Father of 16 children and husband of three wives. Quran teacher at day and taxi driver by night. Baidoa SWS.

Hard work is hard work. Just as you praise your parents for working hard to fulfill their duties towards you (even though that is what they are supposed to do), we will praise this man for working hard to take care of his children.

And if you have no praise for him, then at least remain silent and do not insult him. If you have an issue with poor men being polygamous then this is fine, but to insult this man directly is uncalled for. Especially considering the fact that him being a Quran teacher alone makes him morally superior than anyone in this thread:

Narrated `Uthman:
The Prophet (ο·Ί) said, "The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it"

Sahih al Bukhari 5027

This is very easy for you to say as you have no children of your own.

Cause they are both parents? For reference, any mother who takes care of her children deserves praise even if they live morally corrupt lifestyles otherwise, same for fathers.

This man is far more deserving of polygamy than some degenerate Khaleeji prince who sends his children off to British boarding schools where they get addicted to drugs and become gaalo. Keep in mind, the Prophet (SAWS) himself was a "broke man" by your standards.

What's crazy is the couch potatoes on this thread calling this man "selfish" despite the fact that he spends all his waking hours in service of others and probably has zero free time. Another insane thing is them feigning sympathy for his children while treating their very existence as a sin and implying that it would be better if they had never been born.

I 100% agree with the importance of family planning, but we can have a conversation about it without spewing venom towards a Quran teacher while we are only a week away from Ramadan.

Just because we disagree with you, doesn't make us 'couch potatoes', insincere, or whatever other insult you lob our way.
. Keep in mind, the Prophet (SAWS) himself was a "broke man" by your standards.

How dare you put such words in my mouth? The Prophet SAW didn't go around marrying women, for vanity purposes, nor did he marry them because they were young, or fertile. He married women who were widows or divorced women, in order to provide them with a better life. In fact, all of his children, except for one, were birthed by Khadijah!

The Prophet SAW was the best man on earth, and no man on earth is worth even a single inch of him.

I don't know who you think you are, but I'd appreciate it, if you didn't address me again. The gall and audacity.
Again my question to you is where exactly have i disputed this ? you're just arguing for the sake of it, i was talking about the claim that you & others made ie that somalia is poor as a result of poor polygamous marriages.

You fail to grasp exactly as to what i'm arguing for here, the comparison is between poor monogamous men and poor polygamous men. Poor monogamous men despite being a majority and having higher rates of poverty compared to poor polygamous men no linkage was established between them and a countries poverty level status. Yet that linkage was established between poor polygamous men and a country's poverty level status.
That’s akin to me saying since there are more poorer married women compared to poor divorced women simply due to numbers, we can’t talk about how single motherhood escalates poverty. Next time when people bring up poverty and single parent households I’ll remind everyone that statistically, especially back home there are more poor married people.

That point simply doesn’t make sense.
A countries economic status isn't determined by either monogamous or polygamous marriages it's the policies, allocations and use of resources, corruption levels etc. USA, europe etc aren't rich because they only allow monogamous marriages etc it has no bearing on it at all.
Everyone knows this. We all know there are various and I mean various other factors in play, but you can’t escape the fact that in African countries, poor men dabbling is definitely a contributing factor with regards to women and children becoming even poorer. That’s been my overall arching point.
Not that poly=poverty.
Do you believe for instance that usa or uk will be poorer once they allow polygamous marriages ? the answer is no similarly somalia or any other country that allows polygamous marriages don't become poor due to it.
No one is talking about poly marriages being allowed since Allah the Almighty has allowed it. You’re conflating many things here. We are talking about already poor communities engaging in. The main factor is that these communities are already poor and polygamy is making it even more difficult for them.
Please could you for once address what i ask and not what i'm not disputing. One issue at a time.

