How do i cope with being ugly

What helped me get laid the most is playing fool and joke with evry girl im interested in and if it goes wrong i feel. 0 regrets. I dont even care if embarase myself trying to get a girl anymore
Remember people easy to fool.


East-End General 💯☔
What helped me get laid the most is playing fool and joke with evry girl im interested in and if it goes wrong i feel. 0 regrets. I dont even care if embarase myself trying to get a girl anymore
Remember people easy to fool.
So you bounce around like a monkey in hopes that the girl will pay you in box for the entertainment? Cajiib wallahi.


The truth is a 16year old young man is as useless as a 35yr old women, biologically speaking.

Women with no ferility and men with no resources are not really sought after or celebrated in society. You're basically invisble. Now why does that matter? Because men are made and women are born.

After years of working, grinding, stacking your money and being battle-tested is what makes a man attractive to a women. His ability to provide and protect. This can take a man years, even decades to cultivate before he self-actualizes. But when he finally does, he becomes the golden prize.

And what makes women attractive to a man is her feminity, youth/fertility and beauty. A women is literally born into what makes her attractive in life. She has the golden prize much earlier. And if she was smart she would cash in early and start a family with an already established man.

We are not rated the same. In fact, we are on two very different time tables. Everyone needs to grow up and accept this. If you have a problem with nature, go ask God why on the DOJ.

Life really begins for a man once he's mentally, spirtually and physically developed (usually mid 30s to 50s). What I'm tryna say is that there is no cope for this....your life is supposed to suck right now.

But now that you know why that it, use this information to work hard and become a better version of yourself. Goodluck sxb
I know this is cliche but through my day to day life ive never seen a somali kid or old adult with a hairline like mine, unless theyre balding which isnt really that much of a help

Most ppl look weird at 16, especially boys. Just wait and you’ll grow into it. Meanawhile focus on your deen, education, and manners. Those things are far more important than looks and the earlier you start working on them the more successful you’ll be compare to your peers iA.
I know this is cliche but through my day to day life ive never seen a somali kid or old adult with a hairline like mine, unless theyre balding which isnt really that much of a help

Chun Li

under construction 😈💖
Ever since i was a child my parents always lifted me up and called me handsome and the most good looking kid

i really believed that until now, i really am not that good looking.

i didnt make this thread to be a pity party and i dont need anyone to feel bad for me. please stick to the topic.

how do i cope with being ugly?

Okay, let me start by saying this. There’s no such thing as an ugly person. Wallahi billahi, you have to believe me on this. I think maybe you’re feeling a little bit down & it’s now affecting the way you view your physical appearance, which in turn is causing the self esteem issues.

Now to answer your question, I’m going to assume your fit is fresh & your personality is decent or good even. If you want to cope with being “ugly”, I say start by releasing yourself from any negative energy that you have manifested inside of your heart. This is because the heart feels emotions deeply & so you must train your brain to filter out any horrible feelings.

The next tip is to be at peace with yourself & be accepting of your perfection & flaws. The reason why these stupid kids are making fun of you is not because you’re “ugly”, it’s because they are insecure themselves & feel the need to redirect their insecurities to others. Hurt people hurt people & they love to drag everyone down.

Another tip is to stop focusing on whether or not people think you’re ugly, but focus on how your soul feels. If you are feeling happy within inside, you will not give a f*ck about whether or not your facial movements are awkward or weird looking. As long as you are feeling good from within, you will be alright.

Best of luck. I hope my tips were helpful :friendhug:


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