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Mr. Abdi Ahmed Mohamed the new president in his youth days.
of course it is, it's a country belonging to over 80 ethnic groups, the oromo being the biggest.
why wouldn't we claim and rule, such a big, resource rich, powerful army-having country, that also was where Muslims first migrated to? the land of diversity and tolerance-where muslims and christians love each other, drink coffee together, defend each other??

:nvjpqts: This is the Ethiopia I know!



It's all so tiresome
Wondering if Geeljire in Jijiga usually burn stores/churches and attack civilians in these types of conflicts.

These acts seem to be coordinated and probably carried out by paid thugs.

Normal crowd behavior that turn violent usually take time and I'm sure in the meantime some cooler heads would've stopped any of that nonsense.

Geeljire in both the Galbeed and Kenya seem more neutered (law abiding) and would be less likely to ape out like that.

That's unless it was the Liyuu police doing it themselves that is.

Now all the news and even Abiy Ahmed me is talking about Geeljire carrying out a Rwanda type massacre in their own lands and burning down churches.

None are mentioning that the same is happening to our folks in other regions.

Seems like an orchestrated campaign to turn the world against us.
that's retarded. abdi was attacking his own somali people, who didnt belong to his clan, for years upon years. how is attacking somalis, his own people, helping them?
if oromos are attacking somalis, fight the oromos who are fighting you then!!
nothing u say can justify attacking oromo women, elderly, and those just living a peaceful life!
same goes for oromos-if they attack somalis, i condemn them and say they should face justice. it's simple.
it's simple bro: abdi waged a war on oromos and ended up losing that war.
Allah is always with the oppressed---and I am sure he saw the tears of those oromo mothers and heard their duas.

we do not know the new guy very well. this is how i feel; none of us have a right to force a leader on somalis, let somalis freely elect their own leaders, BUT, do not expect oromo to be quiet and passive if anyone tries to kill oromos again. we will get revenge for our people, just like everyone else would.

get out of here with your crocodile tears, oromo slaves have become arrogant adn started killing somalis, they want to take over all ethiopia and then east africa

very oromo tells you we will take over somalia proper, forget Ogaden region,

lemma is behind this, he started it, is abdi to be quite of course he fought back and killed orormo

listen, there is no federal, oromo took over goverment by force and sheer number and bully all now, we will not stand by

its oromo vs Ogaden in reality, expect a bigger war, we will fight back, i am not other somalis, i have been fightng your race for 700 years, we know your animalisitic ways yall rape and burn somalis daily
Self defense my ass. You are the one migrating into Somali territory by the truck loads. Stay in your god damn land and we won’t have a problem.

You might think this is an empty rhetoric but the sentiments expressed right here translate directly with what is happening back home

oromo is massively takkng over in kenya with huge refugees in nairobi and othe cities, they have awoken and are massive, kenya with 46 ethnics are 48 million, them orormo waa already 35-40 million, wana xoolo

they dont care for islam and love ahmaars more than islam, most become gaalo when they get rich and want to be ahmaar

people always attacked iley and liyu when theyw ere fighting them oromo hordes but i hope Somalis now see why Ogaden as awake to the threat before any other soamlis,

i am glad iley hand picked his succesor who knows deeply about the oromo threat and will stay on ileys course isnha Allah to contain them, there is no ethiopia its over
I believe most oromos have an "Oromo first" mentality and don't see themselves as Ethiopian. What happened to #freeoromia? Thank god somalis kept their strong identity intact and never fell for Amhara assimilation .

You have Abba Saddacha who hails from the Macca clan, western Oromia who took the knee and submitted to Menelik. And then you have the eastern Oromos of Hararge, Arsi-Bale etc who put up a fight and are proud Oromos.

I respect Waachis- Abba Saddacha but don’t agree on his statements. We are not Ethiopian. His own father was pet of the OLF fighting for Oromo rights and to create Oromia.. I don’t know what happened to the child though.

I’ve only claimed to be Oromo, and will forever be one. We aren’t close to the highland Ethiopians, west central Oromos are though, and have mixed with them a lot more hence the way they feel towards Ethiopia.
he is heading to Alemi Baqa i guess.
He is stupid for real. He should have accepted an Ambassador post just like the former Tigray and Southern Region presidents. Instead he started chaos and secession BS while in the process his thugs killing many civilians, looting and burning churches. Now instead of becoming an Ambassador he will be spending the rest of his life in jail. What a moron.
He is stupid for real. He should have accepted an Ambassador post just like the former Tigray and Southern Region presidents. Instead he started chaos and secession BS while in the process his thugs killing many civilians, looting and burning churches. Now instead of becoming an Ambassador he will be spending the rest of his life in jail. What a moron.
This was badly handled by the government. The federal army don't have the right to invade regions and push regime change simply because they feel like it. That is a violation of the ethiopian constitution. Team Lemma using federal forces to push their own expansionist agenda.

መደመር ??
This was badly handled by the government. The federal army don't have the right to invade regions and push regime change simply because they feel like it. That is a violation of the ethiopian constitution. Team Lemma using federal forces to push their own expansionist agenda.

መደመር ??

