Dying Somali traditions

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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
My thread is featured in the main page. I dedicate my 9000th post to that milestone :rejoice:


My female relatives are on this green tea and ginger tree trend at the moment so I dont even have teabags in my shaax anymore :mjcry:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
yo was anyone forcefed bread with chocolate spread dipped into shaah when they were young? :vqbuyv0:

No but this reminds me when I was Young and was at my friends house His mom made laxoox with fish fingers on top and than poured some shaax on top of it all

I left with the quickness told them I had soccer practice when I wasnt even part of a team


ᶜᵃʷᵒ ᶜᵃʷˡᵒ
laxoox with fish fingers on top and than poured some shaax on top of it all
  • Beating your kids
  • Making sure your kids are outside
  • Speaking to your children in their native tongue
  • Visiting elderly/hosting relatives
Kkkk horta where did the story come from of you guys throwing sugar in the river in an attempt to make tea looool
we raided the british, and threw the excess loot in the river to deny them supplies so they can move out of serenley and it worked. other somali qabiils were resentful for not getting the sugar, they accused us of attempting to sweeten the damn river.

such intelligence and political prowess baan muujinaynay sxb.

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