Historical Reason Why Somali Interracial Marriages fail.

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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
@Inquisitive_ is absolutely right, as probably the only member in South Somalia currently you are correct. When I first came here 2 yrs ago, I found it extremely hard to click with the local girls, they werent as easy as the diaspora attention s and required tact and caution. I then found the secret ingredient and that was treating these women as actual human beings and have nice intellectual conversations and banter, mixed with classic sexual but modest innuendos. You must keep your distance but not to far until you gain her trust. This is all by mobile and may take weeks to achieve. You must never act like you need her but always give her the impression that marriage is an option.

These are not hit and runs disgusting one night stand options prevalent in the West but courting for eventual eloping in holy matrimony. Its very difficult for betaized Western men, as I once was but I shed this mentality of es and hoes and every hole is a goal. I was taught wholesome geniune relationship s are so much more rewarding even though a Western bred individual would suggest otherwise.

When I went to Mudug and tried their girls it was even more difficult than Xamar but I got the hang of it and my eventually now wife. The original Somali female back in nomad days is no submissive doormat and has a good share in decision making. Remember behind every great man theres a great woman

In Somalia if two persons wanted to f*ck, they would simply do so instantly without an afterthought. No courting and no fake movie date.
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