Harar under Siege like its the middle ages

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They were Somali dominated regions but not anymore and DDSI administration can't help them since it's outside of their jurisdiction. They got two choices: leave and survive OR stay and die.
What are you even talking about? Its still majority Somali thats well known. Part of Babile is part of the Somali region. There is another side that is under the oromo region. And those aren't the only two options, stop babbling about something you're clearly ignorant about.
The Gala barbarians have breached harar walls, they were chanting kill the hararis:fredo:


Doesn't the Harari region have a police force? Hararis should donate to it in order for them to get high tech weapons. Hararis should just kick out oromos from within the walls before it is too late.


Horta i still dont get where these
People came from in 16th??
And i agree somalis do underestimate oromos, but they've always been inferior to us historically, they were savages who took advantage of the "futuh al habash" when both sides were weakened.

The word Oromo is new and was invented when Ethiopia was made in the 19th century. They were originally know as Gallas, today they are maskeen sitting ducks in their lands but originally they were barbaric savage pagans that originated from Northern Kenya and most lands they're are living in was stolen from other native Cushitic speakers who had established mini peasant kingdoms and Oromos absorbed their population which is why they are bigger than us.

They also took a bit of our lands and assimilated a bit of our people after the collapse of Adal Sultanate. Even the Habesha weren't safe and lost a huge chunk of land and population by the Oromos who done nothing more but assimilate people and loot lands. The Oromo expansion was fucking brutal.

Inshallah, the lost Dir clans in Hararghe zones get back their Somali identity and hopefully, we can get back our historical lands too.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
What are you even talking about? Its still majority Somali thats well known. Part of Babile is part of the Somali region. There is another side that is under the oromo region. And those aren't the only two options, stop babbling about something you're clearly ignorant about.
Do you actually know where the name "Babille" came from Ms. Genius?!! It's named after the one of the 12 major tribes of Oromos and it's inside the Oromia region. DDSI have no authority over any part of the city. The original settlers of the city were Oromos. Your Karanle cousins need to get out of there ASAP or face extinction.


Do you actually know where the name "Babille" came from Ms. Genius?!! It's named after the one of the 12 major tribes of Oromos and it's inside the Oromia region. DDSI have no authority over any part of the city. The original settlers of the city were Oromos. Your Karanle cousins need to get out of there ASAP or face extinction.
View attachment 49302

Sxb lay of the qabyaalad. Oromos have a history of changing territorial names after they conquer it.

Hararghe highlands were originally dominated by Somalis and governed by the Adal Sultanate. Karanle have a history of rebelling the Adalites but failed so that tells you there that these lands belong to them.

Oromos are not native to these areas. Study the Oromo expansion in the 16th century and you'll understand.
Do you actually know where the name "Babille" came from Ms. Genius?!! It's named after the one of the 12 major tribes of Oromos and it's inside the Oromia region. DDSI have no authority over any part of the city. The original settlers of the city were Oromos. Your Karanle cousins need to get out of there ASAP or face extinction.
View attachment 49302
No idiot, the 'clan' is named after the region. Its always been Somali.
This is whats listed as what you call their major oromo clan. Clearly not oromo at all but oromized Somalis.

  • Gundibi
    • Warra Aade
    • Warra Agaay
  • Hawiyya
    • Warra Doobiro
    • Warra Girii

Get a life and stop shitting all over the thread


No idiot, the 'clan' is named after the region. Its always been Somali.
This is whats listed as what you call their major oromo clan. Clearly not oromo at all but oromized Somalis.

  • Gundibi
    • Warra Aade
    • Warra Agaay
  • Hawiyya
    • Warra Doobiro
    • Warra Girii

Get a life and stop shitting all over the thread

Yup, Somalis are clueless about these stuff.

It freaking says Hawiyya = Hawiye who are Karanle assimilated folks.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
Horta i still dont get where these
People came from in 16th??
And i agree somalis do underestimate oromos, but they've always been inferior to us historically, they were savages who took advantage of the "futuh al habash" when both sides were weakened.

Oromos are xoolo that is why and like you said they are inferior to us militarily. They've always been getting karbaashed throughout their history by other ethnic groups which is why they hold major cuqdaad towards somalis, habeshas etc. Somali warriors used to take their women as war booty and massacre these niggas.
Oromos are xoolo that is why and like you said they are inferior to us militarily. They've always been getting karbaashed throughout their history by other ethnic groups which is why they hold major cuqdaad towards somalis, habeshas etc. Somali warriors used to take their women as war booty and massacre these niggas.
They're pathetic when will the downfall of these people ever come? I'm sick of hearing our somali people dying at the hands of these animals


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
No idiot, the 'clan' is named after the region. Its always been Somali.
This is whats listed as what you call their major oromo clan. Clearly not oromo at all but oromized Somalis.

  • Gundibi
    • Warra Aade
    • Warra Agaay
  • Hawiyya
    • Warra Doobiro
    • Warra Girii

Get a life and stop shitting all over the thread
We should have a civilized discussion instead of cussing each other don't you think?!! Babille was a Somali dominated town throughout the history but NOT anymore. The city is flooded with blood thirsty Oromos, all I suggested was for them to leave before things get out of hand and Oromo hordes start massacring the local Somalis.

