That's me 3:43 mark
I am dead set serious. My ancestors are big motivator for me to succeed in life, I am not someone who has no 'motivation' it is the first thing I learned to separate the weak from the strong, to define what 'drives' you to be the best. Every company and even our department tells us if you don't know or making things up your contribution to our team or any team like 'military' will result in 'poor results' it can decide the 'war'.
I will ensure I am apart of the 'ground forces' division for PL. All I ask is for the best 'general' because I am not going on a battle field with no 'plan', that's 'chaos' and in 'chaos' is losses. I want the best general who can show me his 'plan'. I want the war 'quantified' to a number also so it can be measured for performance. I am not one of those 'rambos' who goes around like baboon. I want a 'system' my 'role' in the system and the goals to be achieved. It's up to the general to divise the plan and organize the team. I will then join that 'structure' there is 'nidaam' now. The technicals, bm21, tanks are only for keeping the 'enemy' at 'bay', it doesn't decide a war. It's like two tank 'divisions' on opposite sides in a desert, you are just 'equalizing' the war and it ends in 'nothing'.
I want my 'squad' to at least have 1 medic guy with 30 days training in 'first aid' so we can keep our losses low and apply first aid. I want a 'sarkaal' with 20 years experience and battle experience and proof he has 'achieved' the goals of the general not some 'indhacade' I ain't dying for no 'baboon'. I want our soldier 'group' graded on 'battle experience and results'. I want the war to be 'timed'. The longer it continues the more lives, money, petrol, food is wasted. Even in my department without a 'schedule' on our projects, we cannot measure anything.
I will then join that 'darawish' sector. But I want to hear the 'plan' of the general, he has spent 30 years in wars and in different 'arenas' surely has collated information on success and defeat. Surely he knows what the 'enemy' capacity mentally, physically, morally is? We must ensure 'strong morals' from our 'ground forces' which will be me, I am only there not because the money is good to defend my 'awoowe honor and legacy who left me a land, people, farmland, livestock, and gave me the opportunity to be sitting in Australia working in a department with some of the best minds in academia. I will recruit for 'soldier' activity lakin 'qorsho' nidaam leh oo 'mathamatics' ku saabsan baan raba kow. We can do the rest then. I always want 'one sniper guy' for key targets in each squad, ground forces to remember their 'awoowe' so they know what their here for and remember the plan of the GENERAL, I want the commander then to push thru 'enemy' one by one in 'sectors' we must define their 'sectors'. I don't want it to end there. War is about 'objective' not 'battle'. I want the 'enemy' decimated not the field but all his 'infrastructure'. We must push as far as where there is communication facilities, ports, airports, and begin 'check points' across his all sctor. I want to enter his town and ensure all his 'academy are shot in the head' these are the ones I fear the most as they are the ones 'who restore' a society, leave the place like 'VACUUM' with no 'nidaam'. I won't sit there and 'transition' him into a 'structure' I am damn cruel, he has to learn I am Majerten and I don't play games
I am dead set serious. My ancestors are big motivator for me to succeed in life, I am not someone who has no 'motivation' it is the first thing I learned to separate the weak from the strong, to define what 'drives' you to be the best. Every company and even our department tells us if you don't know or making things up your contribution to our team or any team like 'military' will result in 'poor results' it can decide the 'war'.
I will ensure I am apart of the 'ground forces' division for PL. All I ask is for the best 'general' because I am not going on a battle field with no 'plan', that's 'chaos' and in 'chaos' is losses. I want the best general who can show me his 'plan'. I want the war 'quantified' to a number also so it can be measured for performance. I am not one of those 'rambos' who goes around like baboon. I want a 'system' my 'role' in the system and the goals to be achieved. It's up to the general to divise the plan and organize the team. I will then join that 'structure' there is 'nidaam' now. The technicals, bm21, tanks are only for keeping the 'enemy' at 'bay', it doesn't decide a war. It's like two tank 'divisions' on opposite sides in a desert, you are just 'equalizing' the war and it ends in 'nothing'.
I want my 'squad' to at least have 1 medic guy with 30 days training in 'first aid' so we can keep our losses low and apply first aid. I want a 'sarkaal' with 20 years experience and battle experience and proof he has 'achieved' the goals of the general not some 'indhacade' I ain't dying for no 'baboon'. I want our soldier 'group' graded on 'battle experience and results'. I want the war to be 'timed'. The longer it continues the more lives, money, petrol, food is wasted. Even in my department without a 'schedule' on our projects, we cannot measure anything.
I will then join that 'darawish' sector. But I want to hear the 'plan' of the general, he has spent 30 years in wars and in different 'arenas' surely has collated information on success and defeat. Surely he knows what the 'enemy' capacity mentally, physically, morally is? We must ensure 'strong morals' from our 'ground forces' which will be me, I am only there not because the money is good to defend my 'awoowe honor and legacy who left me a land, people, farmland, livestock, and gave me the opportunity to be sitting in Australia working in a department with some of the best minds in academia. I will recruit for 'soldier' activity lakin 'qorsho' nidaam leh oo 'mathamatics' ku saabsan baan raba kow. We can do the rest then. I always want 'one sniper guy' for key targets in each squad, ground forces to remember their 'awoowe' so they know what their here for and remember the plan of the GENERAL, I want the commander then to push thru 'enemy' one by one in 'sectors' we must define their 'sectors'. I don't want it to end there. War is about 'objective' not 'battle'. I want the 'enemy' decimated not the field but all his 'infrastructure'. We must push as far as where there is communication facilities, ports, airports, and begin 'check points' across his all sctor. I want to enter his town and ensure all his 'academy are shot in the head' these are the ones I fear the most as they are the ones 'who restore' a society, leave the place like 'VACUUM' with no 'nidaam'. I won't sit there and 'transition' him into a 'structure' I am damn cruel, he has to learn I am Majerten and I don't play games