Finally found myself a godless Somali woman.

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Gaalkacyo Gangster
Hopefully I'll find someone with a good level of trust who wouldn't hide that from me. I'll probably respect her more if she does. But you're right at the end you can't really 100% trust women like that
Extreme vetting my nigga. Need to get your sherlock holmes on.

Me personally I'm willing to tolerate a little "exploration" on her behalf, but I ain't settling down with a chick who's been intimate with half the city.


Better they be aborted than littering the streets. The world is not a soup kitchen.

Abortion cannot and will not be made illegal. You can forget it. It's necessary.

Back-alley abortion America was not a good look, nor is it in the third-world shitholes where u find aborted baby fetuses in the streets. A woman who wants to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy will get rid of it.

If your sticking your schlong in a STD'd "wet, hot incubator", you'll contract the STD. Likewise, if your sticking your diseased schlong in the same place. It's the same mechanism, same result, the only differences are in how certain STIs and STDs manifest in the different sexes. There are some where the male is asymptomatic or the female is asymptomatic. That's why sexually active adults should get routinely tested despite the appearance of health, you could still have caught or spread something.

On the subject of female sexuality, it's best ppl are left their illusions, which are there for a reason. The fact is, ppl prefer the appearance of truth or an outright deception to the actual truth (ex women cant separate sex from love, they are inherently monogamous, they extract STDs easier) all of which are there as a form of confirmation bias.


Pepe Trump
Now now, no need for the strawman. I was right and you was wrong, it happens.


Tell that to Donald Trump


Abortion disproportionately affects minorities in this country, particularly African Americans. In NYC alone, more black babies were aborted than born.


It's genocide.

That's because African Americans are the ones most likely to have sex outside of wedlock. 70% (I believe) of African Americans are born outside of wedlock.

Making abortion illegal puts the mother at risk in that she will go out to backstreet clinics who aren't professionals. Let's be rational.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
Better they be aborted than littering the streets. The world is not a soup kitchen.

Abortion cannot and will not illegal. You can forget it.

If your sticking your schlong in a STD'd in the wet hot incubator, you'll contract the STD. Likewise if your sticking your diseased schlong in the sane place. It's the same mechanism, same result, the only differences are in how certain STIs and STDs manifest in the different sexes. There are some where the male is asymptomatic or the female is asymptomatic. That's why sexually active adults should get routinely tested despite the appearance of health, you could still have caught or spread something.

On the subject of female sexuality, it's best ppl are left their illusions, which are there for a reason. The fact is, ppl prefer the appearance of truth or an outright deception to the actual truth (ex women cant separate sex from love, they are inherently monogamous, they extract STDs easier) all of which are there as a form of confirmation bias.
It's a proven fact that the penetrator is less likely to get infected than the penetrated. Obvious it still happens all the time, but the chances of getting infected are lower. It's the same with gay men, an infection going from top to bottom is much more likely than the reverse.
Now now, no need for the strawman. I was right and you was wrong, it happens.


Fine lol


You made the claim now back it up

Also why are u acting like condoms aren't a thing?

Tell that to Donald Trump


Abortion disproportionately affects minorities in this country, particularly African Americans. In NYC alone, more black babies were aborted than born.


It's genocide.

Trump wanting abortion made illegal doesn't change anything other than making back alley abortions a thing again. Hell it's been happening in Texas for a while now. Women having to undergo dangerous procedures and risking their lives because PP had it's funding cut in that region.

It's very sad :bell: American women dying over easily preventable procedures, like women in 3rd world countries.

No such thing as genocide sxb abortion is a godsend to poor income families who can't afford to feed another mouth :reallymaury: Having babies when your not financially ready is just another way to throw yourself straight into poverty.


It's a proven fact that the penetrator is less likely to get infected than the penetrated. Obvious it still happens all the time, but the chances of getting infected are lower. It's the same with gay men, an infection going from top to bottom is much more likely than the reverse.
Micro-tears from the foreskin of the penis during friction cause the same problem in transfer of STI/Ds during the sexual exchange. The lining of the rectum is drier and also more susceptible to tears in reference to gay men or couples engaging in anal sex.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
A cessation of the heartbeat is definitely not the legal definition of death since restarting the heart is a common occurrence. Also, there are machines that can circulate blood around the body without the need of a heart. I think a best accepted one would be the death of the brain. However, it depends on the country you live in.

Also, you've assumed that governments don't have a minimum time period where, if passed, abortion no longer becomes an option. It's usually within the first 28 weeks. A fetus is not a child.

