Even the cadaan are starting to admit that ancient Egyptian origins are in Somalia.


👾pʅɹoʍ pǝʇɐʅǝxᴉd ɐ uᴉ ƃuᴉʌᴉʅ👾
pol/ - HELLO ! Pol Really would love all WE WUZ KANGZ memes in celebration  of WAKANDA! - Politically Incorrect - 4chan


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia 🇸🇴
I thought modern egyptians were descendents of ancient ones but why does ramesses guy had a sub Saharan haplogroup


The land of "Punt" or modern day Puntland is where the ancient Egyptians originated from. So really modern day Somalis are the descendants of the Ancient Egyptians. Most Cushites are as well.

But you'll never learn the true history of the world by going to Zionist funded schools.

Nafiso Qalanjo

𝖂𝖊'𝖗𝖊 𝖌𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔 𝖜𝖆𝖗 𝖇𝖆𝖇𝖞!
Ancient Egyptians dont even have the same y genome as Somalis. Stop claiming other peoples heritage. The decedents of ancients Egyptians still live in Egypt, and Sudan.


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia 🇸🇴
I don't wanna claim ancient egypt I wanna claim ancient punt egypt was inbred they ate alchoel and enslave children

