HS chamber of commerce visit Garacad Port

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Yes, Feerfeer to Galdogob Highway and then straight to Garacad. We finally have a understanding with Cagjar who now lets us use these roads. What a smart move by XL.
Not precisely. I don't want to be under the mercy of HG they live close to Galdogob area and east of Shilaabo(lababaar)where they border with mx we are in south of Shilaabo were we share border wih bahgari OG. So use warder/wardheere, Qabridahar,South shilaabo-feerfeer. PM Xamsa was trying to use this road when he was in DDS to reach Baladweyne he than changed his mind bc of the rain. We need to build this road we can also use it for the Berbera port through -Jarar-Salaxley. Hiraab yaaba u baahan 🀣🀣


Daarood side of DDS have good infastructure its feerfeer and mustaxiil that are neglected. This is Shilaabo and and qabridahar road. Qarbridahar has laami connecting it to wardheer
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Also, it’s gonna take time to finance the port not only Abgaal will be financing it but also XL.

What’s more important than the port itself is roads.

A Highway is a must from these points

Feerfeer - Beledweyne - Jalalaqsi - Mahaday - Jowhar - Cadale - Warsheikh - Balcad
A Mogadishu - Beledweyne highway is a must that also connects to coastal towns such as Balcad- warsheihk, Mahadaay - Cadale etc. Regardless of what’s said on this site, All clans present in Hiraan have a sizeable community in the capital going back and forth this road but I’m not aware of XL/any other reer hiraan established community in Puntland. Xawaadle are 4th largest clan in terms of those who have businesses in Mogadishu. Your businessmen, students, regular civilians etc use this highway much more than Beledweyne to Galkacyo
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We export and import from PL but we connot export to Xamar they have Afgooye and Jowhar. What we need from Xamar is only the SFG related materials and that belongs to the Govt anything else the airport is enough. We trade with our North not with ur south.
We export and import from PL but we connot export to Xamar they have Afgooye and Jowhar. What we need from Xamar is only the SFG related materials and that belongs to the Govt anything else the airport is enough. We trade with our North not with ur south.

That's right.

You need us to buy your produce and we need you to use our Port.

Quid pro quo.


That's right.

You need us to buy your produce and we need you to use our Port.

Quid pro quo.

@The Midlands thru economic cooperation comes peace n inevitably political alliance. If hiiran develops it's a win for us and same if PL develops its a win 4 u due to the trade growing on both sides u will need more import, we will need more produce. We shud think about our interests only niyahow
@The Midlands thru economic cooperation comes peace n inevitably political alliance. If hiiran develops it's a win for us and same if PL develops its a win 4 u due to the trade growing on both sides u will need more import, we will need more produce. We shud think about our interests only niyahow

Hiiraan should buy our dates, myrrh and frankincense. @The Midlands
Don't import dates from Carabaha, buy it from Bari, we have quite a few farms up North.

For example:



@The Midlands I heard hamar abgaal side is rife with crime, u won't see that in PL. They may not war much but their moryanimo is at all time high. PPL r safe in PL, no1 is going to care who u r. As for war PL adopted a defence only approach since 91, we don't go into ppl land n fight them, only defence is what we do if they come to us with drama
A Mogadishu - Beledweyne highway is a must that also connects to coastal towns such as Balcad- warsheihk, Mahadaay - Cadale etc. Regardless of what’s said on this site, All clans present in Hiraan have a sizeable community in the capital going back and forth this road but I’m not aware of XL/any other reer hiraan established community in Puntland. Xawaadle are 4th largest clan in terms of those who have businesses in Mogadishu. Your businessmen, students, regular civilians etc use this highway much more than Beledweyne to Galkacyo
Is the muqdisho-balcad highway being built the same old highway to beledweyne-galkacyo that was paved by siyad bare but destroyed or is it new one road?

