How is this possible how does this Somali child have Biue eyes ?


The most eggcelent member
We're basically Caucasians with melanin.
We aren't, cushites are different than the rest of the world dna wise.

Its just that our features aren't super strong like bantus or east asians, so a half somali looks almost like a north african, and by 1/4 somali they are basically white.
We aren't, cushites are different than the rest of the world dna wise.

Its just that our features aren't super strong like bantus or east asians, so a half somali looks almost like a north african, and by 1/4 somali they are basically white.
Pretty much, can't lie. We upgrade the cadaan genes tbh. Any girl that has somali genetics becomes hot bit funny




Here what I found.


İt's over our genes are weak asf apparently I came across Tiktok video half Swedish half Somali kid this is the result.View attachment 305875
Not weak genes, we have just been fucking other Somali for the past 8,000 - 9,000 years so have kept our ancient genes, the groups that mixed to create modern Somali people don't exist anymore, keep in mind the difference between French, German and Italian man is 3,000 -4,000 years, Europeans are a combination of native HG and various groups from Levant, Africa and the Russian Steppe.

So when a Somali marries a European, they only get 25 - 30% Ancentral East African and the rest is Euroasian.

