HS chamber of commerce visit Garacad Port

He said its not the hirshabele admin who put those isbaaro there its most likely sna/ clan militias. I hope hirshabele admin and the federal government both work together and put some sense in those guys doing the isbaaro. Hiraan and middle shabele have potential for massive agricultural tranformation. Having the abgaal investors bringing in big machinery and exporting it to xamar factories will be a game changer. Xamar has like 3 million people Sitting around jobless. investing in farms in middle shabele will start an industrial packaging in xamar. Removing those isbaaro will actually benefit abgaal more than anybody else.
He said its not the hirshabele admin who put those isbaaro there its most likely sna/ clan militias. I hope hirshabele admin and the federal government both work together and put some sense in those guys doing the isbaaro. Hiraan and middle shabele have potential for massive agricultural tranformation. Having the abgaal investors bringing in big machinery and exporting it to xamar factories will be a game changer. Xamar has like 3 million people Sitting around jobless. investing in farms in middle shabele will start an industrial packaging in xamar. Removing those isbaaro will actually benefit abgaal more than anybody else.
Inshallah this isbaaro mess will be dealt with soon. The native people are tired also as they are the ones who suffer under it. But post-shabaab things are looking good. This is ceelbaraf town getting ready for district status

You’re making it seem like they’re making the south unstable to take business away from muqdisho. Its not really about hiiraan only even hg in gobolada dhexe use bosaaso for their saliid and sonkor . 🀣 its $5-10 cheaper to import from Bosaso than muqdisho because of the isbaaro. Its not like reer punt land are paying the abgaal generals and military in middle Shabeel to put dozens of isbaaro there. Hg have to pay dozens of abgaal isbaaro then like 2-3 xawaadle then 1 more hg. Xawaadle pay 1-3 hg isbaaro when imprinting from bosaso.

If middle Shabeele natives organize and get one or two good Check points and guarantee straight through traveling without another stop it will make hirshabele a prosperous state.
I dont know why you are so defensive about it. I only stated facts which you agree with.

Fact nr. 1
Boosaaso benefitted from the instability in the South.

Fact nr. 2
Al-Shabaab and bandits are behind the instability.

Fact nr. 3
Stability in the South is a big blow to the Bosaso market share.

You agree with these facts but still write big paragaraphs of smokescreen.

US naming Bosaso as the main entrypoint of Shabaab weapons and all the top smugglers residing in Bari is alarming. As the saying goes "where there is smoke there is fire"
You’re making it seem like they’re making the south unstable to take business away from muqdisho. Its not really about hiiraan only even hg in gobolada dhexe use bosaaso for their saliid and sonkor . 🀣 its $5-10 cheaper to import from Bosaso than muqdisho because of the isbaaro. Its not like reer punt land are paying the abgaal generals and military in middle Shabeel to put dozens of isbaaro there. Hg have to pay dozens of abgaal isbaaro then like 2-3 xawaadle then 1 more hg. Xawaadle pay 1-3 hg isbaaro when importing from bosaso.

If middle Shabeele natives organize and get one or two good Check points and guarantee straight through traveling without another stop it will make hirshabele a prosperous state.
HG haven’t used Bosaso or Mogadishu port in years. From as large as cars and little as Triple AAA batteries we get them from our makeshift port in Hobyo.
I dont know why you are so defensive about it. I only stated facts which you agree with.

Fact nr. 1
Boosaaso benefitted from the instability in the South.

Fact nr. 2
Al-Shabaab and bandits are behind the instability.

Fact nr. 3
Stability in the South is a big blow to the Bosaso market share.

You agree with these facts but still write big paragaraphs of smokescreen.

US naming Bosaso as the main entrypoint of Shabaab weapons and all the top smugglers residing in Bari is alarming. As the saying goes "where there is smoke there is fire"
1. Yes Bosaso got the whole market of the south because Muqdisho port was slow or closed in the civil war and people from the south still Needed food. Bosaso saved people from starving of we look at in a way.

