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I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
I see you are far from the internals of Ethopian politics. Lemma Megerasa coordinated a Team inside EPRDF called "Team Lemma" that was composed of Amhara and Oromo top EPRDF officials then completely dismantled TPLF from its EPRDF position.

You can't compare Lemma with Illey. Lemma opened up Oromia for free media, he freed over 40k prisoners, welcomed all Oromo oppostion groups from the diaspora and made the state open so that they can operate in Oromia freely etc.

This is the case in Amhara region and even in Tigray. The only region that is resisting this new reform is the Somali region, which instead of opening up for the oppostion and dissent, Abdi even sends his thugs and tries to intimate them even as far as Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa. The guy simply don't get that PM Abiy is very serious when it comes to the reforms. The PM once said NO official will last who is not able to go with the new wave of democratic reforms.
The accusations against abdi iley by the PM spokesperson was also done by Lemma Megersa that's all I'm saying. The displacement, poverty-stricken and dislocation of the millions of Oromos, including those who became indentured house slaves in many cities of Somalia did not come by accident. Both Abiy and Lemma are partly players in this complex scheme of social engineering on Oromos.
The over 25,000 Oromos incarcerated in OPDO-run jails could not have happened without the combined intelligence work of Abiy and Lemma’s concentration comps-like jails in Gara Mulata, Nekemte, Dambidola, Goba, and other hidden places. It's hypocritical of Abiy to accuse Abdi iley the same crimes he and his beloved Lemma committed against their own people.
What do we know about this new niggger? Is he strongman like ilay?

I imagine his army will be reduced and given even lighter arms to avoid another standoff. Smh
The accusations against abdi iley by the PM spokesperson was also done by Lemma Megersa that's all I'm saying. The displacement, poverty-stricken and dislocation of the millions of Oromos, including those who became indentured house slaves in many cities of Somalia did not come by accident. Both Abiy and Lemma are partly players in this complex scheme of social engineering on Oromos.
The over 25,000 Oromos incarcerated in OPDO-run jails could not have happened without the combined intelligence work of Abiy and Lemma’s concentration comps-like jails in Gara Mulata, Nekemte, Dambidola, Goba, and other hidden places. It's hypocritical of Abiy to accuse Abdi iley the same crimes he and his beloved Lemma committed against their own people.

While TPLF was leading EPRDF the regional governments were basically puppets but the moment TPLF was sent to Tigray and the members of EPRDF became free, they all started the reforms. In states like Amhara and Oromia there are almost no political prisoners currently, can you imagine? Everybody can speak their mind freely and oppositions and the media are free to operate and criticize the local and federal government.

The difference with Abdi is that he is not grasping the demand of the time and is not willing to sail on the current wave of democratic reforms. He still wants to control every aspect of life in Somali region completly shutting out any oppostion etc. That is not gonna be tolerated by PM Abiy. He just don't get the new reforms. He just can't let oppostion figures operate freely. He still thinks he is the God of Somali region.
I fully agree. I have no idea where the 5% "news" came and until now no one can show me any evidence to back the claim. Any credible news source or any audio/video showing the PM talking about the issue. What I see is everybody repeating the fake news without checking the sources.
I do not have a rosy view of this future you are describing. You will probably understand why many Somalis are sceptical. That said, AbdI Iley had no choice but to resign and the Somalis need to work out the solution to work with Abiy. All that liberation talk is nonsense and far too late.......
BBC Amharic reports: Abdi Illey has resigned! It is official!


Here comes the new president:



Ahah. Let this be a lesson to future Somali stooges. No matter how much you serve the
Habesha you will always be discarded like a condom.

Farewell Abdi "Tea" Iley.
I see you are far from the internals of Ethopian politics. Lemma Megerasa coordinated a Team inside EPRDF called "Team Lemma" that was composed of Amhara and Oromo top EPRDF officials then completely dismantled TPLF from its EPRDF position.

You can't compare Lemma with Illey. Lemma opened up Oromia for free media, he freed over 40k prisoners, welcomed all Oromo oppostion groups from the diaspora and made the state open so that they can operate in Oromia freely etc.

This is the case in Amhara region and even in Tigray. The only region that is resisting this new reform is the Somali region, which instead of opening up for the oppostion and dissent, Abdi even sends his thugs and tries to intimate them even as far as Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa. The guy simply don't get that PM Abiy is very serious when it comes to the reforms. The PM once said NO official will last who is not able to go with the new wave of democratic reforms.
Stop trying to paint lemma as a saint. Him and jawar Mohammed should answer for the crimes they committed.


It's all so tiresome
Who is the new guy?

Finance minister means he would've been at the head of all corrupt activity in the region.


Make Hobyo Great Again
Wrong! Give PM Abiy the chance and you will see what I mean. We are heading to the real democratic Ethiopia and all the former looters and dictators are spreading propaganda knowing they will lose all their loot. Believe me the people everywhere in Ethiopia are already loving the freedom. For the first time they are not targeted at will and oppressed by officials. This is coming soon to Somali region. I am very confident. Somali region will not be a one party, a one man dictatorship anymore. The local medias will be free soon and oppostion parties and activists will be debating on national media without fear. Don't be fooled with the propaganda of those who have been looting the country dry and killing innocent civilians for the last 27 years. PM Abiy is one of the rear chances we have to finally become free of oppression, all of us.
How can we trust a former TPLF operative who violated the constitution the first chance he got?
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