When it comes to freight people are going to do business where its more safer and cheaper.
OG in ceelbarde and afdheer dds have been using muqdisho port since its opening after the civil war. The HG did all the dirty work from muqdisho via konfur galbed- celbarde where OG business men would take it from there. Right now afdheer celbarde are doing more trading with bosaso Berbera than muqdisho thanks to shabab cutting off kg supply routes.

back in the day muqdisho port imports would reach gariisa via Bu’aale like in the hundreds per day that’s how booming muqdisho port was. HG had control of lower shabele then they paid RRA for bay road one single time. In buale they would pay OG one time then it was straight to the Kenyan border.
Is the muqdisho-balcad highway being built the same old highway to beledweyne-galkacyo that was paved by siyad bare but destroyed or is it new one road?

When it comes to freight people are going to do business where its more safer and cheaper.
OG in ceelbarde and afdheer dds have been using muqdisho port since its opening after the civil war. The HG did all the dirty work from muqdisho via konfur galbed- celbarde where OG business men would take it from there. Right now afdheer celbarde are doing more trading with bosaso Berbera than muqdisho thanks to shabab cutting off kg supply routes.

back in the day muqdisho port imports would reach gariisa via Bu’aale like in the hundreds per day that’s how booming muqdisho port was. HG had control of lower shabele then they paid RRA for bay road one single time. In buale they would pay OG one time then it was straight to the Kenyan border.

Boycott the terror state's port, Berbera.


Hiiraan should buy our dates, myrrh and frankincense. @The Midlands
Don't import dates from Carabaha, buy it from Bari, we have quite a few farms up North.

For example:

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My mother said she ate 'PL tuna' in europe, I couldn't believe it and she said it was delicious. The ppl who gave it to her didn't tell her where it was from only after she ate she was told.

Lots of HAGS think PL r tribal nutters who will attack them in PL over 91, my mum even thinks that saying I wont go there if you not there. I told her it's propaganda n myth, all the history shows PL only defending itself they never seek drama with others in their land. Only time we expanded was when the african scramble was happening, but now their world order and international law, we adopted peace and defence only approach.


Even when PL could've taken sacad homes we returned them back, we don't want unlawful somali property even tho it could've been justified they did that in hamar but we didn't. I've never heard a hag or snm civilian was killed or attacked due to their clan in PL, not once in my life. So i told my mum her worries are unwarranted

oops i forgot sacad n omar mahmoud but their shit is never-ending since the 50s, so that doesn't count i mean other HAGS in PL.
Is the muqdisho-balcad highway being built the same old highway to beledweyne-galkacyo that was paved by siyad bare but destroyed or is it new one road?

When it comes to freight people are going to do business where its more safer and cheaper.
OG in ceelbarde and afdheer dds have been using muqdisho port since its opening after the civil war. The HG did all the dirty work from muqdisho via konfur galbed- celbarde where OG business men would take it from there. Right now afdheer celbarde are doing more trading with bosaso Berbera than muqdisho thanks to shabab cutting off kg supply routes.

back in the day muqdisho port imports would reach gariisa via Bu’aale like in the hundreds per day that’s how booming muqdisho port was. HG had control of lower shabele then they paid RRA for bay road one single time. In buale they would pay OG one time then it was straight to the Kenyan border.
It is the same exact road as the one paved by siad barre aun. Northern ports benefit from the shabaab instability in the south but once that is cleared out, they will come back to using the ports closest to them. Ain’t no one trying to travel 600km for a port. Garcad will boom as they have a good trade route of DDSI-galgadob- garcaad but I don’t see anything south of mudug using them once stability is returned. Even the OG in celbarde will go back to using xamar port and southern OG in jl use kismaayo and do their NFD kin currently use kismaayo as well?


@The Midlands to be quite honest MJ have short memories, they don't remember or care for things in the past which I criticize them for a-lot saying that's how history repeats itself by not learning from the past and having short memories. But the anger mostly from PL since the civil war is the lack of govt and not moving forward, that's the big issue to us, not wat actually happened in 91 even tho that's raised up in frustration due to a lack of govt. Most of the hate will stem from the lack of govt for 30 years and the world moving forward fast.
@The Midlands to be quite honest MJ have short memories, they don't remember or care for things in the past which I criticize them for a-lot saying that's how history repeats itself by not learning from the past and having short memories. But the anger mostly from PL since the civil war is the lack of govt and not moving forward, that's the big issue to us, not wat actually happened in 91 even tho that's raised up in frustration due to a lack of govt.


