First time to Somalia as a mixed guy

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Nah im talkin 'bout u questioning my somaliness or how much of a somali i am.. Dont know where you get the audacity to say im not Somali given that my father is somali ofcourse

Audacity? I can say what I like and you just have to deal with it. :westbrookwtf: Your dad only means shit to you. I don’t care about if your mum or your dad is Somali. You’re half white - how is me literally stating fact an affront to you?

I think you’re a weirdo for even making the thread tbh. You know most of the people here weren’t born and have never been to Somalia, and you think your dads qabiil is so “great” lol - you know you’ll be fine.

I swear you halfies and your identity issues.

Im just curious to know how Somalis back home react on mixed children. Im going with my dad for the first time to Hargeisa.

My mom is white Canadian and my dad Somali but i look almost like a tanned white person or light Arab.

Its been going through my mind on how they will receive me.

Do people here have similar experiences or know how will they react?

Greetings, Rayan.

I don't have the same experiences as I'm full Somali from both sides. I've been to different cities in Somalia before with no problem.

They look down on biracial people like yourself, but since your dad is Somali, you will be given a pass by some of the locals because "Somalinimo" is passed down through the father. However, I wouldn't guarantee that everyone will be nice to you.

Some of the local kids and adults will tease and diss you, but hopefully you got strong skin to take their insults.
I aint begging shit and the funny thing i dont need your permission or acknowledgement for nothing. I got 2 countries and 2 cultures i know exactly who i am. You better know yourself. My confidence does make ppl insecure.
You are an abomination and you will be treated as such.
You are an abomination and you will be treated as such.

I wouldn’t call him an abomination.

Ps rayan I don’t have anything against mixed people but I don’t get why you expect Somalis to pretend you’re full? That whole my dads Somali so I am doesn’t hold up in real life like you think.

Anyways I’ve lived in Somalia forget just visiting. I saw a few biracial when I was there and they were fine. Just go and don’t worry if anyone says anything derogatory. There are a lot of mixed people in Somalia (granted they’re mixed with Arab and not white) but it’s not a big deal.
I wouldn’t call him an abomination.

Ps rayan I don’t have anything against mixed people but I don’t get why you expect Somalis to pretend you’re full? That whole my dads Somali so I am doesn’t hold up in real life like you think.

Anyways I’ve lived in Somalia forget just visiting. I saw a few biracial when I was there and they were fine. Just go and don’t worry if anyone says anything derogatory. There are a lot of mixed people in Somalia (granted they’re mixed with Arab and not white) but it’s not a big deal.
Why not? His father dirtied his name by conceiving a half white demon!
Why not? His father dirtied his name by conceiving a half white demon!

Are you trolling? If so I don’t have anything to say but you need to re-evaluate your life. Because calling some one a demon is wrong. I might of criticised him for being tribal as someone who is only half I thought it was arrogant but I don’t actually align with you. Just so you know. That’s still his country and we’re still his people. Why incite hatred against him when there are actual white people sending drones to our country and targeting our people.

You know what rayan I apologise. I don’t share this guys sentiments. Go to Somalia. You’ll love it. Country, culture and history. Hopefully you’ll come back with a renewed sense of pride in your culture and join the rest of us in the West with trying to rebuild our country and improve the lives of our people.
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