HSM: Dastuurka waa la dhammeystirayaa, dalkuna horay ayuu u soconaaya

Can you expand and explain why?
-they edited the constitution before and after it was passed in parliament as highlighted by a xamar university professor.
-successfully bribed hundreds of MPs to vote in favour, with many not even taking a look at the constitution before passing it according to A.Abdishakur and Sh.shariif.
-gives state control of all resources, which isn’t bad with a good leader. But Hassan is the type to sell
-Unable to discuss with xamar or Somali intellectuals on the parts which are controversial, which I’ll get to.
-instead of PM and president, we’ll have vice president and president. And parliament will be dissolved. So if there is a leader which is a danger to Somali’s and the vice president agrees with him, 18million Somalis can do nothing about it.
-they edited the constitution before and after it was passed in parliament as highlighted by a xamar university professor.
-successfully bribed hundreds of MPs to vote in favour, with many not even taking a look at the constitution before passing it according to A.Abdishakur and Sh.shariif.
-gives state control of all resources, which isn’t bad with a good leader. But Hassan is the type to sell
-Unable to discuss with xamar or Somali intellectuals on the parts which are controversial, which I’ll get to.
-instead of PM and president, we’ll have vice president and president. And parliament will be dissolved. So if there is a leader which is a danger to Somali’s and the vice president agrees with him, 18million Somalis can do nothing about it.
That sounds like a dictator in the making. Doesn't sound good and I am not even your typical consumer of Somali politics.
In order to finalize the Somali constitution, the federal gov needs to negotiate on key matters with the federal states. Xasan Sheekh does not want to seriously negotiate with Puntland because he knows he will lose.

Puntland will make strong arguments against:
  1. Moving away from a divided executive (President&PM) to a unitary executive model (President&VP).
  2. Limiting political parties to 2 instead of having a multiparty democracy.
  3. Changing the presidential term to 5 years from current 4 years.
  4. Changing vast portions of the existing constitution, often using less clear wording.
  5. Having the FGS run state/local elections.
  6. Giving the FGS powers over education, health, transportation, commerce etc… that are not in the current constitution.
  7. Many many other objections.
Xasan Sheekh knows that it is impossible for him to win a debate with Deni on any of this, so he wants to pass the new constitution as soon as he can.

He is begining to lose the confidence of MPs already so none of this is likely to happen.
If I know anything about Somalis, this is going to end badly for us.
I am pro Somali government but I don't like the idea of placing all of our eggs in one basket. All it will take is one bad guy at the helm, and believe me this is a lot more likely than not since we have more bad guys in Somali politics than good guys.
When it rains it pours

Day by day, the coalition against the constitution grows stronger. He spoke well here that this is an entirely new constitution that is attempting to be pushed through without the agreement of all Somali people. Hassan really thought ethiopia would distract the Somali people enough for him to push this shit through, oday must be going senile to try and push dictatorship under our feet.
I read that HSM now wants to reduce amendments by taking back the power of the Prime Minister and extending political parties from 2 to 3. We will see what happens
I read that too. It seems IC pressured him after PL communiqué, and in response HSM is trying to placate PL by scrapping some of his amendments. Now he wants a prime minister that the president can dismiss and to increase the political parties. He's trying to show IC that he's willing to compromise.
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