Deluded self haters says Somalis escaped by luck in the slave trade

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Somalis can’t trust one another and can’t talk face to face frankly to solve their problems. We’ve been like this for generations. For example, now, when there are issues between the triangle of Somalia-Puntland and Somaliland-our lords in Addis Ababa wag the finger to us and our leaders drop everything and rush there and a resolution is forced on them. This is happening in 2018 and are you telling me that we were united 500 years ago and rebuffed slavery solely to our might and unity when we were barely naked, carried spears and knives and were in constant war with one another? Somalis are the least productive Africans, we die of starvation while we posses the longest coast in Africa and have the most arable lands, Saaxibiyaal, this is why no one would’ve bought Somali slaves because the slave markets required strong and hard working men and not on other factors. Please give me some of the cool-aid that you are drinking & sing with you kumbaya.
Somalis can’t trust one another and can’t talk face to face frankly to solve their problems. We’ve been like this for generations. For example, now, when there are issues between the triangle of Somalia-Puntland and Somaliland-our lords in Addis Ababa wag the finger to us and our leaders drop everything and rush there and a resolution is forced on them. This is happening in 2018 and are you telling me that we were united 500 years ago and rebuffed slavery solely to our might and unity when they were barely naked and were in constant war with one another? Somalis are the least productive Africans, we die of starvation while wr posses the longest coast in Africa and have the most arable lands, Saaxibiyaal, this is why no one would’ve bought Somali slaves because the slave markets required strong and hard working men and not on other factors. Please give me some of the cool-aid that you are drinking & sing with you kumbaya.
Here's some readable kool-aid for you

Slavery in Somalia existed as a part of the Arab slave trade. To meet the demand for menial labor, Bantusfrom southeastern Africa captured by Somali slave traders were sold in cumulatively large numbers over the centuries to customers in Somalia and other areas in Northeast Africa and Asia

Somalis were slavery drivers. Same reason white people weren't enslaved, they were too busy enslaving others.

Now sing dat kumbaya with me
Here's some readable kool-aid for you

Slavery in Somalia existed as a part of the Arab slave trade. To meet the demand for menial labor, Bantusfrom southeastern Africa captured by Somali slave traders were sold in cumulatively large numbers over the centuries to customers in Somalia and other areas in Northeast Africa and Asia

Somalis were slavery drivers. Same reason white people weren't enslaved, they were too busy enslaving others.


I don’t read Wikipedia as a source.
Here's a book brother:

[1] Gwyn Campbell, The Structure of Slavery in Indian Ocean Africa and Asia, 1 edition, (Routledge: 2003), p.ix


Thanks bro, I’m not home now, can you be kind enough to post excerpts that support your point. Please don’t pick & choose. I will read it when I get home 6 hours from now).

Thanks bro, I’m not home now, can you be kind enough to post excerpts that support your point. Please don’t pick & choose. I will read it when I get home 6 hours from now).
I can't find any free versions. But it appears to be on Amazon

Check page 9. Should have the relevant information.
Somali slaves because the slave markets required strong and hard working men and not on other factors. .

This point was already refuted in another thread. Your stubbornness and dislike for Somalis makes you keep on repeating the same point(opinion) even though there is no evidence for what you claim. Slavery didn’t work like that: “hey Johnny, we won’t go and enslave those Somalis because they are lazy”. Skinny as Oromos and Nilotic herders were enslaved.

Even the first white explorers to try to enter Harar were killed by Somalis. Richard Burton was summoned by the British government to explain why John Speke was killed and the former was injured.

Your problem is that you think the Somalis of post civil war 1993 and the Somalis of past are of the same ilk. Most of the nationalistic and intelligent Somalis have been killed or have left the country. The people who are running Somali territories now are the same folks who were involved in the civil war or diaspora uneducated fools. Most Somalis of the past didn’t even chew khat. It is foolish to compare the Somalis who paved the way for Somali independence etc to folks who have been living in anarchy for 30 years. You think uneducated jahils like AbdI Iley or
32 year old guy who has been recently appointed head of the Somali region in Ethiopia can be compared to their ancestors?


All White Europeans used to be slaves a few hundred years. The feudal system was definitely slavery and White Lords enslaved their White Peasants.

Somalis were never slaves from the palaeolithic until now. From free East African hunter-gatherers to free Nomadic Agro-Pastoralists.

Somalis are genetically probably encoded to be the least submissive people on the planet. Maybe Afghans and Central Asians as well.
I forgot to say the idea that “Somalis are the laziest Africans” is also a myth. Again, this something borne out of the civil war and Somalis moving to the West to collect welfare. All you have to do is go to places where there is no welfare net and you will see if Somalis are lazy.

Somali reer magaal were unemployed in various capacities.

The rest were mainly nomads.Some foolish people think herding livestock is an easy lifestyle. I have even read people calling nomads “Lazy”. Lol. I would love to see them tend to camels for 2 hours.


