Finally found myself a godless Somali woman.

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
True, and that's where the practicality of things come in. Nobody wants there kids to around but kids are often times stupid. It's best to teach them about sex Ed whilst telling them not to have sex until they're old enough, so when they break the rule and have sex they won't come back telling me they're going to be a parent.

oddly enough this method actually dissuades a lot of youngsters from having sex until they're young adults. does a pretty good job of removing the taboo so they don't disobey simply for rebellious reasons.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
Maadow people in the US are fucked. I still defend them and wish them well but I'm losing hope for these xoolo. Literally aborting themselves out of relevance.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Provide sources that actually show that's the definition.

Again, it's not a child it's a fetus. It's best for everyone if you get the distinction. Also, if a woman won't be given a legal and safe right to abort a fetus (not a child) she'll seek a backstreet clinic where they'll do it. Essentially, the narrow mindedness of the anti abortionists is killing the mother as well as the 'child' who is actually a fetus.

You're all pro life but when it comes to actually helping the children that are starving, nobody does shit.

It's called the Uniform Determination of Death Act which defines death as:

An individual who has sustained either (1) irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions, or (2) irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem, is dead. A determination of death must be made in accordance with accepted medical standards.

Beginning with the onset of the fetal heartbeat, if we're staying logically consistent, the fetus is considered alive with the same constitutionally guaranteed rights to life we all enjoy.

Again, I have no intention of making crimes more convenient for criminals. I have no intention of making murder an efficient and safe practice. Any individual that terminates the life of a prenatal child beyond the aforementioned criteria will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Maadow people in the US are fucked. I still defend them and wish them well but I'm losing hope for these xoolo. Literally aborting themselves out of existence.

not much to lose hope on really. things are so disproportionate in that country they have no choice but to rid themselves of corruption and inequality. once they do that, it's really only a matter of time when their poorer and disenfranchised communities fix themselves. that or the whole country falls apart at the seams, there is no in between for them.

thankfully i don't live there.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
Pot... meet kettle
Somali people still have their own country, they're still increasing their numbers. They have a lot of room to turn it around.

Demography is destiny. AAs are the largest minority in the most powerful and richest country on earth. Yet their outlook is bleak.


Good thing @Bahal is not the law.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Somali people still have their own country, they're still increasing their numbers. They have a lot of room to turn it around.

Demography is destiny. AAs are the largest minority in the most powerful and richest country on earth. Yet their outlook is bleak.

their outlook is only bleak in comparison to the wealthy and developed country they are in. it's about perspective.

they can still produce millionaires and billionaires, nobel prize winners, and entrepreneurs at a rate that the entirety of africa probably can't and won't replicate for at least another few decades. and their poorest and most desolate communities don't have disease or starvation to contend with.

they're gonna be fine. i don't see how pitying them is really that logical tbh. i truly can't see how a group of people who got enfranchised like 40 years ago can be doing any better at this point.
There are many options for women. Abstinence, contraceptives, even the miraculous plan B. But murdering innocents, in particular ethnic minorities at such a disproportionate rate makes one wonder whether this was an intentional act of population control.

In one year alone, literally more black babies were aborted than born. Blacks make up around 13% of the population, but around 40% of all aborted babies. Population projections show blacks will go from 13 to 14% in 60 years, while Hispanics and Asians will more than double


All those options can fail. Or not even be an option in the case of rape.

Idk if you've heard of this Bahal but there's this thing called Bodily autonomy. It means a person has control over who or what uses their body, for what and for how long. Hell it prevents people from harvesting your organs and tissue when your dead! think about it, even in your dead your right for bodily autonomy is respected. Amazing right? It's why someone can't touch you or use your body in anyway without your continuous consent.

No one forced these women they chose it and you need to respect their rights :ufdup:
Somali people still have their own country, they're still increasing their numbers. They have a lot of room to turn it around.

Demography is destiny. AAs are the largest minority in the most powerful and richest country on earth. Yet their outlook is bleak.

If Black America were a country, it would be one of the richest countries in the world... while Somalis is the poorest country in the world.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
their outlook is only bleak in comparison to the wealthy and developed country they are in. it's about perspective.

they can still produce millionaires and billionaires, nobel prize winners, and entrepreneurs at a rate that the entirety of africa probably can't and won't replicate for at least another few decades. and their poorest and most desolate communities don't have disease or starvation to contend with.

they're gonna be fine. i don't see how pitying them is really that logical tbh. i truly can't see how a group of people who got enfranchised like 40 years ago can be doing any better at this point.
That's assuming things remain good for them in terms of rights and protection in the law. As Trump shows, progress is not permanent or constantly moving forward. Things can get worse. They wasted a golden opportunity these past few decades to accumulate wealth and increase their numbers. If the day of the rope happens tomorrow it's khalas for them.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
If Black America were a country, it would be one of the richest countries in the world... while Somalis is the poorest country in the world.
But they don't, that's the whole point. If your alt-right KKK bros become the majority in white America, it's over for them.


This pity for Black America is unfounded. They're doing great for themselves considering the timeframe, and things are getting better not worse. One second you're pretending you feel sorry for them, the next you're crying about SJWs and BLM.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
All those options can fail. Or not even be an option in the case of rape.

Idk if you've heard of this Bahal but there's this thing called Bodily autonomy. It means a person has control over who or what uses their body, for what and for how long. Hell it prevents people from harvesting your organs and tissue when your dead! think about it, even in your dead your right for bodily autonomy is respected. Amazing right? It's why someone can't touch you or use your body in anyway without your continuous consent.

No one forced these women they chose it and you need to respect their rights :ufdup:

Filicide is not a right. Your rights end where another's begin; in this case, the fetus whose heart has begun to function.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
This pity for Black America is unfounded. They're doing great for themselves considering the timeframe, and things are getting better not worse. One second you're pretending you feel sorry for them, the next you're crying about SJWs and BLM.
SJWs are 90% white people who care more about virtue signalling than actually helping black people. BLM is a noble cause, but they do make some mistakes.
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