stop the gatekeeping, your a nobody who has no say in who's Somali lol, useless kulaha maybe in your opinion but thats as far as it goes
sxb even the current president of Somalia probably didn't know what that meant as he constantly adds English to his speeches lol, in the near future Somalia will be diaspora dominated (it technically already is but diaspora elders run the show)You are one of those useless waste perhaps. Truth hurts. First step to redemption for you:
Get your freaking username right. It is TukoRaq which is composed of tuke - crow and raq - corpse. I bet you had no idea what it meant but that is where your family comes from and thought it was cool.
At least being butt-hurt means you care. There is hope for you.
I personally wouldn't care if they all died and became extinct in the west. MOST OF THEM ARE OF NO VALUE TO SOMALIA
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sxb even the current president of Somalia probably didn't know what that meant as he constantly adds English to his speeches lol, in the near future Somalia will be diaspora dominated (it technically already is but diaspora elders run the show)
those stats aren't near accurate sxb theres no way its only a million, Kenyan and Ethiopian somalis have there land in Kenya and Ethiopia and aren't from Somalia proper anyways so why would they count, and like I said the ones in the diaspora are the ones pulling the strings anyways since they have the moneyYou have your estimates wrong about the Somali diaspora population. They are less than a million. Compare that to the Somali population in Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia.
First immigrants had tons of kids in America and Europe. Second generation will have less kids since they adopted the local cultures that restrict or look down on large families. Most teens I encountered are selfish and care about only their personal interests and don't have the character to sacrifice for kids of their own, so this will reduce the Somali population in the west. I sound uncaring but that might be good for Somalia and Somalis in general.
With each decade, their numbers will get less. Somalia is also attracting back many who left, there is a back flow already.
The ones who go back to the country as productive members like Farmaajo, they are welcome. Others need to shape up or stay in their Norway saxib.
those stats aren't near accurate sxb theres no way its only a million, Kenyan and Ethiopian somalis have there land in Kenya and Ethiopia and aren't from Somalia proper anyways so why would they count, and like I said the ones in the diaspora are the ones pulling the strings anyways since they have the money
Butt-hurt, the door to redemption is open. Play your healthy role or simply wallow in your misery. Don't ask me to like you.
those stats aren't near accurate sxb theres no way its only a million, Kenyan and Ethiopian somalis have there land in Kenya and Ethiopia and aren't from Somalia proper anyways so why would they count, and like I said the ones in the diaspora are the ones pulling the strings anyways since they have the money
they can gain independence and join according to the Ethiopian constitutionNot cool man, insha’allah one day soon we will reunite with Somalia. The path forward is getting clearer every day.
Butt hurt ? what are you some angsty teenage brat that things he knows it all, misery it seems like your projecting.
The Somalis in Kenya and Ethiopia live where their ancestors lived as far back as history was recorded saxib. They are not occupying anyone's spot in both countries but their own historical lands. That is why to me Ethiopia and Kenya are just relative names geographically and Somalis who live there are Somali citizens to me. They are culturally, linguistically and ethnically similar 100% to mainland Somalis. They cross over and back freely and no Somali will ever question their right to all lands which their clans occupy in all those countries.
As far as the economic influence we have on our relatives back home, I got newsflash for ya, they take your money and think of you as useless, or Gaalraac. The minute they sense a minor religious infraction in your attitude, they would still take your money and call you Gaal.
Professionals tried to start projects in Somalia many times before but the locals would not have it out of suspicion of hidden agenda. Our people back home are stubborn much to their disadvantage sometimes but mostly for their benefit if we look at what matters for human beings - Their pure Faith.
Baki, Hello there brother. Identify yourself so we can have appropriate conversation. I need to know what your beef with me is based on.
What hurt your feelings?
- Mentions of Atheism in the useless category?
- Extinction list that was sweeping?
If the latter, and you love your people and country, I will ignore anything else about you and wish the best for you.
The only thing I own is my feelings towards others, so I decided today it costs anyone to earn a good spot in my list moving forward. It is a free world and I am exercising my freedom of thought just like haters on here perpetually exercise that freedom to hate on Somalis and be negative 24/7 about Somalia and Somalis. I am tired of their bs, so this is new me and I am not having anything else on the menu other than strict application of bias.
Total war from now on.
Not cool man, insha’allah one day soon we will reunite with Somalia. The path forward is getting clearer every day.
Ooh hail our Messiah @Schematics
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Just tell us how you are going to save us all , what matters is pure faith kulaha and how far has their pure faith taken them thus far, let me see a country totally destroyed, a whole nation devided and a billion plus other problems, your not telling us anything new that we have not heard before, but do tell us ooh Messiah how your going to save Somalia from the abyss with your condescending self righteous know it all attitude.
It is faith that kept our people together in the absence of central government. This fact about Somalia impressed many who theorized that without central government, modern societies can not survive. Somalis not only survived, they rebuilt with their own money. We have culture and religion that reinforce trust and personal responsibility. For those of us who practice their culture and scripture, we are successful on a personal level and on a community level. Our country survives today despite tremendous odds and enemies including Somalis who work to divide our people. Somalis are the only people with few friends in world politics, yet they are proud as Somalis and stand tall among nations culturally.
Only someone who self-hates fails to see the potential of Somalis.
Ignore him akh, I imagine he wouldn’t even understand if I told him I would rather Somalia stay poor or lose even more rather than losing our faith. The nature of belief confuses the kaafir.
Tying the socioeconomic situation of Somalia to religion in the first place is an asinine and facile analysis which shows his subversive agenda. If we had more emaan we wouldn’t have fought amongst ourselves to begin with. If we were for example to look at the GCC countries and compare it to say atheistic North Korea and say it was down to a difference of faith, it would fly in the face of his assumptions and would be a shallow analysis on our part. The physical and material nature of this Dunya is entirely separate from the metaphysical.
I think he is afraid of hellfire in his heart and thinks if he convinces enough people, especially believing people, to join him he can rationalize his disbelief to himself. Many such cases.
Akh ? I'm guessing reer UK, why ofcourse who else would it be, you skim everything that i said and nit pick one thing which is Faith one's belief which to be honest i quite frankly don't give a damn about, you can belief in whatever that's your personal choice, my point stand it's the backwardness of the old generation that the younger genaration wants to emulate push it down people's throat by force/qasaab, rules and certain out dated customs that won't work and never will work in this day and age, like i said before revel in your alternate reality.
I swear your delusional rebuild what exactly ? and with their own money is that why they keep begging the IMF and other institutes for money all the time , and our whole country is devided so Somalis sticking together is a laughable concept, it's like you and people like minded live in a alternate reality, by the way other countries have fought Wars which the likes of Somalia has never ever seeing before, tens of millions up millions death governments and societies have crumbled and fallen and rebuild in less then a matter of 40 to 50 years span, Somalia is in total anarchy for 30 plus years but yeah everything is fine and dandy
You know what the problem is with you and your ilks, you have the same mindset as the older generation, that's why Somalis as a whole are stagnant and not going anywhere, what was that saying again ooh yeah Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
I'm done with this revel in your alternate reality.