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Honestly with everything i saw this last few days that gives me a deep disgust and a feeling of hatred that I've never felt

What's your options? Moving from the leftist Melenchon to Macron's liberals? Or even the far-rights of Le Pen or the ol' crazy Zemmour? :jaynerd:


The Conqueror, King of all Westeros
This millennial country, exploded in barely 4 generations. RIP FRANCE.

No more borders, no more economic sovereignty, a completely sick immigration, crazy taxes, a public service in a spin, a failing state subject to lobbies, a laxistand undersized justice, dirty kids who burn things paid for them by us.
Why loot Nike shop? If you are going to do Haram then you might as well loot the Diamonds and Gold as well as the art museum.

It just proves the purpose of these protests riots; it was not intended to voice their obejction to the unlawful killing of the kid and overall 'police brutality', but an opportunity to put their moryaanimo to practice :hova:
The 'French' really know who to get a kacdoon started. They've now switched to a competition in who can raze the country to the ground first. Their motto now is nothing short of #DownWithTheRegime :oops:

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