You quoted my post to the other sister, whereby you stated that you doubt anyone believes somalia is poor due to polygamy # 132 to which my response post #152 was to remind you that you entertained that idea yourself and i also emphasised that poverty resulting from monogamous marriages was far higher than that of polygamous marriages and i questioned why people were not making that linkage between poverty status and monogamous marriages
That is my issue. You don’t read. It’s like someone saying unfairness is also found in mono relationships so why is poly focused on? It’s the same reason why affordability is more focused on in Poly relationships, simply because you need more money to sustain a poly marriages. How does poverty result in mono? They’re already poor? Even in Poly relationships doesn’t result in them becoming poor, they simply become poorer since they were already poor. You’re not getting that simple point and you’re making me repeat myself. It’s exhausting.
Your response since then has been lacking and you keep on bringing about things i've not disputed at all.
Yes you clearly are disputing it, since you’re asking why aren’t people focusing on Mono relationships. I’ve answered your question multiple times. Mono relationships are simply less challenging financially. Women in polygamous marriages on poor societies are poorer. Same way single mothers are poorer, despite also being a minority, yet I know you’d never argue this point.

Until now you haven't addressed the simple question that i asked regarding why people were not making the causal link between poverty status of a country and poor monogamous marriages ? laakin you and the other users were quick to make the linkage between poor polygamous marriage/men & poverty status
The unfortunate reality is that countries with higher levels of poly are in fact poorer if we look at world statistics, but I don’t want to bring it up since I believe that other factors are also at play and societal poverty doesn’t really have much to do with marital status as their are other contributing factors. My whole point is that polygamy amongst the already poor makes them poorer. That is all and according to stats in Kenya for instance, poor women in poly unions are near enough 20% poorer than women in monogamous marriages.

Whether poor polygamous are common or the fact that these leads to stretching of the scarce resource etc doesn't not negate the simple fact that these marriages don't even constitute even half of all marriages in somalia or even in other country for that matter.

However poor monogamous marriages constitute a majority and in terms of numbers alone they're more than double/triple etc depending on the country.

Meaning poverty rates resulting from monogamous marriages far supersedes that of polygamous marriages yet despite this undeniable fact none of you made a linkage between a country's poverty status and poverty rates resulting from poor monogamous marriages. Yet for polygamous marriages you were quick to establish this linkage, my question was why ? why the selectivity
Very I mean very stupid point. Can we all agree that kids in single divorced mother households are poorer than kids with two parents? But because people back home are poorer even when married, does that mean I can shut down conversation and argue that kids from married homes who constitutes the majority are also poor, hence we can’t talk about single mothers?

That is my issue. You’re looking at the population in general and not understanding that whilst yes, everyone is poor others are at even an more disadvantage due to single motherhood or a poor man marrying again, but since the vast majority are indeed married and monogamous that doesn’t take away the fact that single motherhood or polygamous unions in poorer societies contributes to even more poverty.

My point is clear.
Had your concerns of women living in poverty been genuine then you wouldn't care about only those ones in polygamous marriages but for all women living in poverty irrespective of their marriage types. It doesn't make sense to ONLY care about women & children in polygamous marriages when the majority of women & children in poverty are from monogamous marriages
Can we say the same about single mothers? If I cared about poverty I wouldn’t single out how single motherhood also contributes to poverty but also talk married women right?

In all honesty, be honest does that argument make any sense? Because you’re making the exact same argument, but in regards to polygamy. It’s simple a tactic you’re using to brush things under the carpet.
Are women & children worthy of our sympathy ONLY when they happen to be in a poor polygamous marriage ? This is what selectivity leads to and i was arguing against from my first post in these thread
Are women and children of sympathy only when they’re from single parent households? I’ll use that next someone tries to talk about single motherhood. Thanks for the dumb counter argument. I’m sure it work on others.

You have a very and I mean very bad habit of comparing apples and oranges just to stifle conversations.
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How dare you ask for something fancier than a jiingad, you uppity fEmInIst!!
Wallahi some of these posters are exhausting and their points are getting a tad illogical.

He’s saying since there are more married women in mono marriages back home who are poor, that means we can’t talk about how broke men in poly marriages also fuel even more poverty. Nuance is lost to them

1. So according to @AdoonkaAlle since there are poor mono married women and they’re the majority, we can’t talk about poor poly women.

2. I don’t think he realizes that mentality can be used in various issues. We can’t talk about how kids with no father figures are poorer since, there are poor kids with fathers. We can’t talk about how kids who are orphans are poor since there are more kids with a parent alive who are poor.

3. This is the can of worms one opens when they argue for the sake of arguing. Read properly young man and really take in your argument.
Wallahi some of these posters are exhausting and their points are getting a tad illogical.