2. alshabab is gone you still have bandits taking over the freed roads. The bandits did not fall from the sky they’re natives of the land and your people’s problem to solve.

3.stability in the south is not gonna be a big blow bosaso but will make it easier for our families to buy cheaper food on alll sides. We the regular people and the danyar benefit from competition because prices Wouk’s be cheaper for food, and clothes.

4.Weapons are not only brought from Yemen but also through Djibouti and Ethiopia who both sell to different factions in somalia ( somaliland, put land southern somalia). Put land prevents alshabab from making Camps and attacking in thousands from their lands alshabab does this freely in the south it will be our problem to stop them. Puntland can point and sh why are alshabab attacking me from your homes ?
HG haven’t used Bosaso or Mogadishu port in years. From as large as cars and little as Triple AAA batteries we get them from our makeshift port in Hobyo.
One big ganacsade is not gonna make a difference most of the small hg entrepreneurs use bosaso because they gather like hundreds of other ganacsato from raxanwyn, Dir xawaadle abgaal, mj dhulo to rent one big dhow and it arrives in bosaso 10x cheaper than it would in hobyo.
I have seen the hobyo port it’s a big struggle how they work up there. Its similar to barawe macmal port.
1. Yes Bosaso got the whole market of the south because Muqdisho port was slow or closed in the civil war and people from the south still Needed food. Bosaso saved people from starving of we look at in a way.

2. alshabab is gone you still have bandits taking over the freed roads. The bandits did not fall from the sky they’re natives of the land and your people’s problem to solve.

3.stability in the south is not gonna be a big blow bosaso but will make it easier for our families to buy cheaper food on alll sides. We the regular people and the danyar benefit from competition because prices Wouk’s be cheaper for food, and clothes.

4.Weapons are not only brought from Yemen but also through Djibouti and Ethiopia who both sell to different factions in somalia ( somaliland, put land southern somalia). Put land prevents alshabab from making Camps and attacking in thousands from their lands alshabab does this freely in the south it will be our problem to stop them. Puntland can point and sh why are alshabab attacking me from your homes ?

Remember when they sent a truck full of explosives to Gaalkacyo? They disguised it as produce, but it was a truck full of qarax, sent from HAG lands. Even their elders threatened violence when we arrested their terrorist sons, but we still sent them to the afterlife. Or when in 2016, AlShabab attacked us on two fronts, but they were slaughtered. Guess who came to cry for the release of these terrorists? A HAG 'NGO' and then we caught them again a few years later.

Unlike them, we know how to root out terrorists and don't need assistance to do so. Someone needs to remind them that PSF is in their lands, to help them. I wonder how long it will take them until they accuse PSF of planting bombs. Anything will be said, anything, but it will never make sense and will never feature accountability of any kind.
Remember when they sent a truck full of explosives to Gaalkacyo? They disguised it as produce, but it was a truck full of qarax, sent from HAG lands. Even their elders threatened violence when we arrested their terrorist sons, but we still sent them to the afterlife. Or when in 2016, AlShabab attacked us on two fronts, but they were slaughtered. Guess who came to cry for the release of these terrorists? A HAG 'NGO' and then we caught them again a few years later.

Unlike them, we know how to root out terrorists and don't need assistance to do so. Someone needs to remind them that PSF is in their lands, to help them. I wonder how long it will take them until they accuse PSF of planting bombs. Anything will be said, anything, but it will never make sense and will never feature accountability of any kind.
People in the south in general like to blame and sound helpless am saying this as a southerner from jubaland. We lack basic midnimo and working as a group for common interests even within a sub clan. At least now we have done a little progress from the 90s.

Once you learn you’re your own downfall is when you’ll work 100x better than your enemy. This is why I applaud reer punt land they understand this. Alshabab or itixad all failed to destabilize puntland. While they took over the south and chased any sort of clan representives or power.

we are the playground for reer hargeisa and all freaks from all corners of somaliweyn to practice their savagery and to revenge for falastine. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

#Puntlandfirst. #PIM
1. Yes Bosaso got the whole market of the south because Muqdisho port was slow or closed in the civil war and people from the south still Needed food. Bosaso saved people from starving of we look at in a way.

