FGS cabinet signs off on Turkish Naval agreement, which is to be implemented within 24 hours!


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Even when it comes to the fishery, I hope the 30% cut comes from FGS budget and not additional taxes levied on the local fishermen :mjhaps:
If that happens I am going to caluula and staging a rebellion with the boys.
You make good points and I get your concerns, but Turkey does not need our oil and gas in the same way most countries in the world do, as the largest new energy reserves in Europe are currently being discovered on a regular basis in Turkey and by Turkish exploration companies, which are also worth trillions, such as the gas field in the Black Sea and the one billion of barrels of oil in the Sirnak province alone, yet in the last 5 years their daily production capacity has only doubled from 50 thousand barrels a day to 100 thousand barrels a day.

Somalia is expected to produce its first oil by the end of the year, but that doesn’t mean it will suddenly export one million barrels a day like the OPEC heavyweights or Russia, we will be lucky if we break the 50 to 100 thousand barrels a day threshold by the end of the decade. That would still mean $1.5 billion to $3 billion of extra income for the FGS a year, and if the energy reserves are included in the Defense pact, Turkey would receive between $450 million to around $900 million a year, give or take from this deal. This would justify for them to pay the upfront costs of establishing an expensive navy the way they did for Turkmenistan, and train a large naval force, a considerable part of which they have already done in the last 5 years, on their own dime. This would also pay for all of the operational costs for their naval presence to protect Somali waters.

We should remember that this deal did not just drop out of the sky. The Farmaajo-Khayre administration had already offered this deal to Erdogan in 2020, and both groups were waiting for the arms-embargo to be lifted, but the UNSC kept extending the embargo year after year until the Farmaajo government’s mandate had expired, yet the deal remained on the table when HSM came into office.

However, even three months ago when the embargo was lifted the political climate was completely different. HSM didn’t have to deal with an expansionist neighbour looking to annex a significant part of his country so boldly, in-fact majority of the so-called analysts said Abiy was targeting Eritrea, so there was no need to sign the pact. In the first half of his term HSM moved closer to other countries, only to brutally realise two years later that their interests were vastly different from his. Today the Somalia-Turkey Defense pact is a reality and operational largely because of what unfolded in the last month and a half, and the fact that it was rushed through so fast tells me that Somalia’s enemies were planning on doing something catastrophic and irreversible in the next two weeks but have been thwarted.

What will happen now is that Turkey will provide the FGS with an immediately available powerful naval component to secure its sovereign waters in the short term, and built its own navy in the long term. Somalia already signed deals with the BIGGEST oil companies in the world, none of them are willing to risk their talent and equipment in an uncertain environment regardless of the potential profits. A reality where Somalia’s waters are fully secure equals a major influx of Foreign Direct Investment.

Initially this will only cover the southern and central offshore Blue Economy of Somalia as Puntland and Somaliland will naturally protest any commercial activity in their waters but oil rigs will eventually land in their waters too, on their terms, once they see the profits coming from the rigs in the south and central regions, but make no mistake this deal prevents all military maritime activity by any country that is not approved by the FGS in Somali waters.

That is a major checkmate against the entities that were betting their future plans on Somalia’s EEZ being a no man’s land. None of them have the capabilities to take on a top 10 NATO-tier Blue Water navy, so HSM has prevented a large chunk of his country being annexed in the short term and put the foundations in place for his successor to have a capable Somali Navy in the long term.

A Defense or Friendship pact can always be rescinded if the other party does not deliver on its promises, we saw this when Somalia kicked out the Soviet Union and all their assets reverted to Somali hands. The difference here being that Somalia is finally invoking its strategic location, natural resources and Blue Economy to its advantage, which makes it vastly more attractive than Ethiopia, even if the latter had a billion plus population.
The sourceless wadani jabeerti has found a flight. From running Somalia to getting played. They pushed Hassan into a corner and found out, don’t give our land to cajnabi dumb arabs

You make good points and I get your concerns, but Turkey does not need our oil and gas in the same way most countries in the world do, as the largest new energy reserves in Europe are currently being discovered on a regular basis in Turkey and by Turkish exploration companies, which are also worth trillions, such as the gas field in the Black Sea and the one billion of barrels of oil in the Sirnak province alone, yet in the last 5 years their daily production capacity has only doubled from 50 thousand barrels a day to 100 thousand barrels a day.