He’s saying since there are more married women in mono marriages back home who are poor, that means we can’t talk about how broke men in poly marriages also fuel even more poverty. Nuance is lost to them

1. So according to @AdoonkaAlle since there are poor mono married women and they’re the majority, we can’t talk about poor poly women.

2. I don’t think he realizes that mentality can be used in various issues. We can’t talk about how kids with no father figures are poorer since, there are poor kids with fathers. We can’t talk about how kids who are orphans are poor since there are more kids with with a parent alive who are poor.

3. This is the can of worms one opens when they argue for the sake of arguing. Read properly young man and really take in your argument.

He is purposefully trying to derail the conversation, and it started with denying that polygamy is common among poor Somalis. In order to have a debate, people must agree on the topic at hand first, but he keeps using whataboutism like you so aptly noted.
Our words about financial accountability, are triggering some of these men, I suspect they fantasise about being polygamists one day, even if they are poor. Bringing in dozens of children, giving them the bare minimum, and convincing themselves that they are father of the year.


He is purposefully trying to derail the conversation, and it started with denying that polygamy is common among poor Somalis. In order to have a debate, people must agree on the topic at hand first, but he keeps using whataboutism like you so aptly noted.
It’s beyond derailing and misunderstanding. I have never said that polygamy causes poverty, because the poor men that engage in it drumroll……are already poor. My point is, they sink their families into even more poverty.

As for his argument as to why we are focusing on poor poly unions, despite the fact that marriages of poor people in the majority of cases are mono relationships, is because women in poly marriages are in fact poorer… in places like Kenya, they’re near enough 20% poorer than women in monogamous unions. The same way single mothers are on average poorer than married women, despite poor married women being higher statistically, simply because most women are married rather than divorced.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Bisiinka the level of aflagaado & venom people have for the guy waa cajiib!!!

It even went beyond that, now dalkeena is poor & backward because a very tiny percentage of men decided to marry more than one woman . So qabylaad, corruption lack of adherence to diinta etc. all of these have nothing to do with why dalkeena is as it is maanta ???

In that study, the overall difference between monogamous & polygamous women when it relates to β€œsexual dysfunction” was just 13.9%. β€œSD” was prevalent in both groups: 55.9% for monogamous vs 69.8% for polygamous women


Now what’s even interesting is when you take a look at the actual breakdown of the scores. The differences are very negligible

View attachment 319116

Another point of note from purely a statistical analysis is that there’s more women suffering from β€œSD” in monogamous marriages as opposed to polygamous ones. So if we extrapolate this to somalia as a whole, then things get worse simply because monogamous women with β€œSD” will far surpass those of polygamous women by a large margin.

Given the above what rationale is there to focus on polygamous women when the difference in β€œSD” is just a mere 13.9% and also the fact that Polygamous women constitute a minority of women who are diagnosed with the β€œSD” ?

My final point is related to the index scores used to determine sexual function. I’m very sceptical of a self report index that purports to objectively measure an individual’s sexual function especially one rooted in a foreign cultural background & tradition. In fact the FSFI score was introduced to determine arousal disorders & not other factors of a person’s sexual function.

Like anything related to human beings nothing is static, similarly so is a person’s sexual function. Just because a person has issues today doesn’t entail that they’ll have it tomorrow or that it’s deterministic. Imagine telling a woman she’s suffering from SD based on a survey that she filled whilst she had issues that no longer are a factor in her current life.

Take for instance the study, it was conducted on women who came to the hospital between June & October 2022. Article was published in December 2023, based on this are we to assume that there’s been no change in those women since that time ? Even more problematic is generalising entirety of somali women based on such a study. Do those women even actually believe that they’re suffering from SD ?