2. alshabab is gone you still have bandits taking over the freed roads. The bandits did not fall from the sky they’re natives of the land and your people’s problem to solve.

3.stability in the south is not gonna be a big blow bosaso but will make it easier for our families to buy cheaper food on alll sides. We the regular people and the danyar benefit from competition because prices Wouk’s be cheaper for food, and clothes.

4.Weapons are not only brought from Yemen but also through Djibouti and Ethiopia who both sell to different factions in somalia ( somaliland, put land southern somalia). Put land prevents alshabab from making Camps and attacking in thousands from their lands alshabab does this freely in the south it will be our problem to stop them. Puntland can point and sh why are alshabab attacking me from your homes ?
Hutus dont know the meaning of Personal responsibility. Akhi dont waste your time.
100% Reer Cabudwaaq, Reer Galdogob and Reer DDSI and Hiiraan will use Garacad. Waalle Majeerteen have captured central economy nimanku caqli badana

Leonardo Dicaprio Leo GIF
They really made Hobyo into a joke. The strategic thing is Garacad is situated in the centre of Mudug therefore I don’t think there will be any other ports in close proximity except for Maybe Cadale in the future which the SFG will heavily then be against.

Garacad will soon be the most busiest port in Somalia by the end of the decade with the expected volume. DDSI, Hiiraan, Galgaduud and even as far as SSC.

i just hope they build a proper corridor from Galdogob - Galkacyo to Garacad.

Guuleysta my PL brothers
They really made Hobyo into a joke. The strategic thing is Garacad is situated in the centre of Mudug therefore I don’t think there will be any other ports in close proximity except for Maybe Cadale in the future which the SFG will heavily then be against.

Garacad will soon be the most busiest port in Somalia by the end of the decade with the expected volume. DDSI, Hiiraan, Galgaduud and even as far as SSC.

i just hope they build a proper corridor from Galdogob - Galkacyo to Garacad.

Guuleysta my PL brothers
2 things.

1. A lot of the folks in this thread are either spreading misinformation or have a genuine lack of knowledge esp regarding isbaaros and changing situations(AS). There are no isbaaros in GM or the HG state when passing laamiga dheer. Even when it comes to HS the isbaaros are little to none on the main road connecting muqdisho ii Hargeisa in comparison to LS and MS. The isbaaros in HS are mainly within abgaal dhul and turning off the main road into abgaal dhul toward northern Abgaal land and also as you get closer to muqdisho.. The ones on the main road toward Muqdisho are short and are slowly being cleared as they are clearly a great issue.

2. Every state in the country WILL have at least ONE port that they can use. If Garacad decides to stay with PL then the market won't be too promising but if they Join GM they will be the GM State port and get better business and less competition.
Berbera for SL
Bosaso for PL
Garacad or Hobyo for GM
Cadale for HS
Marka or Baraawa for KG
Kismayo for JL.

On a present scale, most people may believe that this is too much to succeed in any port. When Somalia becomes peaceful and begins to attract business due to its geolocation and size, I won't be shocked if there are more ports than the ones listed above, with the ones listed above serving as the nation's major ports.

These ports may not all grow to be as huge as conventional ports, with some being larger than others, but each Somali state WILL have at least one port for personal usage and/or emergency use. This is federalism.
2 things.

1. A lot of the folks in this thread are either spreading misinformation or have a genuine lack of knowledge esp regarding isbaaros and changing situations(AS). There are no isbaaros in GM or the HG state when passing laamiga dheer. Even when it comes to HS the isbaaros are little to none on the main road connecting muqdisho ii Hargeisa in comparison to LS and MS. The isbaaros in HS are mainly within abgaal dhul and turning off the main road into abgaal dhul toward northern Abgaal land and also as you get closer to muqdisho.. The ones on the main road toward Muqdisho are short and are slowly being cleared as they are clearly a great issue.

