Ethiopia Vs Sudan Conflict

FYI everyone, Sudan is currently ruled by 2 bodies of which one is the actual leader. Complicated I know, but that is the best way to describe it.

We have a pussy civilian led government led by Hamdok who would never even say a word against Ethiopia. Then we have the Saudi/Israeli/US backed leadership of general Alburhan who leads the military and is ready to go deep into Ethiopia if needed. Same thing with GERD, it is clear that Hamdok backs Ethiopia whereas Burhan backs Egypt.

Hamdok is or was in Djibouti easing tensions, whilst Burhan sent some military units to the border to clear it from Ethiopian militias for once and for all. Hamdok has been playing the diplomacy card, whereas Burhan is more like ''Yeah, we can start diplomacy after we clear the area of all the Ethiopian militias that are backed by the Ethio army''.
Sudanese army took back Khorsheid, the last point before the border with Ethiopia. Other reports have it that most the militias have already fled the area

Sudan just came out of a dictatorship and 30 years of international sanctions for interfering in other countries. As a country, we have adopted a policy of not ''interfering'' in any countries internal affairs.

The old regime would have been like ''oh we will interfere in Ethiopia and support A vs B''. The new regime is like '' Meh, we will wait for our neighbours to sort their own problems. but the refugees are welcome''.
There won't be a war between Sudan and Ethiopia, both countries would have quite a bit to lose. but Sudanese land is Sudanese land and will be cleared of Ethiopian forces.
Also chase away amhara peasants from the land dont let one amhara amhara loiter there shot first then ask questions later.
The Janjaweed are a bit more civilised these days, especially since they are now friends with the Israelis and Americans lmao
Only the ones living in cities are civilized. This is Hemedti's tribe (started genocide in Darfur)

Burhan will remain more powerful than Hemedti though. Foreign powers see Burhan as a modernized riverine elite while Hemedti is a bit all over the place, I remember Abiy invited Hemedti to Addis to try to befriend him lol
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Only the Baggara living in cities are civilized. This is Hemedti's tribe, the ones that did the genocide in Darfur

Burhan will remain more powerful than Hemedti though. Foreign powers see Burhan as a modernized riverine elite while Hemedti is a bit all over the place, I remember Abiy invited Hemedti to Addis to try to befriend him lol

lol true, Hemedti is a powerful individual. but Burhan is the most likely to be Sudans copy of a Sisi backed by Gulf cash. That is unless democracy somehow prevails in Sudan of course. Historically, all of Sudans democratically elected people were political pussies. like Mahdi and Hamdok. We need strong men like Nimeiry and Burhan to take over, at least for the next 5 years
amhara nazis should assassinate abiy after he let the sudanese military kick your amhara peasant uncle out of gedaref :ohhhdamn:

This is sudanese land and everybody knows that even the farmers are saying they are cultivating the land only since the last 20 years. PM Abiy is using the TPLF war to vacate both Sudanese land and the Eritrean town Badme that was occupied by Ethiopian army. Amhara government also knows this fact and that is why it is quit about it and is not sending its regular liyu force to help the farmers. The affected farmers that were cultivating Sudan's land were around 50. So kudos to PM Abiy and the Amhara government to use this opportunity to settle the border issue with both Sudan and Eritrea. Ethiopian army should only be activated if Ethiopian territory is crossed and should not be used to illegally occupy territories that belongs to neighboring countries.
This is sudanese land and everybody knows that even the farmers are saying they are cultivating the land only since the last 20 years. PM Abiy is using the TPLF war to vacate both Sudanese land and the Eritrean town Badme that was occupied by Ethiopian army. Amhara government also knows this fact and that is why it is quit about it and is not sending its regular liyu force to help the farmers. The affected farmers that were cultivating Sudan's land were around 50. So kudos to PM Abiy and the Amhara government to use this opportunity to settle the border issue with both Sudan and Eritrea. Ethiopian army should only be activated if Ethiopian territory is crossed and should not be used to illegally occupy territories that belongs to neighboring countries.
Amhara nazis are very angry though, since the Sudanese military forced the neftegna out. They claim that this land belongs to the Amhara and that Abiy is a sellout for obeying Sudan.

BTW Abiy didn't wanna give up the land, in fact he begged the Sudanese government to let Amhara farmers keep it and he said no f*ck off, so now Amhara have to swallow their pride.
Amhara nazis are very angry though, since the Sudanese military forced the neftegna out. They claim that this land belongs to the Amhara and that Abiy is a sellout for obeying Sudan.

BTW Abiy didn't wanna give up the land, in fact he begged the Sudanese government to let Amhara farmers keep it and he said no f*ck off, so now Amhara have to swallow their pride.

Please... If PM Abiy or Ethiopia really wanted the land Ethiopia can get it in a few hours. Amhara region media is also not reporting it and the farmers also said that the Authorities are telling them to let the Sudanese army occupy the area. The farmers are a bit confused but what PM Abiy and the Amhara government are doing is very good. Someday this issue must end for good and who knows when we will get this kind of opportunity to vacate the Ethiopian army from neighboring territory!

The same is true with Eritrean territory Ethiopia occupied. Every time the Army wanted to vacate the people in Badme were protesting and what not. But now the federal government got the best chance to vacate the area. In both cases the federal government now can blame TPLF and hopefully get away with it.
Please... If PM Abiy or Ethiopia really wanted the land Ethiopia can get it in a few hours. Amhara region media is also not reporting it and the farmers also said that the Authorities are telling them to let the Sudanese army occupy the area. The farmers are a bit confused but what PM Abiy and the Amhara government are doing is very good. Someday this issue must end for good and who knows when we will get this kind of opportunity to vacate the Ethiopian army from neighboring territory!

The same is true with Eritrean territory Ethiopia occupied. Every time the Army wanted to vacate the people in Badme were protesting and what not. But now the federal government got the best chance to vacate the area. In both cases the federal government now can blame TPLF and hopefully get away with it.

Ethiopia has a big population, but it is no military powerhouse. Does the Ethiopian army even coduct any type of major army drills? If Ethiopias official policy was to ''occupy'' Alfashaga, Ethiopia would be in a never ending fight. The days when Sudan was busy fighting itself are gone, the focus is now Sudans borders. Not only would Sudanese heavy armored divisions and air force head towards key areas, it would be a never ending confrontation heavier than the Ogaden war.

It is clear that those farmers are heavily armed and supported by Ethiopias army, something that the Ethiopian government fears to admit for political reasons. I do not care what ethiopian amharic tribesmen think, they are now getting wiped out which I think is the only way to sort this out permenantly. It would have been much easier if Abiy Ahmed controlled those farmers