Finally found myself a godless Somali woman.

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@Mudug-Madman It won't come to that.... And if it does they aren't just going to roll over and take it :mjohreally: they seem like a tough bunch

If Black America were a country, it would be one of the richest countries in the world... while Somalis is the poorest country in the world.

They'd probably manage to fund their country on exporting music alone :patrice:

They've definitely had a huge impact on most major genres. Scratch that, I'm pretty sure they created most of them lmao


SJWs are 90% white people who care more about virtue signalling than actually helping black people. BLM is a noble cause, but they do make some mistakes.
Ehh, I think we have different opinions on BLM and SJWs. :mjlol:

BLM had only some cred to begin with and it lost its trajectory.
Filicide is not a right. Your rights end where another's begin; in this case, the fetus whose heart has begun to function.

Lmao stop with the emotional arguments, there's no heartbeat in the first few weeks, it's just a cluster of cells.

It's dependant on me, it can't exist outside my body, it won't survive.
Sorry sxb but my body my rights :ufdup:

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
If a women wants to sleep around, who are you to say it's wrong.

I'm sick and tired of men having double standards, a women can sleep with whomever she pleases and there's no shame in it. It's her body to do with whatever she pleases.

That being said the women who aren't stupid enough to fall pregnant with random dudes.

How abt the deen, so, if it was your daughter sleeping around would you be happy.

BTW I am pro Islam. Islam over every single fucking thing and if something is haram and is disliked by Allah I am 1000000000000000000000% against that shit whether it's male or female doing it.

I see mclovin got you triggered(no offence) be careful with what you say next time.
You can't start pouring shah and stop abruptly like that. Is she OK?

Yeah she was in a relationship with an older guy, she told him she was pregnant and he completely locked her off.

She said she had no choice but to get the abortion, she said her mum took her to get it.

I was actually surprised, because the mother is a practising muslim. However she did what she felt was best for her child.

I can't judge. :mybusiness:

How abt the deen, so, if it was your daughter sleeping around would you be happy.

BTW I am pro Islam. Islam over every single ducking thing and if something is haram and is disliked by Allah I am 1000000000000000000000% against that shit whether it's male or female doing it.

I see mclovin got you triggered(no offence) be careful with what you say next time.

I'm Muslim too, but let's be honest everyone is free to make their own sins and that will be between them and Allah.

I just wanted to highlight the double standards, and got abit carried away.

But I've always felt that it's no other Muslims place to judge another Muslim but that is for Allah alone.

You can be against it, but no need to make other people feel bad for the choices they've made for themselves. I don't see the point or why waste the energy.

But that's just my opinion.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Lmao stop with the emotional arguments, there's no heartbeat in the first few weeks, it's just a cluster of cells.

It's dependant on me, it can't exist outside my body, it won't survive.
Sorry sxb but my body my rights :ufdup:

I have no issue with abortions before the onset of the heartbeat like I've said half a dozen times in this thread.

After that, it's prison time kkkkkkk

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
I'm Muslim too, but let's be honest everyone is free to make their own sins and that will be between them and Allah.

I just wanted to highlight the double standards, and got abit carried away.

But I've always felt that it's no other Muslims place to judge another Muslim but that is for Allah alone.
Dont let what people say get to you easily..

I see a lot of people here want to "be nice" to others and agree with every single thing others say only to fit in...

Some people don't have the backbone to stand up for what they believe in and always say "at the end of the day we are all Somalis."

f*ck THAT.
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk obviously that was a joke too damn :damn:

Wallahi im misunderstood sometimes:mjcry:
Get it already kkkkk
My loof @DiricLover confronted me and i threw you under the bus to save myself okay i admit :mjcry:

it wasnt your lame joke in reality it was my lame sarcasm.
Do you feel happy now that you have stripped me naked :pacspit:

:mjlol:We'll damn you too need to go on Jeremy Kyle or jerry springer if that show still existed!

You know you enjoyed it....:camby:

Now now skinny joke wasn't lame... don't jealous me! :ohreally:

you a gimp on a leash...

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
:mjlol:We'll damn you too need to go on Jeremy Kyle or jerry springer if that show still existed!

You know you enjoyed it....:camby:

Now now skinny joke wasn't lame... don't jealous me! :ohreally:

you a gimp on a leash...
Horta whats up with you and gimps? This like the 6th post i seen you mention gimp.:cosbyhmm:

Is there something you wanna tell us? :fantasia2:
Dont let what people say get to you easily..

I see a lot of people here want to "be nice" to others and agree with every single thing others say only to fit in...

Some people don't have the backbone to stand up for what they believe in and always say "at the end of the day we are all Somalis."

f*ck THAT.

Babes I and bloody we'll think, what pleases ME and me alone.

I'm an ALPHA never a follower never will be.

But I have seen some others do that... I feel you
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