Do you have ajnabi people married into your family?


Coping through the 1st world

I had an uncle (AUN) who married a white Canadian women.

They have a son who served the US or the Canadian marine; not sure which side was it if I be honest, but I know he’s half Canadian.

also I had a another uncle of mine (AUN) who married a half Somali and a half Yemeni. met the little half relatives.

unfortunately I dId not get the chance to meet the Canadian side; hope I get the chance to meet the son.
Not that I know of, seems like my family are the only Somalis who marry other Somalis only in the West :cosbyhmm:

I do know Somalis who married non Somalis, but they're not relatives.
Not even if my family married ajnabi except 2 aunts. One married an Ethiopian 30 years ago and another married a Somalilander around same time. Both men were trash
A distant cousin of mine married a Yemeni but everyone else married within their sub sub clans.
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Bed Never Wed

Damnnnn I don’t have any ajanabis in my family since all of my immediate family is in Djibouti. However, my oldest sister is married to a Somali from Ethiopia so thats an ajanabi LOL (jk). One thing I do know is my lilttle brothers for sure will marry an ajanabi and I hope they do because they’re trash!
As an older sibling you should help your brothers.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
You're reminding me of some abtis of mine who practiced saqajanimo in their yute:

I had a hilarious uncle who was in a relationship with this cadaan woman for a long time. She was honestly a nice lady and head over heels for him so my mother asked him why he wouldn't just marry her and he goes "Let me tell you, there are two kinds of women in the world, one you mistress and one you wife. She is a mistress."

Most of my fam is very religious and serious, wallahi. But there are some funny characters in the mix. I had another uncle who went to Russia for his university studies, this was pre-civil war and returned to become a Judge in Xamar. Unfortunately he picked up a love of khamr in the USSR and apparently even fell deeply in love with a Russian woman who's heart he shattered into a million pieces before returning home because he of course could not marry an ajanabi. He would often tell my mom about how all the messed up stuff that happened to him after that was just desserts for breaking her little blue eyed heart.


But to be fair to him, the second abti was legitimately in love with that Russian woman. Like really in love but it couldn't be. Somalis were hardcore about not marrying ajanabis back then.
You're reminding me of some abtis of mine who practiced saqajanimo in their yute:


But to be fair to him, the second abti was legitimately in love with that Russian woman. Like really in love but it couldn't be. Somalis were hardcore about not marrying ajanabis back then.
Except Italians it seems


Coping through the 1st world
Do arabo-somalis look like cadcads or something else?

I’ve heard somalis genes are quite dominant against MENA genes.

My auntie is half Yemeni and she looks very Somali; though if you see her too often you‘ll see a little mix in her.

take look at this video. You’ll a farax who’s married to a Iraqi; his child looks just like her father:



بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Do arabo-somalis look like cadcads or something else?
Weirdly, my half Yemeni cousins tend to look one of two ways:

1) Surprisingly Somali looking. Like, they'd straight up pass easy.

2) Somewhat off, almost like they're a pretty MENA leaning Sudani-Arab.

Have yet to see one that actually looks Yemeni. Nothing like Cadcads, though. Which makes sense cos Cadcads are not a straightforward Somali+Arab mixture but something a whole lot more diverse:

They're really mixed up. I've noticed once you run them well on Gedmatch or with nMonte G25, on average most of them turn up 20% Desi, 30-40% Lamagoodle, 5-10% Bantu and the rest is a mismash of MENA to Central Asian. Everything from various sorts of Arab to even Iranian or Uzbek. Their Y-DNA and mtDNA is all over the place too. E-V32, G2, J1... think I even heard of a saxiib with some E1b1a lineage. They're like a hodgpodge between all the ajanabis who got attracted to Banaadir historically mixed up with the local Gibil-Madow Somalis.

Except Italians it seems

Huh? You replying to me? But you know I do have half Italian relatives. One uncle married an Italian woman (he recently passed away) and had several children with her. Believe they were together right up until his recently and aged death. (AUN) But I've never met the wife or even my uncle (only saw him as a little kid and I can't really remember). But I have met one or two of his "kids" who were old enough to be my parents.
Idk about you guys but I just can’t see myself EVER doing that.

Weirdly, my half Yemeni cousins tend to look one of two ways:

1) Surprisingly Somali looking. Like, they'd straight up pass easy.

2) Somewhat off, almost like they're a pretty MENA leaning Sudani-Arab.

Have yet to see one that actually looks Yemeni. Nothing like Cadcads, though. Which makes sense cos Cadcads are not a straightforward Somali+Arab mixture but something a whole lot more diverse:

Huh? You replying to me? But you know I do have half Italian relatives. One uncle married an Italian woman (he recently passed away) and had several children with her. Believe they were together right up until his recently and aged death. (AUN) But I've never met the wife or even my uncle (only saw him as a little kid and I can't really remember). But I have met one or two of his "kids" who were old enough to be my parents.
No you said old school Somalis didn’t mix so I said except with Italians cos there are lots of Somali Italians.