It is an irreversible cessation of the circulatory system or brain death here. Logically, life would also begin with the onset of a heartbeat. I'm well aware of the limits on abortions, I just believe abortions should be grounded on the logical definition of life. By 8 weeks, the fetal heartbeat is detectable and logically speaking, the fetus should be constitutionally recognized as a living human being.

A back alley abortion is a crime. We punish criminals, not make their crime safer and more convenient. In my Somalia, the legal penalty of filicide will be capital punishment.

If your sticking your schlong in a STD'd "wet, hot incubator", you'll contract the STD. Likewise, if your sticking your diseased schlong in the same place. It's the same mechanism, same result, the only differences are in how certain STIs and STDs manifest in the different sexes

Again, this is a biological fact. The vagina has a larger surface area, thinner mucous membranes prone to tears, and is an environment conducive to infections. You can easily look this up if you don't believe me.


It is an irreversible cessation of the circulatory system or brain death here. Logically, life would also begin with the onset of a heartbeat. I'm well aware of the limits on abortions, I just believe abortions should be grounded on the logical definition of life. By 8 weeks, the fetal heartbeat is detectable and logically speaking, the fetus should be constitutionally recognized as a living human being.

A back alley abortion is a crime. We punish criminals, not make their crime safer and more convenient. In my Somalia, the legal penalty of filicide will be capital punishment.

Again, this is a biological fact. The vagina has a larger surface area, thinner mucous membranes prone to tears, and is an environment conducive to infections. You can easily look this up if you don't believe me.
I know the biology of vagina, and I know it causes potentially more adverse effects for the women to obtain an STI when untreated, what I'm saying is the penis acts in the same way with the foreskin being a potential STD hub.

If abortion is illegal, back-alley abortions will sky-rocket, and you'll have ppl throwing themselves or being thrown down flights of stairs and doing anything whatsoever to get rid of it. FACT.


Accomplished Saaxir
I know the biology of vagina, and I know it causes potentially more adverse effects for the women to obtain an STI when untreated, what I'm saying is the penis acts in the same way with the foreskin being a potential STD hub.

If abortion is illegal, back-alley abortions will sky-rocket, and you'll have ppl throwing themselves or being thrown down flights of stairs and doing anything whatsoever to get rid of it. FACT.

You're talking to a crowd who are... missing their foreskins



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I know the biology of vagina, and I know it causes potentially more adverse effects for the women to obtain an STI when untreated, what I'm saying is the penis acts in the same way with the foreskin being a potential STD hub.

Again, women are more likely to contract STDs, not only suffer from more complications. As in, if you bamg a dude with HIV and I bang a chick with HIV, you're more likely to get the virus.

If abortion is illegal, back-alley abortions will sky-rocket, and you'll have ppl throwing themselves or being thrown down flights of stairs and doing anything whatsoever to get rid of it. FACT.

We'll just open more jails



Pepe Trump
It is an irreversible cessation of the circulatory system or brain death here. Logically, life would also begin with the onset of a heartbeat. I'm well aware of the limits on abortions, I just believe abortions should be grounded on the logical definition of life. By 8 weeks, the fetal heartbeat is detectable and logically speaking, the fetus should be constitutionally recognized as a living human being.

A back alley abortion is a crime. We punish criminals, not make their crime safer and more convenient. In my Somalia, the legal penalty of filicide will be capital punishment.

Again, this is a biological fact. The vagina has a larger surface area, thinner mucous membranes prone to tears, and is an environment conducive to infections. You can easily look this up if you don't believe me.

There's nothing in medicine that states the onset of life is the heartbeat. In fact, I'd call that out as nothing beside ancient human ignorance. The heart is but an organ that pumps blood around the body and just because it begins to function at 8 weeks means nothing about the status of the fetus. It's within the stage of 23 weeks that the mother begins to feel the movements of the fetus. I think it's appropriate to discard abortion at that date.

True but this is not a crime. A woman has decided to terminate a fetus before the stage of 23 weeks. It's her body and therefore has every right to it. This violates basic human liberties when strangers begin delving into affairs that don't concern them. It's best to put your efforts on the starving children of the world instead of bothering yourself on ones that do not exist as of yet.


Fine lol


You made the claim now back it up

Also why are u acting like condoms aren't a thing?

Trump wanting abortion made illegal doesn't change anything other than making back alley abortions a thing again. Hell it's been happening in Texas for a while now. Women having to undergo dangerous procedures and risking their lives because PP had it's funding cut in that region.