At the end of the day these indexes were developed in a society where sexuality is championed without restrictions, as such their norms & values of what they deem as proper sexual ethics will be governing the standards determining both sexual function & dysfunction


I've read the study and you're more than welcome to tease a part the methods section or read the limitations. My point still stands: there is a correlation between educational attainment and acceptance of polygamy. I really don't care much about the psychosexual aspect, though you seem to be focused on that. I already know the adverse psychosocial impacts on women are mixed in metanalyse. I don't think I've ever seen a study compare women with impoverished polyamists and wealthy ones. :russ:

Many in Somalia live in extreme poverty. And a huge segment of the population are nomadic. Looking at Somalia and their generally low literacy levels among women and limited access to education. This would be a lower-income man's Valhalla as the customs of requiring far more lacaag which were required to be polygamous have been abandoned. This poor fellow is working himself to the grave to maintain 16 kids from 3 women. If he dies God forbid then there will be 3 widows who are even more impoverished perpetuating the cycle of poverty. Access to school in Somalia is a challenge for school-aged children with clear gender disparities. There are also disparities when comparing urban vs. rural educational outcomes.
I focused on it as it’s the most significant from my point of view & also to give an emphasis on just how unreliable the conclusion drawn from the survey is. A casual reading of the article gives the impression of a very problematic conclusion yet by looking at the breakdown from the data results the differences claimed are hardly significant to warrant the level of scrutiny given to polygamous unions.
It isn’t the most significant, especially in a poly marriage in which issues like economic issues, low self esteem and emotional and mental health is more paramount.

I think you focused on SD since the gap was probably smaller between women in monogamous marriages and poly marriages.
The participants were asked to complete three questionnaires: The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE), and the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 (BSI-18). Then from here they performed some statistical analysis making comparisons etc. All
the while taking note of participants income level, education, setting (urban/rural) etc.
Again, SD isn’t the most important at all.
View attachment 319135

In the above table we read that polygamous women overall have higher BSI scores but a lower RSE score but are these differences really that significant to warrant the focus on polygamous marriages ? Even more surprising is that when BSI scores of monogamous women are compared to polygamous women who are third & fourth wives, the latter have less anxiety & depression as opposed to monogamous women. There's more variation within polygamous women and depending on which factor/parameter you chose to compare with monogamous the results also vary but again the differences still aren't that much.
Let’s be real, when people focus on the impact of poly marriages on women, in terms of depression and low self esteem, it’s usually focusing on the first wives that bare the brunt of the emotional turmoil. You know this, hence why you compared women in mono marriages to 4th wives.
View attachment 319137

This is why i'm very skeptical about the conclusions, reliability and usefulness gathered from such surveys etc.
I've read the study and you're more than welcome to tease a part the methods section or read the limitations. My point still stands: there is a correlation between educational attainment and acceptance of polygamy. I really don't care much about the psychosexual aspect, though you seem to be focused on that. I already know the adverse psychosocial impacts on women are mixed in metanalyse. I don't think I've ever seen a study compare women with impoverished polyamists and wealthy ones. :russ:

Many in Somalia live in extreme poverty. And a huge segment of the population are nomadic. Looking at Somalia and their generally low literacy levels among women and limited access to education. This would be a lower-income man's Valhalla as the customs of requiring far more lacaag which were required to be polygamous have been abandoned. This poor fellow is working himself to the grave to maintain 16 kids from 3 women. If he dies God forbid then there will be 3 widows who are even more impoverished perpetuating the cycle of poverty. Access to school in Somalia is a challenge for school-aged children with clear gender disparities. There are also disparities when comparing urban vs. rural educational outcomes.
I was wondering why he kept on focusing on SD. It’s funny how he completely bypassed the low literacy rates and low self-esteem and the list continues.


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
That’s akin to me saying since there are more poorer married women compared to poor divorced women simply due to numbers, we can’t talk about how single motherhood escalates poverty. Next time when people bring up poverty and single parent households I’ll remind everyone that statistically, especially back home there are more poor married people.

That point simply doesn’t make sense.

Everyone knows this. We all know there are various and I mean various other factors in play, but you can’t escape the fact that in African countries, poor men dabbling is definitely a contributing factor with regards to women and children becoming even poorer. That’s been my overall arching point.
Not that poly=poverty.

No one is talking about poly marriages being allowed since Allah the Almighty has allowed it. You’re conflating many things here. We are talking about already poor communities engaging in. The main factor is that these communities are already poor and polygamy is making it even more difficult for them.

I don't know whether you're intentionally pretending not to get what i'm arguing about or it's simply a misunderstanding on your part. For the sake of clarify i'll repeat it again this time using that analogy of yours, poor married women vs poor divorced women. Now what you stated above isn't something that i'm disputing or the point of contention between your claims and mine.

