Female Self hatred: It's not limited just to the Somali community......

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Only a subset of cadan men do this

It does not compare to the shaming that Somali men do.

Anyway Somali women have reclaimed their sexual reproductive systems, if we want to give it to Tyrone or Ben, it’s our choice. The only thing you have ownership of is your right hand, enjoy it.

I don’t think IR marriage is the problem most dudes have here though. It’s the unnecessary gas lighting of Somali men on social media that evokes this shaming behaviour from the men. Their low standards for ajanabi men and marrying ex-cons isn’t helping either. Anyways, it’s Somali girls who started the shit flinging in the first place, that’s obvious.


Why do Somali men get so mad when you point out facts?
The criminal tendencies tend to jump out.

Only a minority in Somali men population in the west commit crime. Plus, it only happens in few countries in the west. You've changed wallahi, did a Somali man hurt you or something?

I only just read the thread,I would've allowed it otherwise. Madnomad is patient as f*ck.


Only a minority in Somali men population in the west commit crime. Plus, it only happens in few countries in the west. You've changed wallahi, did a Somali man hurt you or something?

As a rule of thumb, don't trust fervent, in particular, female nationalists and racial supremacists.

It doesn't add up
Lol anyone that gets triggered by that kind of exposes themselves because men that get girls know not to trust a single word that they say. You think all of these girls are actually laying down with 6 foot 5 world class athlete trey songz looking dude? Lmaoo most of them are getting dicked down by a fat dude of their own race/ethnicity who got confidence while they are writing these tweets. I know an Italian dude that bed so many dark skin “blm pan-africa whites are neanderthals” girls that it’s hilarious. Girls just like to talk at the end of the day and agree with other girls
Lol anyone that gets triggered by that kind of exposes themselves because men that get girls know not to trust a single word that they say. You think all of these girls are actually laying down with 6 foot 5 world class athlete trey songz looking dude? Lmaoo most of them are getting dicked down by a fat dude of their own race/ethnicity who got confidence while they are writing these tweets. I know an Italian dude that bed so many dark skin “blm pan-africa whites are neanderthals” girls that it’s hilarious. Girls just like to talk at the end of the day and agree with other girls
Yeah....this is true. These girls dissing somali guys will end with somali guys. They are just attention seekers. But its not a somali girl thing. Every where on the internet you see girls just crying about how guys are not shit.
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