Do you have ajnabi people married into your family?

Ummmm my mom is married to ajnabi.

Aside from that, my uncles wife is half-oromo/half-somali.

Also, I have random half cousins on 23andme looking for their Somali father. They’re all 3/4 cousin so that’s too distant for me to care. I already have 1000s of cousins in 1/2 cousin list, so 3/4 isn’t my buisness.
One in the middle of rural latin america. Nacala faraxs who seed drop

My family is more okay with marrying muslim ajnabi than 0.5 somali
:kendrickcry: :mjlol:
Omg that’s crazy!! Your family would prefer an ajanabi than .5? Am .5 in Somali but not in Djibouti loool but that’s still messed up 😫
Dunno why people say its uncommon when all of you are related to ajnabis ( the only ajnabi in my family is an Ethiopian tigray) :damedamn:

If 10% of Somalis marry Ajanbis then if you know 10 married Somalis you probably know one married to an Ajanbi


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Dunno why people say its uncommon when all of you are related to ajnabis ( the only ajnabi in my family is an Ethiopian tigray) :damedamn:
It’s uncommon because out of our 300 aunts/uncles and 5000 cousins only a handful or less are married out.
My mothers brother fathered a child many years ago with a white woman in his early 20s. She was raised by her mother and grew up Christian. A few yrs ago we invited her to a family wedding where one of my other uncles told her she would need to change her typically gaalo name to Fadumo to be accepted (very silly thing for him to do). She told him to F%&$ OFF and basically cut us off.

She's now covered in tattoos and drinks heavily. She looks like a light-skinned Somali.
You're reminding me of some abtis of mine who practiced saqajanimo in their yute:


But to be fair to him, the second abti was legitimately in love with that Russian woman. Like really in love but it couldn't be. Somalis were hardcore about not marrying ajanabis back then.
My Ancestors Did This When Trading Why In The Hell Should I Be The First In My Linage To Fold To Shisheyeeye We Ain't Reer Msgaal Here We Know Why They Love Shisheyeeye

:rejoice: :sass1: :sass1:


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Some Italians, some brits, a few Arabs (Morocco, Yemen egypt mainly) 2 Indians, a few bengalis, 1 Portuguese and 1 St Lucian Muslim dude who married my aunt and my entire extended family went crazy over. I have a few distant German and Afghan relatives too

Nalaaye floxks

Life is like a sandwich, the bread comes first💰💯
Ik my oldest cousin is married to an indian and my mom’s cousin is married to a yemeni
all of my maternal uncles and aunt married out. jamaican, mexican, white, and african-american in-laws. my siblings and I are the only full somali grandchildren
A few here and there but the ones I know face to face are a Filipino fella who lives back in Somalia and is married to a distant paternal relative of mine and has I think about 3-4 kids with her, two of whom I've met. Really great dude who has worked for my aabo for many years. I also have an cadaan, Norwegian "uncle" who converted to Islam and married a maternal aunt of mine. I grew up visiting their fam and 2 kids from time to time when I was growing up, though both kids are older than me by almost a decade and were done with college for a while when I was starting. Oh and I do have several first cousins on my dad's side born to a Yemeni-Somali hooyo if that counts. I'm planning to work with one of them soon. Standup guy.

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Ummmm my mom is married to ajnabi.

Aside from that, my uncles wife is half-oromo/half-somali.

Also, I have random half cousins on 23andme looking for their Somali father. They’re all 3/4 cousin so that’s too distant for me to care. I already have 1000s of cousins in 1/2 cousin list, so 3/4 isn’t my buisness.
One in the middle of rural latin america. Nacala faraxs who seed drop

My family is more okay with marrying muslim ajnabi than 0.5 somali
:kendrickcry: :mjlol:

Did your mom divorce your Ogaden father and then married an ajanabi guy? And do you have half Somali siblings?

Nalaaye floxks

Life is like a sandwich, the bread comes first💰💯
I got egyptian, indian, yemeni(mosty arab salah) and kenyan

I’ll be the first family to be married to a NA but I’ll get what allah gives


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Did your mom divorce your Ogaden father and then married an ajanabi guy? And do you have half Somali siblings?
Yes, but my dad is actually Hawiye with OG mom. So I’m 25% hawiye. I don’t claim them h u t u s though.
And I have only one half brother.

