Did I go too far with this girl?

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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
As a Muslim, Allah told you to only follow the Quran. Why are you putting extremest Sheikhs opinions on a pedestal, instead of the Quran?
Quran says to lower your gaze and dont come near zina.

Explain how one can be friends with women
Im not your sxb, so don’t call me that.

If you want to make a post discussing your drunkenness then go and make one, don’t come to my thread.


Sxb, you are very touchy, did salafism made you become Sheikh Yahya Safi’s cat? Are you complaining that a girl touched you? But you wouldn’t have a problem if you held hands with your Salafi “brother”. Nacasnimada meesha kala tag.
Is this your first job?


I don’t even drink soft drinks let alone alcohol.



Sxb, you are very touchy, did salafism made you become Sheikh Yahya Safi’s cat? Are you complaining that a girl touched you? But you wouldn’t have a problem if you held hands with your Salafi “brother”. Nacasnimada meesha kala tag.
Is this your first job?


I don’t even drink soft drinks let alone alcohol.
I don’t even follow wahhabism dude, stop making shit up. Your attempts of labelling any traditional islamic views as salafism in order to divide muslims is not working. I know you won’t be content until we apostate from the religion like you.

If a man invaded the private space of a woman and physically touched her, then he would be labelled as a pervert and would get fired for sexual harassment. Stop the double standards.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
@World you did the right thing bro. You can work with women professionally in the workplace and school but platonic friendships outside of that between the genders are a no-no in Islam. The religion is very clear on this.

Btw she had no right to touch you but I doubt your workplace would care if you reported it. I would just avoid her from now on, and make sure if she talks to you there's a camera around or witnesses.
The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “No man should be alone with a woman unless there is a mahram with them.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (1862) and Muslim (1341).

And he (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “No man is alone with a woman but the Shaytaan is the third one present.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (1171)

I am not the best Muslim and even guilty of this but I cannot change what Islam made clear.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
No, you didn't go too far. You're just a delusional extremest if you believe it's impermissible for women and men are to be friends in Islam.

Would you be ok with it if your husband had female friends then and hung out with them alone?
Would you be ok with it if your husband had female friends then and hung out with them alone?
There's a difference between saying it's impermissible in Islam, and my own opinions. What you need to do is put Allah's words first and not sheikh or my own opinion.
Is my opinion above Allah's to you? Seems like it!
Quran says to lower your gaze and dont come near zina.

Explain how one can be friends with women
That has nothing to do with being friends with a woman. As long as you don't view women as walking sexual objects, it should be completely fine to have female friends.


Qolana Janno qolana naar
Got a new part time job a week ago and there is this Asian girl who works here as well and she’s been annoying me from day one.

Today she asked me if guys and girls can be friends in Islam(she’s Muslim) and I told her no they can’t. Then she was like “what about us” so I told that ther I’m not her friend, but her co-worker. She laughed thinking I was joking but then when she noticed I was serious, she slapped me on my arm and told me “I’m mean”. And she avoided me for the rest of the day.

I dunno if I went too far but at least it got the job done and she’s not on my case anymore lol.
Dont report to HR that is off. Be nice to her but dont cross the line.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
There's a difference between saying it's impermissible in Islam, and my own opinions. What you need to do is put Allah's words first and not sheikh or my own opinion.
Is my opinion above Allah's to you? Seems like it!

No of course not sister. I am just saying be consistent. You said men and women can be friends, so I provided you with the logical corollary of your statement. Btw, I already know your answer but I just wanted to demonstrate that I think you don't really believe the statement that men and women can be friends.

I know what the religion says and it is very clear. Allah (SWT) says don't even go near fornication/adultery (Zina). Friendships between the genders and hanging out alone is approaching that sin.

Trust me when I say guys don't have self control, most men who you think are your "friends" would probably sleep with you if you offered. That's just the way we are as men. Only men with low-testosterone levels or gays could be friends with women and not feel sexually attracted to them in some way.
How do you pray salah or perform hajj without hadith?
If Allah didn't tell you how to do something, it either was not necessary or something you should already know how to do. Don't question Allah's choice of words. The Quran is fully detailed, as Allah himself said in Verses 6:114-115
I don’t believe that the opposite gender interacting is haram dude, the result of extreme segregation like that is homosexuality(as is common in Arab lands).

But friendship is a no no.

I was in agreement with you.

Friendship = being alone with one another.

Also, I think this girl might have some feelings for you.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
I don’t believe that the opposite gender interacting is haram dude, the result of extreme segregation like that is homosexuality(as is common in Arab lands).

But friendship is a no no.

Somali culture is best on this. Business and professional relationships are acceptable. Friendships should be frowned upon and taboo.
If Allah didn't tell you how to do something, it either was not necessary or something you should already know how to do. Don't question Allah's choice of words. The Quran is fully detailed, as Allah himself said in Verses 6:114-115
Wait so you're saying you don't do both things
tenor (1).gif
How do you pray salah or perform hajj without hadith?

You are correct brother don't listen to someone who doesn't follow the words of the prophet they are misguided they only follow the Quran but not the hadith give me a break!!!
No of course not sister. I am just saying be consistent. You said men and women can be friends, so I provided you with the logical corollary of your statement. Btw, I already know your answer but I just wanted to demonstrate that I think you don't really believe the statement that men and women can be friends.

I know what the religion says and it is very clear. Allah (SWT) says don't even go near fornication/adultery (Zina). Friendships between the genders and hanging out alone is approaching that sin.

Trust me when I say guys don't have self control, most men who you think are your "friends" would probably sleep with you if you offered. That's just the way we are as men. Only men with low-testosterone levels or gays could be friends with women and not feel sexually attracted to them in some way.
I believe there's nothing wrong with a man and a woman having a friendship, and Allah doesn't either considering the Quran doesn't that that man and women cannot be friends. You can have your opinion on it and follow sheikhs/Hadiths, but that doesn't change the fact that nowhere in the Quran does it say that.
When did I say that, just like where in the Quran does it say to follow hadith?

You are misguided!! The prophet words is the hadith and it's not his opinions but rather a revelation from Allah!!

Nor does he speak of (his own) desire.

It is but a revelation revealed”

[an-Najm 53:3-4].
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