The government via its spokesperson argued that the Somali region continued its human rights abuses and continued to attack oppostion activists etc. There are many Somali elders now for more than 3 months in Addis asking the fed. to intervene because they are not save in Somlai region. The last thuggish activity which triggered the intervention is that Abdi Iley started to intimidate the Somali elders that were conducting a 3 day conference in Dire Dawa that is not part of Somali administration. The fed. had it enough. Except Somali region, currently all regions are allowing oppostion parties to operate freely, free media are allowed criticizing both local and federal governments, no torture and freedom of demonstration etc. are now a standard. Abdi refused to go with the wave and to allow reforms. He still continued his thuggish behavior of intimidating and attacking his critics. This can't go on forever. He is clearly violating the constitution and that is one reason the fed. to intervene.
The government via its spokesperson argued that the Somali region continued its human rights abuses and continued to attack oppostion activists etc. There are many Somali elders now for more than 3 months in Addis asking the fed. to intervene because they are not save in Somlai region. The last thuggish activity which triggered the intervention is that Abdi Iley started to intimidate the Somali elders that were conducting a 3 day conference in Dire Dawa that is not part of Somali administration. The fed. had it enough. Except Somali region, currently all regions are allowing oppostion parties to operate freely, free media are allowed criticizing both local and federal governments, no torture and freedom of demonstration etc. are now a standard. Abdi refused to go with the wave and to allow reforms. He still continued his thuggish behavior of intimidating and attacking his critics. This can't go on forever. He is clearly violating the constitution and that is one reason the fed. to intervene.
You sound gullible. Is that what the state owned news stations told you? :bell: I bet you were an advocate for USA toppling Gaddafi aswell.

We all know Addis Ababans live in a bubble and don't know what goes on outside their city.


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
bro Ethiopia is no doubt falling apart and also these so called dulmi diid guys that bend over backwards for the qoti piss me off.
I said this was going to happen.... @xabashi 'Freedom' is BS. we will be raped, killed and looted till Somalis become docile. :kanyeshrug:
Either this enrages the region further and civil war breaks out or in years time the Somali region wont exist.
The government via its spokesperson argued that the Somali region continued its human rights abuses and continued to attack oppostion activists etc. There are many Somali elders now for more than 3 months in Addis asking the fed. to intervene because they are not save in Somlai region. The last thuggish activity which triggered the intervention is that Abdi Iley started to intimidate the Somali elders that were conducting a 3 day conference in Dire Dawa that is not part of Somali administration. The fed. had it enough. Except Somali region, currently all regions are allowing oppostion parties to operate freely, free media are allowed criticizing both local and federal governments, no torture and freedom of demonstration etc. are now a standard. Abdi refused to go with the wave and to allow reforms. He still continued his thuggish behavior of intimidating and attacking his critics. This can't go on forever. He is clearly violating the constitution and that is one reason the fed. to intervene.
But the fact that you just casually walked into jigjiga and started killing civilians is part of the constitution?

Why are you guys so delusional?

You guys always treated the Somalis there like second class colonized citizens they were never Ethiopian. Thanks your White masters

But not to worry one thing I know is that after this issue is resolved, you would have just re-impowered the liyu to join the wslf which will clearly disrupt any oil drilling plans you ever had.

You always followed us around whenever we went even in the far corners of the globe it seems you guys need us more than we do.

Ethiopia will not be the same again that is a promise

Ethiopia has nearly broke the straw on the camels back
It takes one more act of Amhara or Oromo intimidation for Somalis to declare secession which is clearly legal btw.
You sound gullible. Is that what the state owned news stations told you? :bell: I bet you were an advocate for USA toppling Gaddafi aswell.

We all know Addis Ababans live in a bubble and don't know what goes on outside their city.

Instead of talking about me, argue against what I said. Somalis that do not agree with Abdi could not operate in the Somali state. For more than 3 months they were in Addis begging the fed. to intervene because Somali region was left out while the other states are enjoying the new freedom. The Somali elders had to conduct their conference outside Somali state (Dire Dawa) for fear of repression while other states are welcoming oppostion parties even from the diaspora and letting them operate freely. The PM spokesperson, himself a Somali, said the Somali administration was told many times to respect human rights but it refused. Do you have any argument against this fact?

Here are the two videos containing the press release, one in Af Somali and the second in Amharic.

Instead of talking about me, argue against what I said. Somalis that do not agree with Abdi could not operate in the Somali state. For more than 3 months they were in Addis begging the fed. to intervene because Somali region was left out while the other states are enjoying the new freedom. The Somali elders had to conduct their conference outside Somali state (Dire Dawa) for fear of repression while other states are welcoming oppostion parties even from the diaspora and letting them operate freely. The PM spokesperson, himself a Somali, said the Somali administration was told many times to respect human rights but it refused. Do you have any argument against this fact?

Here are the two videos containing the press release, one in Af Somali and the second in Amharic.

No argument that this fucker is evil

But do you guys think you’re saints?
Instead of talking about me, argue against what I said. Somalis that do not agree with Abdi could not operate in the Somali state. For more than 3 months they were in Addis begging the fed. to intervene because Somali region was left out while the other states are enjoying the new freedom. The Somali elders had to conduct their conference outside Somali state (Dire Dawa) for fear of repression while other states are welcoming oppostion parties even from the diaspora and letting them operate freely. The PM spokesperson, himself a Somali, said the Somali administration was told many times to respect human rights but it refused. Do you have any argument against this fact?

Here are the two videos containing the press release, one in Af Somali and the second in Amharic.

Huh? I have already responded to this. You literally wrote the same post twice.
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