'males over 18' to sign u p like the conscription days of America.

Trust me the economy stops based on 'security' priority, it's the highest and more funded area of society. That's why in universities everyone wants to go to 'security' institutions like defence or agencies either for military, navy, air, coast guard duties. Or in professional security like where I work in 'cyber' because there is 'war' happening on 'technology' now. Not 'civilian' targets tho those ones are 'moryan' hackers who are not the problem like every security sector has a moryan. The real ones are in 'defence departments' and their objective is to find out what the 'enemy' nation is doing like their policies, army, finance, who their operating with globally, even their blue prints for war. This is then passed to 'ciidaanka' kkkkk. Again showing how important 'ciidaan' is, without them, there is nothing we could do with our intelligence gathering.

All of Australia most sensitive areas are manned by 'ciidaan' even in technology, they dont want private industries. The man who controls the money supply or ciidaan are the most powerful in the world. President aint shit without the either. I fear an alliance between ali saleman finance tycoon and omar mahmoud 'ciidaan'. We fucked then
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@Libaaxseendheer in Australia we have 'ciidaan' that proved themselves as loyal and trustworthy, they are the ones who 'rise' up the defence department, even though he is wearing a 'suit' he is still graded as military man. Eventually he wants to get to the top and handle the most sensitive economical, security, education(idealogical wars), intelligence(foreign and domestic). Niyahow iyaga haysta dalka, kuwani tvga waa '4 sano' ka bacdi he is gone, ma harayo, niinkani ciidanku waa niin joggayo 60 years. That's where they go after military service, to work inside 'agencies'. Because Australia waxay ka baqaysa nimankasi deriskooda oo china iyo indonesia inay malin soo weerarto. That's why their very focused on 'defence' ma aha 'offense' lakin sida 'america' oo saldhigyo meel kasto geeyo, iyagu waa keliya 'defence' that's why it's called defence department
Aduunyo waa labo:mar dagaal lagu jiro iyo mar dagaal la isku diyaarinhayo. Be it h.2 or superpower

Im thinking going vietcong for facing airforce. Although they had dense bushes as cover and we are a level plane. To counter this waxaan qodenaa godad oo bari ilaa mudug xariiriyo. Deep under ground chambers capable of housing entire cities. And underground railway to connect them. manufacture steel, so we can be self sufficient. Why dont you invent a gun call it ak68 cuz thats who'll primarily fall victim to it. Make it out of steel with steel rounds(remember lead is only used by civil officers) in war ,bullets are made of steel. The gun too should be steel, it will be heavier but less prone to jamming and it can handle powerful cartridge explosions. Where as lead bullet can be stopped midway through body, steel rounds will rip through several people.


Aduunyo waa labo:mar dagaal lagu jiro iyo mar dagaal la isku diyaarinhayo. Be it h.2 or superpower

Im thinking going vietcong for facing airforce. Although they had dense bushes as cover and we are a level plane. To counter this waxaan qodenaa godad oo bari ilaa mudug xariiriyo. Deep under ground chambers capable of housing entire cities. And underground railway to connect them. manufacture steel, so we can be self sufficient. Why dont you invent a gun call it ak68 cuz thats who'll primarily fall victim to it. Make it out of steel with steel rounds(remember lead is only used by civil officers) in war ,bullets are made of steel. The gun too should be steel, it will be heavier but less prone to jamming and it can handle powerful cartridge explosions. Where as lead bullet can be stopped midway through body, steel rounds will rip through several people.

One thing that disturbs me about the military is the huge focus on 'weapons or equipments'. This is what the 'enemy' is focused on also, your kinda 'equalizing' your 'strategy' ma garatay. U need to focus on where he aint bro. Building up strong 'morale' among your soldier and mentally strong and can operate in 'chaos' which is a 'feat' in itself as humans(not s) we need system or are system thinkers, our mind wasn't adapted to 'chaos' because we know it produces nothing. Take away the 'system' for example from 'walmart' u will see 'chaos' immediately and it can no longer function or trade. The state is even worse as it has 'wider' impact then 'walmart'

I want to focus on 'intelligence of our soldiers and skills training in chaotic environment while achieving the objectives of his sector for the army' He needs to know what the objectives are, time, speed, we need to teach him skills what happen he fails and how to 'regroup' himself and stay on 'target' or if something changes how does he 'react' all this must be 'thrown' at him in training at least for the 'front line'. I am not big supporter of just focusing on hardware cause the enemy is also, SUN TZU said study your enemy where he is weak NOT where he is strong or focused.
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