The crux of your argument using the above analogy was to claim that poor divorced women/single parent is the cause of a country's poverty & my equivalent response using the same analogy is to draw attention to the selectivity of such a claim given the fact that poor married despite constituting the overwhelming majority of women in poverty aren't linked as the cause of a country's poverty. Why are poor divorced/single parent cited as a cause of a country's poverty but not poor married women even though these women are a minority ?

This is what you had to say about establishing the causal relationship between poor polygamous men and our country's poverty and backwardness
I know it might sound insane to link this to why our country is poverty-stricken and backwards, but I can’t help but feel many of our men don’t think about tomorrow, it’s always about filling their stomachs and fulfilling their lusts. There isn’t any form of discipline or reaching goals and milestones. This mindset also seeps into every aspect of our society.

Everyone knows this. We all know there are various and I mean various other factors in play, but you can’t escape the fact that in African countries, poor men dabbling is definitely a contributing factor with regards to women and children becoming even poorer. That’s been my overall arching point. Not that poly=poverty.

No one is talking about poly marriages being allowed since Allah the Almighty has allowed it. You’re conflating many things here. We are talking about already poor communities engaging in. The main factor is that these communities are already poor and polygamy is making it even more difficult for them.

Could you please point out where exactly i've disputed that fact ? have me & you disagreed on this point no, have i called out for it nope. What i did however called you out on for was your claim that poor polygamous men causes a country's poverty & after asking you how come poor monogamous men despite being a majority doesn't cause a country to be poor. You failed to respond and backtracked on your original claims
No one is talking about poly marriages being allowed since Allah the Almighty has allowed it. You’re conflating many things here. We are talking about already poor communities engaging in. The main factor is that these communities are already poor and polygamy is making it even more difficult for them.

The point wasn't about legality of polygamous marriage but whether or not such a marriage leads to a country being poor hence the example of usa etc. Do you believe if polygamy was legal in these countries and poor men in these societies engaged in polygamous marriages that this will lead to these countries being poor ?

Sax since the communities are already poor then logic dictates that we should focus on where the major issues are first, since majority of poverty rates are a result of poor monogamous marriages as opposed to polygamous ones then efforts should made to correct this first.


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
I've read the study and you're more than welcome to tease a part the methods section or read the limitations. My point still stands: there is a correlation between educational attainment and acceptance of polygamy. I really don't care much about the psychosexual aspect, though you seem to be focused on that. I already know the adverse psychosocial impacts on women are mixed in metanalyse. I don't think I've ever seen a study compare women with impoverished polyamists and wealthy ones. :russ:

Many in Somalia live in extreme poverty. And a huge segment of the population are nomadic. Looking at Somalia and their generally low literacy levels among women and limited access to education. This would be a lower-income man's Valhalla as the customs of requiring far more lacaag which were required to be polygamous have been abandoned. This poor fellow is working himself to the grave to maintain 16 kids from 3 women. If he dies God forbid then there will be 3 widows who are even more impoverished perpetuating the cycle of poverty. Access to school in Somalia is a challenge for school-aged children with clear gender disparities. There are also disparities when comparing urban vs. rural educational outcomes.

Even when taking into account all of what you stated one would assume that the disparity between monogamous and polygamous women would be overwhelmingly huge yet the data results tells us otherwise on all the different parameters measured in the study. Equally more important is what the study was used to justify both in here and social media in general. You state that you weren't focused on the psychosexual yet you cited it can i ask why this is ? I was focused on it since it covers one of the most significant parts of the study

I get that polygamy isn't most women's cup of tea but this is different than blowing things out of portions and vilifying the practice itself. Attributing all manner of vices and whatnot simply because one doesn't like it

There's a lot we don't know about ninkas and his personal life other than the few details shared in that tweet laakin this didn't stop those vilifying conjuring waxaa walba simply due to their disdain for the practice.
I don't know whether you're intentionally pretending not to get what i'm arguing about or it's simply a misunderstanding on your part. For the sake of clarify i'll repeat it again this time using that analogy of yours, poor married women vs poor divorced women. Now what you stated above isn't something that i'm disputing or the point of contention between your claims and mine.

