I found the guy who cried on his wedding day

Looool who wants a man that has a 2nd, 3rd or 4th wives... Thats a huge NONO. Even though its permissible, I wouldn't accept it.
so you saying he has to choose now....this is a hard one for the brother. But if thats how you feel. Kudhufo Kadhaqaq Im sorry bro.....I tried, but it seems you have to choose now:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:
so you saying he has to choose now....this is a hard one for the brother. But if thats how you feel. Kudhufo Kadhaqaq Im sorry bro.....I tried, but it seems you have to choose now:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:

Mr @Gooney112 is just hinting that his up for the market. There are plenty of xalimos on this that you and @Kudhufo Kadhaqaq can choose from: @Xalimo from da block & @Xalimo from da block & @Factz and plenty more:dzmxmmb: My ass is still gon stay on the guest list, I'm not gon change my mind




:drakelaugh:This Italian fetish is too funny. I dont even like their girls. they are basically ugly version of romanians who has beautiful women
Last week it was lantino and habesha now is these fine italian men and no they don't look like those ugly romanians :damn:


Looool ain't you from the Midlands?
I'm sure we talked about the medical field? :yloezpe::yloezpe:
If that wasn't u, my bad.
You don't see a farax lately ripped like that...

I don't ever remember communicating with you lol. I thought you got mad at me for trolling on Xalimos back then but just remember I love Somali women. Whatever I say on the internet means nothing, it's only banter.