Somalia is expected to produce its first oil by the end of the year, but that doesn’t mean it will suddenly export one million barrels a day like the OPEC heavyweights or Russia, we will be lucky if we break the 50 to 100 thousand barrels a day threshold by the end of the decade. That would still mean $1.5 billion to $3 billion of extra income for the FGS a year, and if the energy reserves are included in the Defense pact, Turkey would receive between $450 million to around $900 million a year, give or take from this deal. This would justify for them to pay the upfront costs of establishing an expensive navy the way they did for Turkmenistan, and train a large naval force, a considerable part of which they have already done in the last 5 years, on their own dime. This would also pay for all of the operational costs for their naval presence to protect Somali waters.

We should remember that this deal did not just drop out of the sky. The Farmaajo-Khayre administration had already offered this deal to Erdogan in 2020, and both groups were waiting for the arms-embargo to be lifted, but the UNSC kept extending the embargo year after year until the Farmaajo government’s mandate had expired, yet the deal remained on the table when HSM came into office.

However, even three months ago when the embargo was lifted the political climate was completely different. HSM didn’t have to deal with an expansionist neighbour looking to annex a significant part of his country so boldly, in-fact majority of the so-called analysts said Abiy was targeting Eritrea, so there was no need to sign the pact. In the first half of his term HSM moved closer to other countries, only to brutally realise two years later that their interests were vastly different from his. Today the Somalia-Turkey Defense pact is a reality and operational largely because of what unfolded in the last month and a half, and the fact that it was rushed through so fast tells me that Somalia’s enemies were planning on doing something catastrophic and irreversible in the next two weeks but have been thwarted.

What will happen now is that Turkey will provide the FGS with an immediately available powerful naval component to secure its sovereign waters in the short term, and built its own navy in the long term. Somalia already signed deals with the BIGGEST oil companies in the world, none of them are willing to risk their talent and equipment in an uncertain environment regardless of the potential profits. A reality where Somalia’s waters are fully secure equals a major influx of Foreign Direct Investment.

Initially this will only cover the southern and central offshore Blue Economy of Somalia as Puntland and Somaliland will naturally protest any commercial activity in their waters but oil rigs will eventually land in their waters too, on their terms, once they see the profits coming from the rigs in the south and central regions, but make no mistake this deal prevents all military maritime activity by any country that is not approved by the FGS in Somali waters.

That is a major checkmate against the entities that were betting their future plans on Somalia’s EEZ being a no man’s land. None of them have the capabilities to take on a top 10 NATO-tier Blue Water navy, so HSM has prevented a large chunk of his country being annexed in the short term and put the foundations in place for his successor to have a capable Somali Navy in the long term.

A Defense or Friendship pact can always be rescinded if the other party does not deliver on its promises, we saw this when Somalia kicked out the Soviet Union and all their assets reverted to Somali hands. The difference here being that Somalia is finally invoking its strategic location, natural resources and Blue Economy to its advantage, which makes it vastly more attractive than Ethiopia, even if the latter had a billion plus population.
Thank you for taking the time to write this, reading this alleviated all my worries once again 🫡
I want everyone to make dua for Xassan Sheikh for making an enemy of the UAE who has spies all around him. I’m certainly doing so after fajaar


I want everyone to make dua for Xassan Sheikh for making an enemy of the UAE who has spies all around him. I’m certainly doing so after fajaar
The UAE are some 4 iq fools. They had the whole nation in their pocket at one point but because they wanted to play all sides they've lost their tight grip on power. Now they'll probably just cause conflict between HSM regime and states where they're involved. Also wouldn't put them passed selling equipment to shabaab.