2. Every state in the country WILL have at least ONE port that they can use. If Garacad decides to stay with PL then the market won't be too promising but if they Join GM they will be the GM State port and get better business and less competition.
Berbera for SL
Bosaso for PL
Garacad or Hobyo for GM
Cadale for HS
Marka or Baraawa for KG
Kismayo for JL.

On a present scale, most people may believe that this is too much to succeed in any port. When Somalia becomes peaceful and begins to attract business due to its geolocation and size, I won't be shocked if there are more ports than the ones listed above, with the ones listed above serving as the nation's major ports.

These ports may not all grow to be as huge as conventional ports, with some being larger than others, but each Somali state WILL have at least one port for personal usage and/or emergency use. This is federalism.

100% FACTS

Walahi langaabka @Kheyre made me laugh, kulaha no others ports would be built next to Garaacad, as if that will stop HGs from building their ports in Galmudug, matter of fact since when did anything stop HGs from doing anything they wanted?

Galmudug will have 3 ports down the line, Hobyo port, Dhinowda Port and Mareeg Port.
2 things.

1. A lot of the folks in this thread are either spreading misinformation or have a genuine lack of knowledge esp regarding isbaaros and changing situations(AS). There are no isbaaros in GM or the HG state when passing laamiga dheer. Even when it comes to HS the isbaaros are little to none on the main road connecting muqdisho ii Hargeisa in comparison to LS and MS. The isbaaros in HS are mainly within abgaal dhul and turning off the main road into abgaal dhul toward northern Abgaal land and also as you get closer to muqdisho.. The ones on the main road toward Muqdisho are short and are slowly being cleared as they are clearly a great issue.

2. Every state in the country WILL have at least ONE port that they can use. If Garacad decides to stay with PL then the market won't be too promising but if they Join GM they will be the GM State port and get better business and less competition.
Berbera for SL
Bosaso for PL
Garacad or Hobyo for GM
Cadale for HS
Marka or Baraawa for KG
Kismayo for JL.

On a present scale, most people may believe that this is too much to succeed in any port. When Somalia becomes peaceful and begins to attract business due to its geolocation and size, I won't be shocked if there are more ports than the ones listed above, with the ones listed above serving as the nation's major ports.

These ports may not all grow to be as huge as conventional ports, with some being larger than others, but each Somali state WILL have at least one port for personal usage and/or emergency use. This is federalism.
Thief only want to steal that if u can πŸ˜‚ kulaha he want Garacad port for galnus πŸ˜‚ bruh u funny guy
Thief only want to steal that if u can πŸ˜‚ kulaha he want Garacad port for galnus πŸ˜‚ bruh u funny guy

Reread again, you sound illiterate, the man said that Garacad port will only serve Puntland market as Galmudug will blockade their southern market, Garacad to Galmudug border is less than 10km.

If however Garacad were to join Galmudug then they would be within Galmudug market if not, than Garacad stays within Puntland market and Galmudug will have its own ports.

Me personally I want Galmudug to have its own ports and blockade Garacad port within Puntlands market.


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
Reread again, you sound illiterate, the man said that Garacad port will only serve Puntland market as Galmudug will blockade their southern market, Garacad to Galmudug border is less than 10km.

If however Garacad were to join Galmudug then they would be within Galmudug market if not, than Garacad stays within Puntland market and Galmudug will have its own ports.

Me personally I want Galmudug to have its own ports and blockade Garacad port within Puntlands market.
It’s a free market sxb, if you decide to build a port that’s fine I wish you success. But until then, many Reer GM will make use of Garacad.

As they continue to do so, the desire to build a port in GM will surely wane. There is no scenario in which Garacad joins GM so why bother entertaining that.

Yusuf Abdi Ali Rashid

King of Prussia
2 things.