I forgot to say the idea that “Somalis are the laziest Africans” is also a myth. Again, this something borne out of the civil war and Somalis moving to the West to collect welfare. All you have to do is go to places where there is no welfare and you will see if Somalis are lazy.

Somalis who were reer magaal were unemployed in various capacities.

The rest were mainly nomads.Some foolish people think herding livestock is an east lifestyle. I have even read people calling nomads “Lazy”. Lol.

Somalis have a cultural taboo against hard manual labour. This is what causes many of the uneducated fob Somalis to rather collect welfare in the West than work like an ox in manual labour like Eastern Europeans / Mexicans.
Somalis have a cultural taboo against hard manual labour. This is what causes many of the uneducated fob Somalis to rather collect welfare in the West than work like an ox in manual labour like Eastern Europeans / Mexicans.
I have to agree with you on that one. But the herder lifestyles of folks like Somali, Rendille and Masai were not exactly easy nor were those folks inherently lazy.


I have to agree with you on that one. But the herder lifestyles of folks like Somali, Rendille and Masai were not exactly easy nor were those folks inherently lazy.

China is now exporting many of its easy manual labour jobs to Ethiopia. Perhaps the Ethiopians are cheap and submissive enough to do such work because of their long farmer history?


Qolana Janno qolana naar

We were Muslims during the advent of the Arab Slave trade. So we wouldn't of been made slaves.

We're in EASTERN FUCKING AFRICA! Why on God's green Earth would Europeans interested in getting slaves for the new world go to the perilous desert lands of Somalia, meet nomads, not farmers used to labor, but fucking nomads who are used to tribal combat, go through the hassle of fighting said people, and getting their rowdy asses as slaves, shipping them from East Africa to West Africa, and then ship them past the Atlantic ocean to become slaves in America!?! No slave owner is gonna waste that kind of time, energy and money on that idea!

It has been proven that West Africans sold out their own people as slaves. There wasn't any battle.

Do you honestly expect me to believe a handful of Europeans with flintlocked rifles, which were already VERY INEFFICIENT WEAPONS TO USE AT THE TIME, went to a foreign land, fought all the people there, WHO ARE USED TO SAID FUCKING LAND, subjugated them, and got slaves?

The logical explanation was that they went there for business. Got news that slavery was there. Purchased slaves in the area. Said Africans made money. And the Europeans got slaves.
Most slaves were caught by same or other tribes in west africa.
White guys were waiting for their cargo on their ship.

Somalis will never allow someone to get away with this kind of crime.
@Hanan.ilhan this girl claimed yesterday that we were just lucky and got away only because no one wanted to enslave us. This is nonsense Somalis didn't get enslaved because we are restless people with massive pride no one could dominate us our people are just to fierce cunning and brutal when it comes to battle Somalis have no mercy
So I read up on what she said and that’s not true. She didn’t say that we escaped being enslaved because no one wanted us. She literally said that the blacks were enslaved because they were on the west coast of Africa so closer to the America and if Somalia was on the coast too, we would’ve been probably enslaved too. Which isn’t absurd.


So I read up on what she said and that’s not true. She didn’t say that we escaped being enslaved because no one wanted us. She literally said that the blacks were enslaved because they were on the west coast of Africa so closer to the America and if Somalia was on the coast too, we would’ve been probably enslaved too. Which isn’t absurd.

Listen sxb, that is false. You do realize North Africans (Berbers) are more near to Europe than West African (Negroids) yet Berbers weren't enslaved because they were fierce nomads that established powerful kingdoms that even sometimes outpower the Europeans. West Africans also had kingdoms but they instead sold their slaves to the Europeans. Somalis never enslaved each other due to their practice of Xeer system and they take pride in their Somainimo. They would never allow anybody to enslave them and fight till the very death. They also established powerful kingdoms so the Europeans would never touch us even if we were on the west coast. So yes, that is absolutely absurd.

Europeans don't want to waste on their resources & wealth on people that will refuse to be slaves. They want it quick and easy without wasting anything. They had easier alternatives of getting slaves, historically speaking.
Listen sxb, that is false. You do realize North Africans (Berbers) are more near to Europe than West African (Negroids) yet Berbers weren't enslaved because they were fierce nomads that established powerful kingdoms that even sometimes outpower the Europeans. West Africans also had kingdoms but they instead sold their slaves to the Europeans. Somalis never enslaved each other due to their practice of Xeer system and they take pride in their Somainimo. They would never allow anybody to enslave them and fight till the very end. They also established powerful kingdoms so the Europeans would never touch us even if we were on the west coast. So yes, that is absolutely absurd.

Europeans don't want to waste on their resources & wealth on people that will refuse to be slaves. They want it quick and easy without wasting anything.
Wallahi I wasn’t talking about Europe. But tbh I don’t care for that what if and shit. Just hate when people misrepresent others and put words in their mouth.


Wallahi I wasn’t talking about Europe. But tbh I don’t care for that what if and shit. Just hate when people misrepresent others and put words in their mouth.

Lol when I'm talking about the Europeans, I'm talking about the white folks from America. I didn't put words in your mouth.
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