Puffin Stuff

Cheating death in berbera
Ffs it never ceases to surprise me the oromo preach brotherhood with us then turn on our fucking youngsters and old folk, this is the last time im gunna say this f*ck these parasites f*ck the xabesha too we can't co-exist with these peoples we either kick them out or they kick us out, idc how many we loose purge the weak and bleed the oromo dry
We should have a civilized discussion instead of cussing each other don't you think?!! Babille was a Somali dominated town throughout the history but NOT anymore. The city is flooded with blood thirsty Oromos, all I suggested was for them to leave before things get out of hand and Oromo hordes start massacring the local Somalis.
We should but you came in with hostility. I don't know why you keep repeating things you're not sure about. The town still is a majority Somali town with some* oromos. Even the Harari guy in the tweets I posted says it's majority Somali. They won't get massacred or give up their homes for them either.

Puffin Stuff

Cheating death in berbera
Somali's need a scrap they need to be punched in the face and bleed at the nose so they realise this isn't a joke they need to be run out of a few towns so they can see the magnitude of the problem they need to learn of the fallen clans the oromo massacred their migrations and all the people they displaced
Somali's need a scrap they need to be punched in the face and bleed at the nose so they realise this isn't a joke they need to be run out of a few towns so they can see the magnitude of the problem they need to learn of the fallen clans the oromo massacred their migrations and all the people they displaced
Somalis are in for a rude awkening
Oromos are opportunists who prey on our times of weakness. The entirety of the
East Hararghe Zone should belong to ethnic Somalis. They pounced on us after the collapse of the Adal empire, pillaging many Dir Somalis from their land. In fact many Dir sub clans were assimilated and later brought under the Oromo tribe called "Afran Qallo".
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Puffin Stuff

Cheating death in berbera
They shouldn't be treated as out equals or allies they need to be beat down I don't condone their complete extinction, (just a few massacres) I see usefulness in them send them against their Amhara and Tigray masters let them slug it out. if somali's treated them as they are treated by the xabesha we'd be safe and our people wouldn't be run out of their cities
Sxb lay of the qabyaalad. Oromos have a history of changing territorial names after they conquer it.

Hararghe highlands were originally dominated by Somalis and governed by the Adal Sultanate. Karanle have a history of rebelling the Adalites but failed so that tells you there that these lands belong to them.

Oromos are not native to these areas. Study the Oromo expansion in the 16th century and you'll understand.
Rebelled against Adal but failed? What are you talking about? Karanle was part of the Adal empire. Lol, if you got that from Wiki you mustve misread, apparently there was a struggle for the leadership of Adal against Walashma not Adal. Many sayAxmed Gurey himself was Karanle, I believe @James Dahl also has said that on here.

8 Sultan Maḥamed Abūbakar Maḥfūẓ 1518–1519 Seized the throne, sparking a conflict between the Karanle and Walashma
10 Garād Abūn ʿAdādshe 1519–1525 Successor to Maḥamed Abūbakar Maḥfūẓ and the Karanle party of the struggle for the throne.

No need for sly digs

Puffin Stuff

Cheating death in berbera
The somali government should divert some of the money they are begging for from foreign aid into a small mobile milita in ogaden and harar and if the Ethiopians ask just say it's militarisation of the oromo. the small force will be fast enough to raid the savages and pull back bleeding them of resources and turning their population advantage against them,this could be done easily however I think the somali's will act weak and let the fleeing oromo back into their houses and condemn the forces protecting them


Rebelled against Adal but failed? What are you talking about? Karanle was part of the Adal empire. Lol, if you got that from Wiki you mustve misread, apparently there was a struggle for the leadership of Adal against Walashma not Adal. Many sayAxmed Gurey himself was Karanle, I believe @James Dahl also has said that on here.

8 Sultan Maḥamed Abūbakar Maḥfūẓ 1518–1519 Seized the throne, sparking a conflict between the Karanle and Walashma
10 Garād Abūn ʿAdādshe 1519–1525 Successor to Maḥamed Abūbakar Maḥfūẓ and the Karanle party of the struggle for the throne.

No need for sly digs

No Abaayo, you misunderstood me. Don't believe what the Wikipedia says, no Somalis at that time were powerful enough to replace the throne of the Walashma up in the north. The Walamsha were a powerful ruling Dir dynasty centred in Zeila which Ahmed Gurey came from. Karanle wanted to rebel against the Adal Sultanate but failed.

Walashma disappeared after the collapse of Adal Sultanate. The Kingdom collapsed not because of Abyssinia but because they were weakened by warring with the Abyssinians and Portuguese but their downfall was the Oromo expansion after they couldn't repel the Oromo invaders.

I mean even the Hawiye in the south failed to rebel against the Ajurans in the 16th century so it took them another hundred years to rebel them with the alliance and support from the Rahanweyn and Bimaal clans.

This is just Somali history at the end of the day.
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