MJs have the shortest memories of all Somalis. Me and the other Puntites on this forum are 'abnormal' in the sense that we believe in holding a grudge, but the ones back home, are masaakiin. That's why all of our enemies waltz into our land without a single thought about being seen as the enemy they are.


Saaxo(marehan town), Towfiq(dir town), Dhinowda(sheikhaal) all these towns were never harassed by us nor do we pressure them to join us, they asked us to come and we did peacefully. We don't attack other ppl 'degmo' in offensive land grab. That's HG/Isaaq who do that shit. We adopted peace/defence approach since 91, we knew it's not the era 4 land-grabs(african scramble) so we showed a good image to the world that we know geopolitics n international world order.

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Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
A Mogadishu - Beledweyne highway is a must that also connects to coastal towns such as Balcad- warsheihk, Mahadaay - Cadale etc. Regardless of what’s said on this site, All clans present in Hiraan have a sizeable community in the capital going back and forth this road but I’m not aware of XL/any other reer hiraan established community in Puntland. Xawaadle are 4th largest clan in terms of those who have businesses in Mogadishu. Your businessmen, students, regular civilians etc use this highway much more than Beledweyne to Galkacyo
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The prospect of XL going all-in on PL owned ports led you to acknowledge their size in Xamar yaab
Boycott the terror state's port, Berbera.
Garacad will be much easier and cheaper for regions like qoraxay afdheer doolo as more dhows from uae land in garacad. Most small time traders use dhows instead of giant container ships.
It is the same exact road as the one paved by siad barre aun. Northern ports benefit from the shabaab instability in the south but once that is cleared out, they will come back to using the ports closest to them. Ain’t no one trying to travel 600km for a port. Garcad will boom as they have a good trade route of DDSI-galgadob- garcaad but I don’t see anything south of mudug using them once stability is returned. Even the OG in celbarde will go back to using xamar port and southern OG in jl use kismaayo and do their NFD kin currently use kismaayo as well?
Nfd depends on kismaayo if it wasn’t for kismaayo life would be hard.
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@The Midlands to be quite honest MJ have short memories, they don't remember or care for things in the past which I criticize them for a-lot saying that's how history repeats itself by not learning from the past and having short memories. But the anger mostly from PL since the civil war is the lack of govt and not moving forward, that's the big issue to us, not wat actually happened in 91 even tho that's raised up in frustration due to a lack of govt. Most of the hate will stem from the lack of govt for 30 years and the world moving forward fast.
i have seen alot of mjs in Camden town to be honest they were the most open minded Daaroods and the nicest i have ever seen. Yes they r proud people not begging you shit but they are not close minded like Warsangali. I had a warsangali friend from carabaha and even those seamen were saying to him "why you are with this Hawiye guy " i said to him bro im not even Hawiye for Hawiye 🀣🀣
i have seen alot of mjs in Camden town to be honest they were the most open minded Daaroods and the nicest i have ever seen. Yes they r proud people not begging you shit but they are not close minded like Warsangali. I had a warsangali friend from carabaha and even those seamen were saying to him "why you are with this Hawiye guy " i said to him bro im not even Hawiye for Hawiye 🀣🀣

Don't see it as closed-minded, a lot of Harti raised in Carabaha, never or hardly interacted with Hawiye. And all they know, is what happened in 1991. Imagine being a child and then hearing the horrors of 1991. Hawiye will be a 'monster' in your mind, to keep at arms length.


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
Garacad will be much easier and cheaper for regions like qoraxay afdheer doolo as more dhows from uae land in garacad. Most small time traders use dhows instead of giant container ships.
The greatest thing about Garacad port is it’s ownership. We did the hard work of producing hundreds of millions of dollars to own our own seaport rather than getting it from aabo UAE or Turkiye and accepting 30% ownership :trumpsmirk:

The Turks you see working in Garacad are simply hired operators, not owner-operators like in Aden Adde airport, Xamar seaport, and Decale Hotel
I want my fellow Somali Maxamed to take note of the benefit of owning your own infrastructure


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