The crux of your argument using the above analogy was to claim that poor divorced women/single parent is the cause of a country's poverty & my equivalent response using the same analogy is to draw attention to the selectivity of such a claim given the fact that poor married despite constituting the overwhelming majority of women in poverty aren't linked as the cause of a country's poverty. Why are poor divorced/single parent cited as a cause of a country's poverty but not poor married women even though these women are a minority ?

This is what you had to say about establishing the causal relationship between poor polygamous men and our country's poverty and backwardness
That point wasn’t just about polygamy, it was about the mentality behind the idea of one marrying again whilst also not able to handle their current situation. This mentality isn’t limited to polygamy but about short sightedness and the inability to care or think about the future. I also mentioned politicians who will use up the countries wealth as they care more about filling their stomachs and focusing on the here and now without realizing that if they’re honest and dedicated their time to build their nation, they’d be able to get more in terms of financial perks not just for themselves but the masses in general.

My point about polygamy wasn’t literal, it was about the mentality behind it that fuels someone that has very little and instead of investing and saving, they bite of more than they can chew due to selfishness.

Could you please point out where exactly i've disputed that fact ? have me & you disagreed on this point no, have i called out for it nope. What i did however called you out on for was your claim that poor polygamous men causes a country's poverty & after asking you how come poor monogamous men despite being a majority doesn't cause a country to be poor. You failed to respond and backtracked on your original claims
I never backtracked, since I wasn’t aware I made that point. For me, it wasn’t about the polygamy itself it was the mentality behind why they do it despite their inability to do so and I linked that mentality to the downfall of our nation and that short sightedness, that impulsiveness and that selfishness can be linked to various issues like tribalism, corrupt politicians who only care about lining their pockets ect. The overall issue is a lack of foresight.
The point wasn't about legality of polygamous marriage but whether or not such a marriage leads to a country being poor hence the example of usa etc. Do you believe if polygamy was legal in these countries and poor men in these societies engaged in polygamous marriages that this will lead to these countries being poor ?
My issue isn’t polygamy, it is poor men being irresponsible enough to engage with multiple women and in the US madow communities are all but polygamous minus the marriage and halal aspect and the sharing of men who don’t have the ability to provide for them is an issue of itself that does contribute to their poverty as does single motherhood which is interwined.

Is that the main factor or reason for their poverty? Of course not, but a stable family unit, results in a stable nation. That’s a fact and their marriage issues is seen as a huge financial problem in America.
Sax since the communities are already poor then logic dictates that we should focus on where the major issues are first, since majority of poverty rates are a result of poor monogamous marriages as opposed to polygamous ones then efforts should made to correct this
How are you claiming the results of poverty is due to monogamous marriages? What logic are you using here? So you’re arguing with people for saying poor men practicing polygamy increases poverty, but now you’re making outlandish remarks that monogamy is?

Lol, it’s exactly as stupid as saying being married causes poverty since married people have higher rates of poverty than single mothers. Especially when we all know the data that single mothers are even poorer, even if they make a fraction of the general population.

You’re flipping the narrative since most people are monogamous, but poor people in poly marriages are indeed poorer. Hence we should be focusing on people not being even poorer and that mothers and children don’t have to compete for scraps.

Sometimes I worry about your logic.
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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I was wondering why he kept on focusing on SD. It’s funny how he completely bypassed the low literacy rates and low self-esteem and the list continues.
Angelina, I think we both know why there was a critique of the psychometric properties of the survey instrument, first. Overlooking gender, economic and educational disparities which can contribute to reception to plural marriage.
Joe Biden Reaction GIF by The Democrats

He could have easily stated that 1 in 5 households in Somalia are polygamous and called it a day. Meaning that the majority are not. He could have easily come from the angle that the study could not disentangle the influence of FGM. That has a prevalence of 98-99% in Somalia and is classified as the most damaging type of infibulation (Type 3). That can cause chronic pain, poor quality of life, and higher maternal mortality and other birth complications. Bearing potential social, health and economic burdens, especially in resource-poor nations where it is more common.


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
That point wasn’t just about polygamy, it was about the mentality behind the idea of one marrying again whilst also not able to handle their current situation. This mentality isn’t limited to polygamy but about short sightedness and the inability to care or think about the future. I also mentioned politicians who will use up the countries wealth as they care more about filling their stomachs and focusing on the here and now without realizing that if they’re honest and dedicated their time to build their nation, they’d be able to get more in terms of financial perks not just for themselves but the masses in general.

