Harar under Siege like its the middle ages

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We got threats on every side and they’re eating each other. Yaab wallahi :farmajoyaab:

The Somalis are lucky the Oromos have abandoned their practice of slaughtering pregnant females or coming back to their village with the enemies testicles . These practices kept Somalis on their toes in the olden times.


And y’all call oromos your Cushitic brothers


I was a bit busy today, how did I miss this thread?

It is very well known that these empires were mainly Dir. Most of the territory where you find the old Adal towns were either Dir or Isaaq towns. That's 100% fact.

The Walashama dynasty was also Dir and also Dawarso too.

@embarassing and @anonymous34
Sisters please don't steal Dir history. Thats not nice.

@Factz , thanks bro for putting them in their place, I got your back from now on

I was a bit busy today, how did I miss this thread?

It is very well known that these empires were mainly Dir. Most of the territory where you find the old Adal towns were either Dir or Isaaq towns. That's 100% fact.

The Walashama dynasty was also Dir and also Dawarso too.

@embarassing and @anonymous34
Sisters please don't steal Dir history. Thats not nice.

@Factz , thanks bro for putting them in their place, I got your back from now on
what about Geri Kombe heard they formed a sizable portion of Axmed Gurey's army


what about Geri Kombe heard they formed a sizable portion of Axmed Gurey's army

I believe Dir, Isaaq and some Daroods were part of Adal Sultanate. Other minority Somali clans like Karanle and Madhibaan were also mentioned to be apart of the kingdom of course. Don't forget Afar and Harari who were also Adalites.

The rulers were Walashma and they were decedents of a very famous Somali saint from Zeila called Yusuf bin Ahmad al-Kawneyn and according to Harar manuscripts, he was Dir. However, the Walashma are not to be confused with the modern day Dir sub-clans, they're not the same.
I believe Dir, Isaaq and some Daroods were part of Adal Sultanate. Other minority Somali clans like Karanle and Madhibaan were also mentioned to be apart of the kingdom of course. Don't forget Afar and Harari who were also Adalites.

The rulers were Walashma and they were decedents of a very famous Somali saint from Zeila called Yusuf bin Ahmad al-Kawneyn and according to Harar scripts, he was Dir. However, the Walashma are not to be confused with the modern day Dir sub-clans, they're not the same.

Minority? arent Karanle big?
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