I honestly can't stand those fools. They grew like a tumor and poison everywhere they go. We'd be better off keeping them far away.
The UAE are some 4 iq fools. They had the whole nation in their pocket at one point but because they wanted to play all sides they've lost their tight grip on power. Now they'll probably just cause conflict between HSM regime and states where they're involved. Also wouldn't put them passed sell equipment to shabaab.

I honestly can't stand those fools. They grew like a tumor and poison everywhere they go. We'd be better off keeping them far away.
Hassan wu ka qustay emaratiga siyasadeed. Hada feeri wadanka marku difaco, mar kale wa la dorana.

I said awhile ago that this is a contradiction in treatment of Somalia if they’re equipping Ethiopia, while they’re in a row with Somalia, when they funded Xassans presidency. They could go about this in many ways. Turkey was wiping shabaab while SNA worked with them, so they’ll certainly take care of it, your other scenario was more plausible. Their base in puntland is still under construction and UAE is not fully in Somalia yet so they will certainly panic because what they can do is limited.
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Hassan wu ka qustay emaratiga siyasadeed. Hada feeri wadanka marku difaco, mar kale wa la dorana.

I said awhile ago that this is a contradiction in treatment of Somalia if they’re equipping Ethiopia, while they’re in a row with Somalia, when they funded Xassans presidency. They could go about this in many ways. Turkey was wiping shabaab while SNA worked with them, so they’ll certainly take care of it, your other scenario was more plausible. Their base in puntland is still under construction and UAE is not fully in Somalia yet so they will certainly panic because what they can do is limited.
They're faithless friends. I know Turkey has its own agenda but they have a record of helping the state. All the UAE and even Qatar do is push for the election of one puppet over another. HSM will probably still be buddy-buddy with them.
Al shabab recruitment department
There is no free lunch. Turkey is now our colonial masters.

30 percent for an imaginary threat of ethiopia? I am suspecting this whole ethiopia thing was orchestrated to get the somali public to swallow turkey taking over our sea.

This is 100 times worse then the somaliland ethiopia deal
You seem to not understand the definition of the word "colony", Turkey is not laying claim to the somali sea unlike ethiopia which believes somalia(and eritrea) territory rightly belongs to them.

This deal(which only lasts a decade, mind you) will aid somalia in exploiting its own resources and build up its own navy.

So if you don't think this deal is a good idea, please tell us another way somalia( a third world country with no technical expertise in oil drilling and ship building) will be able to exploit its natural resources and secure its seas?
You seem to not understand the definition of the word "colony", Turkey is not laying claim to the somali sea unlike ethiopia which believes somalia(and eritrea) territory rightly belongs to them.

This deal(which only lasts a decade, mind you) will aid somalia in exploiting its own resources and build up its own navy.

So if you don't think this deal is a good idea, please tell us another way somalia( a third world country with no technical expertise in oil drilling and ship building) will be able to exploit its natural resources and secure its seas?
You're talking to a single digit qabiilist he doesn't want anything because the president is not his qabiil he doesn't care about Somalia's situation


Al shabaab statement is hilarious when you consider the mention this deal as being worse as the MoU. Yeah it makes sense since their ability to smuggle in weapons and smuggle out charcoal is now hampered by a force they can't simply bribed as easily. The Turkish forces should just park one of their boats on whatever beach Al shabaab use and we could watch their economic system fall apart.
Al shabaab statement is hilarious when you consider the mention this deal as being worse as the MoU. Yeah it makes sense since their ability to smuggle in weapons and smuggle out charcoal is now hampered by a force they can't simply bribed as easily. The Turkish forces should just park one of their boats on whatever beach Al shabaab use and we could watch their economic system fall apart.
Al shabaabs Charcoal Trade is Gone that's why they're crying lol it's literally their biggest source of income this deal literally kills seccesionists,xabashis and shabaab at the same time lmao
Al shabaabs Charcoal Trade is Gone that's why they're crying lol it's literally their biggest source of income this deal literally kills seccesionists,xabashis and shabaab at the same time lmao
Notice that Kenyans aren't crying at all. They are way more friendly to the idea of Somalia improving itself. Ruto unlike Abiy or Bixi doesn't seek to undermine Somalia