My point about polygamy wasn’t literal, it was about the mentality behind it that fuels someone that has very little and instead of investing and saving, they bite of more than they can chew due to selfishness.

I never backtracked, since I wasn’t aware I made that point. For me, it wasn’t about the polygamy itself it was the mentality behind why they do it despite their inability to do so and I linked that mentality to the downfall of our nation and that short sightedness, that impulsiveness and that selfishness can be linked to various issues like tribalism, corrupt politicians who only care about lining their pockets ect. The overall issue isn’t is a lack of foresight.

My issue isn’t polygamy, it is poor men being irresponsible enough to engage with multiple women and in the US madow communities are all but polygamous minus the marriage and halal aspect and the sharing of men who don’t have the ability to provide for them is an issue of itself that does contribute to their poverty as does single motherhood which is interwined.

Is that the main factor or reason for their poverty? Of course not, but a stable family unit, result in a stable nation. That’s a fact.

How are you claiming the results of poverty is due to monogamous marriages? What logic are you using here? So you’re arguing with people for saying polygamy causes poverty, but now you’re making outlandish remarks that monogamy is?

Lol, it’s exactly as stupid as saying being married causes poverty since married people have higher rates of poverty than single mothers.

You’re flipping the narrative since most people are monogamous, but poor people in poly marriages are indeed poorer. Hence we should be focusing on people not being even poorer.

Sometimes I worry about your logic.

How wasn't it literal majority of your critique in that post was about polygamous men who do that instead of utilising their resources to better their current wife and children. It's towards the end that you include somali men in general and talk about such mentality seeping into other aspects of society

For argument's sake lets agree that you didn't mean it, why in the world were you arguing with me all this time & even quoted my reply to other sister who made such claims about the linkage between the two ? i just don't understand

How are you claiming the results of poverty is due to monogamous marriages? What logic are you using here? So you’re arguing with people for saying polygamy causes poverty, but now you’re making outlandish remarks that monogamy is?

Lol, it’s exactly as stupid as saying being married causes poverty since married people have higher rates of poverty than single mothers.

You’re flipping the narrative since most people are monogamous, but poor people in poly marriages are indeed poorer. Hence we should be focusing on people not being even poorer.

Sometimes I worry about your logic.

I'm referring to poverty rates resulting from the comparison between poor polygamous vs poor monogamous marriages. Since poor monogamous marriages outnumber poor polygamous marriages, the former's poverty rates will be higher in comparison to the latter.

In our entire discussion i've consistently compared poor monogamous marriages/men vs poor polygamous marriages/men.


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
I was wondering why he kept on focusing on SD. It’s funny how he completely bypassed the low literacy rates and low self-esteem and the list continues.

Angelina, I think we both know why there was a critique of the psychometric properties of the survey instrument, first. Overlooking gender, economic and educational disparities which can contribute to reception to plural marriage.
Joe Biden Reaction GIF by The Democrats

He could have easily stated that 1 in 5 households in Somalia are polygamous and called it a day. Meaning that the majority are not. He could have easily come from the angle that the study could not disentangle the influence of FGM. That has a prevalence of 98-99% in Somalia and is classified as the most damaging type of infibulation (Type 3). That can cause chronic pain, poor quality of life, and higher maternal mortality and other birth complications. Bearing potential social, health and economic burdens, especially in resource-poor nations where it is more common.

I thought it was fairly obvious as to why i did that, the study used the three indexes to evaluate both the pyschosexual and pyschosocial status of the women. It literarily states so in the article

This study aimed to document the psychosexual and psychosocial problems of Somali women engaged in monogamous or polygamous marriages who presented to the gynaecology clinic of the foremost hospital in the country. In a relatively large sample (n = 607), psychosexual status was evaluated using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and psychosocial status was evaluated using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE) and the Brief Symptom Inventory-18

This is why i didn't delve much into income, education level etc as these were non-factors in determining both the psychosexual & psychosocial problems. There was no need to look at low self-esteem scores as they were more or less similar. BSI scores weren't that helpful as they just looked at 2 or 3 parameters even then the differences were relatively small just like the case with the FSFI scores.

