Been there, done that
Reading through this thread has shown me that you believe in a class system of some kind, wealth accumulation but not done obscenely. So why do you call yourself a communist?
Being a communist or a socialist doesn't mean you absolutely believe that everyone is equal or should get equal pay, no matter what you do there will always be some form of disparity between individuals, that's just human nature, it's about accepting this harsh fact and doing whatever necessary to get rid of these inequalities or reducing them to the bare-minimum
The following is a passage from V.L.Lenin from "A Liberal Professor on Equality"
“This is the reasoning of a liberal scholar who repeats the incredibly trite and threadbare argument that experience and reason clearly prove that men are not equal, yet socialism bases its ideal on equality. Hence, socialism, if you please, is an absurdity which is contrary to experience and reason, and so forth!*
Mr. Tugan repeats the old trick of the reactionaries: first to misinterpret socialism by making it out to be an absurdity, and then to triumphantly refute the absurdity! When we say that experience and reason prove that men are not equal, we mean by equality, equality in abilities or similarity in physical strength and mental ability.
It goes without saying that in this respect men are not equal. No sensible person and no socialist forgets this. But this kind of equality has nothing whatever to do with socialism. If Mr. Tugan is quite unable to think, he is at least able to read; were lie to Lake the well-known work of one of the founders of scientific socialism, Frederick Engels, directed against D’uhring, he would find there a special section explaining the absurdity of imagining that economic equality means anything else than the abolition of classes. But when professors set out to refute socialism, one never knows what to wonder at most—their stupidity, their ignorance, or their unscrupulousness.”