It's very sad :bell: American women dying over easily preventable procedures, like women in 3rd world countries.

No such thing as genocide sxb abortion is a godsend to poor income families who can't afford to feed another mouth :reallymaury: Having babies when your not financially ready is just another way to throw yourself straight into poverty.
How're caught up on our news like that? :mjlol:PP clinics being defunded and that crazy abortion clinic terrorist, along with that Carly Fiorina video really shut things down pat in some places :mjlol:

They got some ppl traveling over state lines.

I think if someone is bent on abortion, it's their right. That baby is sure as hell better off not being born, may be sad, but that's the truth of it these ppl can't seem to swallow with their unnecessary crocodile-tear emotions.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
There's nothing in medicine that states the onset of life is the heartbeat. In fact, I'd call that out as nothing beside ancient human ignorance. The heart is but an organ that pumps blood around the body and just because it begins to function at 8 weeks means nothing about the status of the fetus. It's within the stage of 23 weeks that the mother begins to feel the movements of the fetus. I think it's appropriate to discard abortion at that date.

True but this is not a crime. A woman has decided to terminate a fetus before the stage of 23 weeks. It's her body and therefore has every right to it. This violates basic human liberties when strangers begin delving into affairs that don't concern them. It's best to put your efforts on the starving children of the world instead of bothering yourself on ones that do not exist as of yet.

Again, that is the legal definition of death here so I'd like to stay logically consistent.

The mother's civil liberties do not supersede that of the child's, at least by the onset of the heartbeat. Filicide is a heinous crime that should be punished severely.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
No such thing as genocide sxb abortion is a godsend to poor income families who can't afford to feed another mouth :reallymaury: Having babies when your not financially ready is just another way to throw yourself straight into poverty.

There are many options for women. Abstinence, contraceptives, even the miraculous plan B. But murdering innocents, in particular ethnic minorities at such a disproportionate rate makes one wonder whether this was an intentional act of population control.

In one year alone, literally more black babies were aborted than born. Blacks make up around 13% of the population, but around 40% of all aborted babies. Population projections show blacks will go from 13 to 14% in 60 years, while Hispanics and Asians will more than double



Pepe Trump
Again, that is the legal definition of death here so I'd like to stay logically consistent.

The mother's civil liberties do not supersede that of the child's, at least by the onset of the heartbeat. Filicide is a heinous crime that should be punished severely.

Provide sources that actually show that's the definition.

Again, it's not a child it's a fetus. It's best for everyone if you get the distinction. Also, if a woman won't be given a legal and safe right to abort a fetus (not a child) she'll seek a backstreet clinic where they'll do it. Essentially, the narrow mindedness of the anti abortionists is killing the mother as well as the 'child' who is actually a fetus.

You're all pro life but when it comes to actually helping the children that are starving, nobody does shit.
How're caught up on our news like that? :mjlol:PP clinics being defunded and that crazy abortion clinic terrorist, along with that Carly Fiorina video really shut things down pat in some places :mjlol:

They got some ppl traveling over state lines.

I think if someone is bent on abortion, it's their right. That baby is sure as hell better off not being born, may be sad, but that's the truth of it these ppl can't seem to swallow with their unnecessary crocodile-tear emotions.

America is a fascinating place :siilaanyolaugh: The crazies trying to bomb abortion clinics was what caught my attention lol wallahi these Christians are taking a page out of our book and going full jihad :damn: it's insane, but nah reading about trumps policies was what lead me down that rabbit hole like I had no idea southerners had it so tough damn

I watched this doc that I can't unwatch. The thinngs ppl used to do to each other. :dwill:

Same same
I figured the flight of stairs would be the better option. :tacky: The coat hanger is just grim... Like... having it trapped in cervix, internal bleeding, nah, nope, nuh uh :ileycry:


There are many options for women. Abstinence, contraceptives, even the miraculous plan B. But murdering innocents, in particular ethnic minorities at such a disproportionate rate makes one wonder whether this was an intentional act of population control.

In one year alone, literally more black babies were aborted than born. Blacks make up around 13% of the population, but around 40% of all aborted babies. Population projections show blacks will go from 13 to 14% in 60 years, while Hispanics and Asians will more than double

Genocide kulaha. You're acting like the government is forcing their hand, or that abortion is only available for Black ppl and minorities.
You're talking to a crowd who are... missing their foreskins

Ileen we're the second coming of the Jews, how'd I forget. Every last one :dead:
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