Cushites ruled the known world...

Listen to these dishonest and ignorant people.
Phoenicia is an ancient Greek term used to refer to the major export of the region, cloth dyed Tyrian purple from the Murex mollusc, and referred to the major Canaanite port towns; not corresponding precisely to Phoenician culture as a whole as it would have been understood natively. Their civilization was organized in city-states, similar to those of ancient Greece,[5], centered in modern Lebanon, of which the most notable cities were Tyre, Sidon, Arwad, Berytus, Byblos, and Carthage.[6] Each city-state was a politically independent unit, and it is uncertain to what extent the Phoenicians viewed themselves as a single nationality. In terms of archaeology, language, lifestyle, and religion there was little to set the Phoenicians apart as markedly different from other residents of the Levant, such as their close relatives and neighbors, the Israelites.[7]

(They make Phoenicia to have been in the levant and even Canaan aswell.
According to common sense and Herodotus, the Phoenicians originated near the Erythraean sea. Anciently the Erythraean sea was the area that is now the Gulf of Berbera or even North Western Indian Ocean(periplus of the eryhraean sea). Theres a town in yemen called Faniqa to this day, therefore Phoenicians extended from the Gulf of Berbera on arabian coast up to Canaan i.e the Hijaz.

@Samaalic Era
The 9th century historian Asma'i summarized the settling of the Lakhmids of the Azd in the early Christian era.

“‘They (the southern Arabs) did not enter a land without robbing its people of it. Khuza’a wrested Mecca from Jurhum; Aws and Khazraj wrested Medina from the Jews; the clan of Mundhir seized Iraq from its people; the clan of Jafna seized Syria from its people and ruled it; and the progeny of ‘Imran ibn ‘Amr ibn ‘Amir [of al-As/zd] seized Oman from its people. Up till then all of these (southern tribes) had been in obedience to the kings of Himyar."
The land of Cush was originally in Arabia, the ancient Arabians were cushites, there were two races in ancient Arabia. The ancient cushites and the semites who came later on... the semites Arabians came at the time when the Israelites migrated to the land of Canaan the were mainly in the hedjaz region....ETHIOPIA TRANSLATES AS CUSH IN HEBREW
Cushites migrated from Arabia into Africa and Asia...the Phoenicians, chaldeans were descendants of Cush, they brought science, maths, astronomy everything we were KANGGGZZZ !!
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We migrated from arabiaaa into Africa negus...

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Whats the title of this book?


Wrong cushites lived in southern Arabia
In all seriousness, Arabia was populated by Basal Eurasians and later on was taken over by Semites from the South Levant.

Cushites never lived there. Abyssinians (in the 500s CE) were the first Cushites to go there.

Nimrud/Nimrod was a direct descendant of cush

As for arabic coming from Israel....that is all too easily disprovable. The tribe of Jurhum from Yemen brought arabic to the Hijaz at a time when it was a minority language in the peninsula.


Nimrud/Nimrod was a direct descendant of cush

As for arabic coming from Israel....that is all too easily disprovable. The tribe of Jurhum from Yemen brought arabic to the Hijaz at a time when it was a minority language in the peninsula.

Cush is not a person, but refers to an ancient empire in Northern Sudan. Also, there's a place in Mesotamia called Kish that is often referred to as Cush in the bible.

Arabic is from the Southern Levant, not Southern Arabia. I was trolling about it coming from Israel, but it comes from Jordan/Northwest Saudi Arabia, not far from it.


Cush is not a person, but refers to an ancient empire in Northern Sudan. Also, there's a place in Mesotamia called Kish that is often referred to as Cush in the bible.

Arabic is from the Southern Levant, not Southern Arabia. I was trolling about it coming from Israel, but it comes from Jordan/Northwest Saudi Arabia, not far from it.

The way you said any of that with absolubte confidence :mjlol:

Arab genealogists at the time of the prophet would be able to tell that Jurhum brought arabic to the Hijaz and that Jurhum was from Yemen

I could bring more evidence from a linguistic perspective but getting into a serious debate over a forum like somalispot accomplishes nothing.

I just wish that people when they make assertations on subjects that they clearly aren't 100% on, don't make their arguments seem definitive. It's only conducive to ignorance


The way you said any of that with absolubte confidence :mjlol:

Arab genealogists at the time of the prophet would be able to tell that Jurhum brought arabic to the Hijaz and that Jurhum was from Yemen

I could bring more evidence from a linguistic perspective but getting into a serious debate over a forum like somalispot accomplishes nothing.

I just wish that people when they make assertations on subjects that they clearly aren't 100% on, don't make their arguments seem definitive. It's only conducive to ignorance

To be frank, my interest in the Semites is not that great. But let's be real, South Semitic was spoken in Yemen-Oman and Southern Saudi Arabia prior to arrival of Central Semitic languages like Arabic. There are plenty of sources out there that attest to this.

Arabic is also closer to Aramaic (a language of the Levant, apparently what Jesus spoke) than to South Semitic.

No need to claim it's a Southern language to feel more comfortable speaking it, in case you are an Arabic speaker.