1. A lot of the folks in this thread are either spreading misinformation or have a genuine lack of knowledge esp regarding isbaaros and changing situations(AS). There are no isbaaros in GM or the HG state when passing laamiga dheer. Even when it comes to HS the isbaaros are little to none on the main road connecting muqdisho ii Hargeisa in comparison to LS and MS. The isbaaros in HS are mainly within abgaal dhul and turning off the main road into abgaal dhul toward northern Abgaal land and also as you get closer to muqdisho.. The ones on the main road toward Muqdisho are short and are slowly being cleared as they are clearly a great issue.

2. Every state in the country WILL have at least ONE port that they can use. If Garacad decides to stay with PL then the market won't be too promising but if they Join GM they will be the GM State port and get better business and less competition.
Berbera for SL
Bosaso for PL
Garacad or Hobyo for GM
Cadale for HS
Marka or Baraawa for KG
Kismayo for JL.

On a present scale, most people may believe that this is too much to succeed in any port. When Somalia becomes peaceful and begins to attract business due to its geolocation and size, I won't be shocked if there are more ports than the ones listed above, with the ones listed above serving as the nation's major ports.

These ports may not all grow to be as huge as conventional ports, with some being larger than others, but each Somali state WILL have at least one port for personal usage and/or emergency use. This is federalism.
"If Garacad decides to stay with Puntland" :dead:
2 things.

1. A lot of the folks in this thread are either spreading misinformation or have a genuine lack of knowledge esp regarding isbaaros and changing situations(AS). There are no isbaaros in GM or the HG state when passing laamiga dheer. Even when it comes to HS the isbaaros are little to none on the main road connecting muqdisho ii Hargeisa in comparison to LS and MS. The isbaaros in HS are mainly within abgaal dhul and turning off the main road into abgaal dhul toward northern Abgaal land and also as you get closer to muqdisho.. The ones on the main road toward Muqdisho are short and are slowly being cleared as they are clearly a great issue.

2. Every state in the country WILL have at least ONE port that they can use. If Garacad decides to stay with PL then the market won't be too promising but if they Join GM they will be the GM State port and get better business and less competition.
Berbera for SL
Bosaso for PL
Garacad or Hobyo for GM
Cadale for HS
Marka or Baraawa for KG
Kismayo for JL.

On a present scale, most people may believe that this is too much to succeed in any port. When Somalia becomes peaceful and begins to attract business due to its geolocation and size, I won't be shocked if there are more ports than the ones listed above, with the ones listed above serving as the nation's major ports.

These ports may not all grow to be as huge as conventional ports, with some being larger than others, but each Somali state WILL have at least one port for personal usage and/or emergency use. This is federalism.
Where’s hobyo?
for those in here who are getting heated about Garacad possibly joining it is a possible reality I don't make the rules the law does and by law Garacads future fate lies with GM. There is no hostility towards the area for those yelling 'thief' and it's likes if that was the case I'm sure the port wouldn't even have been built.
It’s a free market sxb, if you decide to build a port that’s fine I wish you success. But until then, many Reer GM will make use of Garacad.

As they continue to do so, the desire to build a port in GM will surely wane. There is no scenario in which Garacad joins GM so why bother entertaining that.
If reer Garacad are smart they would Join GM and do like you have said 'Wane' future possibilities of other ports by using the leverage of their already built port but if they keep to PL they may see a Hobyo down the corridor competing with them. Hobyo port is still a possible port and if built could heavily undermine Garacad port business as Reer Galmudug would look towards using Hobyo instead of PL Garacad.

PS. For those in the thread, respond logically and stop letting your fear and inferiority overlap your logic and political lense.

Come on sxb, you, I and everyone here knows that Galmudug will have its Ports it's just a matter of time, any Fully Fledged State will have its Ports it's how Nations works.

It’s a free market sxb, if you decide to build a port that’s fine I wish you success. But until then, many Reer GM will make use of Garacad.

As they continue to do so, the desire to build a port in GM will surely wane. There is no scenario in which Garacad joins GM so why bother entertaining that.
Like you said it's free market, and we wish our neighbors Puntland and Hirshabelle well, but we Galmudug will always strive to better our State whether it be having our own ports or airports.

